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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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27.07.2010 8:54, Бабистр

Good morning. I extracted this caterpillar from a twisted nettle leaf. Now I'm scratching my head, can't it be a young caterpillar of the admiral...? confused.gifIstra district

picture: DSC00485.JPG
DSC00485.JPG — (37.17к)

picture: DSC00489.JPG
DSC00489.JPG — (37.56к)

27.07.2010 9:12, Alligator

Eurrhypara hortulata Linnaeus, 1758, Stinging nettle
Likes: 1

29.07.2010 11:37, smax

Dear lepidopterologists, help us identify the creature.
Primorsky Krai, Lazovsky district, okr. Lazo, on the Mongolian oak, July 21, 2010.
The length is about 5.5 cm.

picture: ________2.jpg
________2.jpg — (109.58 k)

picture: ________1.jpg
________1.jpg — (129.92к)

29.07.2010 22:24, Rupicola

Dear sirs!
I really ask for help with the definition of gus, unfortunately, without a photo (about four years ago it was, the photo was not saved). I've never seen anything like it again, although I've looked through the tracks of all the volnyankas on the Internet. leps.it and not only that.
It was found on an American maple leaf in the Ivanovo region. Appearance: uniform rather thick yellow hair, 3 pairs of bright red tassels on the back of the neck. The head is black, marked with a white letter "L".
It was 5 cm long before pupation. I have shed 2 times, in color without changing.
As a pupa, he traveled fifteen hundred kilometers and at the end of his journey tragically died because of my fault. =((
I would appreciate any suggestions.

30.07.2010 8:19, Admiral



Dear lepidopterologists, help us identify the creature.
Primorsky Krai, Lazovsky district, okr. Lazo, on the Mongolian oak, July 21, 2010.
The length is about 5.5 cm
This is the caterpillar of the crested bird Ptilodon capucina L.,
or a similar species of the genus Ptilodon

30.07.2010 11:47, MooN VVeLL

user posted image
Help me identify who it is?I'm not familiar with butterflies at all. Found in the Lviv region in the mountains on blueberries. The caterpillar was actively devouring twigs. And tell me if you can get a butterfly out of it and what can you feed it with other than blueberry branches?Since blueberries don't grow in my city((

This post was edited by MooN VVeLL - 30.07.2010 11: 47

30.07.2010 12:08, Guest



Dear lepidopterologists, help us identify the creature.
Primorsky Krai, Lazovsky district, okr. Lazo, on the Mongolian oak, July 21, 2010.
The length is about 5.5 cm
This is the caterpillar of the crested bird Ptilodon capucina L.,
or a similar species of the genus Ptilodon

Thanks! It was a very unusual beast. Khokhlatku nor in zhist would not suspect smile.gif

30.07.2010 12:28, smax



Dear lepidopterologists, help us identify the creature.
Primorsky Krai, Lazovsky district, okr. Lazo, on the Mongolian oak, July 21, 2010.
The length is about 5.5 cm
This is the caterpillar of the crested bird Ptilodon capucina L.,
or a similar species of the genus Ptilodon

I googled Ptilodon capucina, and I'm inclined to disagree with your verdict no.gif
The caterpillar was almost a centimeter thick, with a "leathery" back, and it was quite obvious that it did not look like a human.
My interest is idle, of course, in this case, and I don't understand a damn thing about caterpillars, but I would like to get closer to the truth rolleyes.gif

30.07.2010 19:46, Evgenich

Likes: 3

01.08.2010 13:14, micronight

Help us determine the type of caterpillar. Unfortunately, there are no photos. Both were found in the midsummer Sea Area.
The first one is about 6-7 cm long, evenly orange, hairless, without any spots and specks.
The second one is also about 6-7 cm long, very thick, hairless, black with 2 small light specks on the sides.

This post was edited by micronight-01.08.2010 13: 15

01.08.2010 14:21, Бабистр

Good afternoon! Please help me identify the following tracks. Both are located in the Istra district of the Moscow Region. The light one was sitting on a cabbage (in the photo it is just on it), the darker one was running along the road.

picture: DSC00657.JPG
DSC00657.JPG — (35.33к)

picture: DSC00666.JPG
DSC00666.JPG — (38.97к)

01.08.2010 14:37, dim-va

Dear lepidopterologists, help us identify the creature.
Primorsky Krai, Lazovsky district, okr. Lazo, on the Mongolian oak, July 21, 2010.
The length is about 5.5 cm.

Great find. This is the caterpillar of the peacock-eyed rodinia.It will form a gorgeous green cocoon on a long stalk and hatch as a butterfly at the end of September. Rhodinia fugax sp. diana

01.08.2010 14:40, dim-va

Dear sirs!
I really ask for help with the definition of gus, unfortunately, without a photo (about four years ago it was, the photo was not saved). I've never seen anything like it again, although I've looked through the tracks of all the volnyankas on the Internet. leps.it and not only that.
It was found on an American maple leaf in the Ivanovo region. Appearance: uniform rather thick yellow hair, 3 pairs of bright red tassels on the back of the neck. The head is black, marked with a white letter "L".
It was 5 cm long before pupation. I have shed 2 times, in color without changing.
As a pupa, he traveled fifteen hundred kilometers and at the end of his journey tragically died because of my fault. =((
I would appreciate any suggestions.

And look at the caterpillars of Arctornis l-nigrum in Google, suddenly the memories will come back with a new force? This species is also characterized by a peculiar bouncing of caterpillars, which are alarmed by something.
Likes: 1

01.08.2010 18:44, Admiral

30.07.2010 13:28
I googled Ptilodon capucina, I'm inclined to disagree with your verdict
The caterpillar was almost a centimeter long in thickness, with a "leathery" back and it is quite obvious that it does not look like
My interest is idle, of course, in this case, and I don't understand a damn thing about caterpillars, but I would like to get closer to the truth

I admit my mistake in identifying the caterpillar!
Indeed, this is not a crested bird. a representative of peacock eyes.

Most likely Aglia tau L.

01.08.2010 20:26, Rupicola

And look at the caterpillars of Arctornis l-nigrum in Google, suddenly the memories will come back with a new force? This species is also characterized by a peculiar bouncing of caterpillars, which are alarmed by something.

I looked at l-nigrum. unfortunately, it's not her. I had a color right bright-bright golden and the fur is thicker, the body does not show through smile.gif(although the hairs are not as long as, for example, in bears)
and for the assumption you are very grateful. I have been tormented by this riddle for so many years, but how was a species hitherto unknown to science, and I accidentally destroyed frown.gifit

01.08.2010 21:58, okoem

and well how was the species hitherto unknown to science

This is very, very unlikely. smile.gif

Here this not her, by any chance?"
Likes: 1

02.08.2010 22:52, smax

Great find. This is the caterpillar of the peacock-eyed rodinia.It will form a gorgeous green cocoon on a long stalk and hatch as a butterfly at the end of September. Rhodinia fugax sp. diana

Looks like a point. Thank you. "Excellent find" was left at home, in Primorye. Yes, and her oak was cut down nafig. I hope she was smart enough to climb the trunk at night into another crown to make her green cocoon by September.

03.08.2010 8:25, Karat

some kind of excitement. Collected in Buryatia a couple of days ago. Either larch or birch.

This post was edited by Karat-03.08.2010 08: 26

picture: Untitled_2.jpg
Untitled_2.jpg — (106.97к)

picture: Untitled_1.jpg
Untitled_1.jpg — (96.49к)

03.08.2010 20:06, Arikain

Help with a caterpillar from Karelia:
picture: _____2010_062.jpg

Well, and then the butterfly, it was hatched :
picture: _____2010_744.jpg

03.08.2010 21:41, Rupicola

This is very, very unlikely. smile.gif
Here this not her, by any chance?"

Very similar! True, I don't remember the white "eyes" on the back, but maybe my memory-the old lady lets me down, after all, it was a long time ago...
Hmm, I wasn't looking for it in the dustpans. I'll look at more related species. Thanks!!
Likes: 1

03.08.2010 22:01, Admiral


Help with a caterpillar from Karelia:
Caterpillar scoops from the genus Orthosia
Likes: 1

03.08.2010 22:33, Admiral

Permanent member
Feodosia, Crimea, Ukraine
- - - -
I have temporary problems with mail.

04.08.2010 12:42, MooN VVeLL

This is a caterpillar of the 5th molt of Saturnia minor-Saturnia pavonia, (Linnaeus, 1758).
Food plants: blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, rose, willow and blackthorn with heather.
Good luck!

Thank you. Unfortunately, my uncle did not come home too sober, and in the process I thought that it was something that started up in the blueberry twigs, so he released the caterpillar and cleaned the twigs from the eaten and left them in a jar = (((((Heh..I'll look for another one. And what is the best way to keep it?You mean in a bank or somewhere?)I haven't dealt with caterpillars yet."..

04.08.2010 17:15, EvgenD

Please help me identify the caterpillar. Photographed in late July in the Minsk region. It is said to have been about 6 centimeters long. Nothing was found out about the forage plant. It looks like some kind of crested bird, but I didn't find anything with this color.
picture: ________1.jpg

This post was edited by EvgenD-04.08.2010 17: 16

04.08.2010 17:25, vasiliy-feoktistov

C. vinula? (chet doesn't really look like that). Maybe the pupa is going?
P.S. I'll finish it: genus Cerura hike exactly, but then....

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 04.08.2010 17: 31
Likes: 1

04.08.2010 19:45, Та59

We found a butterfly larva, but we don't know which one and what to do with it?
Perm Krai
picture: _______. gif

04.08.2010 20:39, Arikain

Deilephila elpenor-Medium wine hawk moth, you can bring out a butterfly. It feeds on the leaves of willow-chai. smile.gif

04.08.2010 21:01, Та59

Thank you, but how do I do this?
How much to feed before pupation and how?
I don't know anything about it.

04.08.2010 22:05, okoem

And what is the best way to keep it?


05.08.2010 3:34, vasiliy-feoktistov

Ivan - tea to feed, and it will pupate you just about. Read here from this post: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1080505

05.08.2010 20:12, Evgenich

Please help me identify the caterpillar. Photographed in late July in the Minsk region. It is said to have been about 6 centimeters long. Nothing was found out about the forage plant. It looks like some kind of crested bird, but I didn't find anything with this color.

This is the caterpillar of the white harpy-Cerura erminia.
vasiliy-feoktistov is right - the caterpillar has changed its color, because it is ready for pupation. She will no longer eat.

This post was edited by Evgenich - 06.08.2010 09: 51
Likes: 2

08.08.2010 14:42, guest: илья

please help with the definition of caterpillars mol.gif!!!user posted image user posted image user posted image
The caterpillar in the first photo has been rushing around the jar for the second day already. In the second photo, the caterpillar sits motionless. And on the third - all day (almost) eating melissa (- :
Thank you in advance!!!

08.08.2010 15:23, okoem

please help me identify the tracks mol.gif!!!The caterpillar in the first photo has been rushing around the jar for the second day already. In the second photo, the caterpillar sits motionless. And on the third - all day (almost) eats Melissa (-:

From the first it is not clear, the second and third are some kind of bears.
Ilya, you should take the caterpillars out of the cans before taking photos. Look at your pictures - can you really see anything there? eek.gif

08.08.2010 16:21, guest: илья

Mdaaaaa........ Especially the third one........ Now I'll post the normal onesyes.gif :
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
And also: can you please define more precisely cool.gif!

08.08.2010 16:25, vasiliy-feoktistov

Ursa looks like Phragmatobia fuliginosa: http://sungaya.narod.ru/hete/arc/phr_ful.htm

08.08.2010 16:35, guest: илья

Thank you very much!!! Can someone identify the caterpillar in the first photo, please!!!

08.08.2010 16:50, okoem

Mdaaaaa........ Especially the third one........ Now I'll post the normal yes.gifones :
And also: can you please define more precisely cool.gif!

That's better. smile.gif Especially the second one.
Bears of an unfamiliar region can not be identified from the photo, they have, many of the caterpillars look similar. For a guaranteed correct definition, it is better to output.
In the first photo - some kind of nymphalid, perhaps some kind of draughtsman. What did you find her on and what do you feed her? (by the way, it is better to indicate this right away!)
Likes: 1

08.08.2010 17:08, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, as far as I understand it, this is Surgut, and the option I proposed is far from southern. But in general, you are right, Vladimir: here you need to output.

08.08.2010 17:18, guest: илья

I don't know the name of the plant frown.gif. I didn't put the leaves in the jar, because the caterpillar was apparently beginning to pupate (I rolled up the leaf a little with a spider web) confused.gif. I searched for the determinant, most likely it is burdocksmile.gif, than to feed?

08.08.2010 19:03, Admiral

guest: Ilya

today, 17: 35 URL #1806


Can someone identify the caterpillar in the first photo, please!!!

Vanessa cardui

Russian name-
BURDOCK Caterpillar co-feeds directly on burdock, thistle
, bodyakom can and nettle and mother-and-stepmother and other rasteniya

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