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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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03.05.2010 13:13, vasiliy-feoktistov

Please help! Very urgent!!!
We found something in the far corner of the kitchen cabinet:
user posted image
Found 02.05.10, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The fact is that we live in a rented apartment, and on that shelf is the owner's dishes. We have never looked there in 2 years. And then we decided to take that shelf apart to make room for ourselves, and we came across it! The back wall of the cabinet just in this corner moves away a little, there is a gap.
And we don't know, first of all, what is it? And secondly , how long has it been there? Is there anyone alive in there? Maybe "it" has been there for two years, or maybe quite recently.
We assumed that it might be a bumblebee nest, but we never noticed bumblebees in the apartment.

Tell me, please, and then somehow it's not easy to live next to something unknown!

It seems to me that this is a nest (wasp, bumblebee?). Don't panic, just take it off and throw it away. smile.gif

03.05.2010 21:35, okoem

  mol.gif Help with the definition of. M.O. 28. 04. 2010

Callimorpha dominula
Likes: 1

04.05.2010 8:15, vasiliy-feoktistov

  mol.gif Help with the definition of. M.O. 28. 04. 2010

If it's not a secret? I would like to be more precise. And on what plant?

04.05.2010 14:44, Andrey Ponomarev

If it's not a secret? I would like to be more precise. And on what plant?

Orekhovo-zuyevsky district, pos.Poplar.I found it on the wall of the house, transplanted it to a forget-me-nots, she tried it and left, apparently not her feeder.
Likes: 1

04.05.2010 14:53, Andrey Ponomarev

Guys, tell me what kind of animal I saw for the first time, on the bark of a pine tree.Sorry for the quality of the photo.

picture: IMG_2363.jpg
IMG_2363.jpg — (236.16к)

picture: IMG_2365.jpg
IMG_2365.jpg — (233.7к)

04.05.2010 15:03, Victor Titov

Guys, tell me what kind of animal I saw for the first time, on the bark of a pine tree.Sorry for the quality of the photo.

It looks like a Chrysopidae larva with a cover made of aphid skins.
Likes: 1

04.05.2010 20:05, t00m

що це?

picture: arct_001.jpg
arct_001.jpg — (167.38к)

09.05.2010 10:12, Andrey Ponomarev

Whose larva is it not freckles?Oryol region, near the village.Chulkovo,Zusha River 07.05.2010 under a stone by the river.Below, the cephalothorax is bright yellow.

picture: IMG_2690.jpg
IMG_2690.jpg — (205.31к)

10.05.2010 16:48, Arikain

Please look at the larva. It's unusual, I've never seen them before, except for the caddiswoods, but they were in the water. At the slightest danger, she hid in a case, attached the thread to the surface. Tell me what it eats, I would like to bring it out.

picture: Фото_2009_2010_099.јрд
picture: Фото_2009_2010_100.јрд
picture: Фото_2009_2010_103.јрд

10.05.2010 16:51, okoem

Please look at the larva. It's unusual, I've never seen them before, except for the caddiswoods, but they were in the water. At the slightest danger, she hid in a case, attached the thread to the surface. Tell me what it eats, I would like to bring it out

The baggy bank. Similar to Canephora hirsuta.

10.05.2010 20:23, Arikain

Thank you.
And what is the food plant?

10.05.2010 20:37, Victor Titov

Whose larva is it not freckles?Oryol region, near the village.Chulkovo,Zusha River 07.05.2010 under a stone by the river.Below, the cephalothorax is bright yellow.

Yes, the larva (nymph) of some Plecoptera.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 10.05.2010 20: 38
Likes: 1

10.05.2010 21:39, Ilia Ustiantcev

What kind of caterpillar? Found in the Moscow Region today on raspberries. Angerona prunaria?
picture: DSC08646.JPG

11.05.2010 15:36, okoem

Thank you.
And what is the food plant?

To be honest , I don't know. Try to look in the books (for example. Lampert et al.) or on the Internet. Most likely, it is a multi-eater.

12.05.2010 12:55, Arikain

To be honest , I don't know. Try to look in the books (for example. Lampert et al.) or on the Internet. Most likely, it is a multi-eater.

I found on the Internet that the caterpillars are polyphages, or rather nothing is written confused.gif, I will try to feed the plants near which I found it.

13.05.2010 12:28, underveto

help me determine mol.gif

picture: pskovskaya_may.jpg
pskovskaya_may.jpg — (123.55к)

13.05.2010 12:44, Victor Titov

help me determine mol.gif

caterpillar Euthrix potatoria

13.05.2010 16:25, underveto

Thanks! smile.gif

13.05.2010 21:00, Transilvania

picture: gusja_mini.jpg
Tell me, please, what kind of cool caterpillar I found today on a wild honeysuckle in the forest. Moscow region.

13.05.2010 21:12, Sungaya

Tell me, please, what kind of cool caterpillar I found today on a wild honeysuckle in the forest. Moscow region.

Limenitis camilla
Likes: 1

16.05.2010 15:59, underveto

help me identify the caterpillar. Pskov region May 16, 2010

picture: pskovskaya_may.jpg
pskovskaya_may.jpg — (186.51к)

16.05.2010 17:59, Grigory Grigoryev

It seems to be a purple bear (Rhyparia purpurata)

18.05.2010 23:42, Mushroomhead

Please tell me what the types are. Taken in April-May in the Chelyabinsk region.

picture: Untitled_1.jpg
Untitled_1.jpg — (154.46к)

picture: Untitled_3.jpg
Untitled_3.jpg — (132.93к)

19.05.2010 21:33, Sungaya

pupae of Aporia crataegi visible

20.05.2010 22:54, Vabrus

And the caterpillars-go again Spilosoma sp.

21.05.2010 18:30, Arikain

Help me identify the moth, and I would also like to know its food plant:
picture: Фото_2009_2010_340.јрдpicture: Фото_2009_2010_342.јрдpicture: Фото_2009_2010_343.јрд

22.05.2010 16:19, larrabee

in a pile of foliage, we came across such a caterpillar (pictured). we poured the leaves into a bucket and planted it (the caterpillar) there. who is it and what can it grow into?)

22.05.2010 16:27, Victor Titov

It's the larva of some barbel beetle. In the foliage of which tree did you find it? And what is its size?

22.05.2010 21:18, Reanimator

Help me identify the caterpillars. Today, Kharkiv region. Both are found on the turn. Although the caterpillar from the first photo was observed in large numbers, in hundreds of individuals, on many woody plants in the forest-thorn, oak, and some other bushes .

The caterpillars from the second photo are 4.5 - 5 cm long.

This post was edited by Reanimator-05/22/2010 21: 30

picture: IMG_1708.jpg
IMG_1708.jpg — (123.14к)

picture: IMG_1915.JPG
IMG_1915.JPG — (168.91к)

23.05.2010 18:23, Arikain

Please look at the second moth, maybe it will be easier for the first one (Karelia):
picture: Фото_2009_2010_371.јрдpicture: Фото_2009_2010_379.јрдpicture: Фото_2009_2010_381.јрд

24.05.2010 12:01, Garricos

Pomogiga urgently identify guzenitsa!!! mol.gif Yesterday I found it next to a small pine tree, sitting on an ordinary dry blade of grass(I don't know the exact name, but in general, the usual last year's grass, which grows mainly in pine forests). On the southern slope of the hill. Minino station near Krasnoyarsk.
How to take care of it? What are the conditions for breeding a butterfly?
picture: DSCN1383.JPG
picture: DSCN1384.JPG

24.05.2010 16:47, Arikain

Pomogiga urgently identify guzenitsa!!! mol.gif Yesterday I found it next to a small pine tree, sitting on an ordinary dry blade of grass(I don't know the exact name, but in general, the usual last year's grass, which grows mainly in pine forests). On the southern slope of the hill. Minino station near Krasnoyarsk.
How to take care of it? What are the conditions for breeding a butterfly?

I have already identified this apparently: scoop, like Acronicta auricoma http://www.lepiforum.de/cgi-bin/lepiwiki.p...onicta_Auricoma

24.05.2010 16:49, Arikain

Likes: 1

24.05.2010 17:29, Zheka

Help me identify the caterpillars. Today, Kharkiv region. Both are found on the turn.
The caterpillars from the second photo are 4.5 - 5 cm long.

IMG_1915 is a hawthorn cocoonworm (Trichiura crataegi)
Likes: 1

24.05.2010 18:49, dreamrealizer

image: img_9713_copy_1.jpgThree days ago, on an apple tree in the north of the Moscow region. Can you tell me who it is and whether it is a harmful insect ?

24.05.2010 19:31, Vlad Proklov

Three days ago, on an apple tree in the north of the Moscow region. Can you tell me who it is and whether it is a harmful insect ?

Diloba caeruleocephala
Can I use a dot?

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 05/24/2010 19: 32

25.05.2010 3:42, Konung

what kind of scoop?
Omsk Region, May 23, 2010

picture: IMG_9762.jpg

picture: IMG_9765.jpg

25.05.2010 5:41, bials

Help with the definition mol.gif
May 23, Odintsovo district, Moscow region.

Autographa gamma? (it's not the black legs and the lack of a black "mask" on my head that I've seen in all the photos that confuse me.)
a. image: gamma_01.2.jpg
b. image: gamma_01.3.jpg
a. image: Brenthis_ino_01.2.jpg
b. picture: Brenthis_ino_01.1.jpg

This post was edited by bials-25.05.2010 05: 42

25.05.2010 17:47, dreamrealizer

  Diloba caeruleocephala
Can I use a dot?

This is not exactly the Moscow region, 120 km away. from Moscow, the very beginning of Yaroslavl, Pereslavl-Zalessky.
Likes: 1

25.05.2010 18:26, Transilvania

  image: img_9713_copy_1.jpgThree days ago, on an apple tree in the north of the Moscow region. Can you tell me who it is and whether it is a harmful insect ?

I don't understand what harm can come from one such small beauty. If it is already unnerving on an apple tree, you can transplant it to a wild bird cherry. I found the same goose the day before yesterday in the Dmitrov district of the Moscow Region, the village of Shchitnevo.

picture: Diloba_caeruleocephala2.jpg

Please tell me, does anyone know this moth? On a lime tree a couple of days ago, Moscow region, Kubinka.

picture: geometridae.jpg

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