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02.03.2011 12:59, Alexandr Zhakov

Damone also tends towards chalk.

02.03.2011 13:13, bora

All of them can perfectly do without any chalk. I know plenty of such places.
Here, for example, fly damon, and not a drop of chalk.

This post was edited by bora-02.03.2011 13: 16

image: ______. jpg
______.jpg — (296.4к)

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02.03.2011 13:25, Alexandr Zhakov

Chalk is of course secondary, but where Hedysarum grows is more important.
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03.03.2011 10:49, Penzyak

I think we were talking about A. damon - I can't say anything about A. damone.
We have damon on the sandy esparcet - and the Riparta pigeon looks like it. To my great surprise, I have found this species in recent years in several places of the region and not even individually in the meadow steppe... The northernmost point I have near Penza (photo of the biotope attached), here butterflies (like honey) flocked to the blooming oregano.

picture: PICT0006.JPG
PICT0006.JPG — (282.85к)

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07.03.2011 21:53, bora

Genitalia of some female pigeons

picture: female_genitalia.jpg
female_genitalia.jpg — (178.43к)

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07.03.2011 23:34, Kharkovbut

Boris, who is this? And then, as they say, "I am tormented by vague doubts" ... ©

3 / VI / 2010, Kharkiv region, Izyum district

картинка: C._rubi__fm___6_03_2010__Kh__Iz__MalKamysh___0_DSC04368_1.jpg
C._rubi__fm___6_03_2010__Kh__Iz__MalKamysh___0_DSC04368_1.jpg — (72.26к)

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08.03.2011 5:31, bora

Boris, who is this? And then, as they say, "I am tormented by vague doubts" ... ©

3 / VI / 2010, Kharkiv region, Izyum district

The structure is typical for C. chalybeitincta (it runs from the Caucasus to the north along the Don basin). By the way, Wolfgang ten Hagen, of course, studied the CO1 gene, but he was too quick to draw taxonomic conclusions. I repeated its molecular formula-the genes-CO1, really match. But for the nuclear gene, which Wolfgang did not do, the differences were very significant. Coincidence in the mitochondrial cell with differences in nuclear genes is rare, but it does happen. For example, bellargus / corydon in central Europe or ilia / mestizo in the same place (shown in the article on Romanian butterflies). This can be explained by intragression (hybridization of two species, especially when the populations of one of the species were in critical condition at one time - it's like bison were restored using bison). Attracting females of a similar species for reproduction leads to the fixation of foreign mitochondrial DNA in the population (mitochondrial DNA is transmitted in arthropods through the maternal line).

This post was edited by bora-08.03.2011 09: 30
Likes: 9

08.03.2011 16:38, Kharkovbut

Structure typical of C. chalybeitincta
Super! Thank you very much! I suspected the presence of two types/forms of Callophrys in Kharkiv region for a long time.

As for these genitalia specifically, based on your work with the description of nigra, I thought that the main feature was the middle process of the antrum, in chalybeitincta it should be "longer than wider" smile.gif- and on my preparation it should be " wider than longer "(although the lateral processes are somewhat short), and initially misidentified it as rubi, although I wasn't entirely sure. But when you posted a photo of two different genitals of females - doubts arose with renewed force. smile.gif

08.03.2011 17:06, bora

The length / width of the central blade is quite variable, but it is higher in chalybeitincta than in rubi. The most characteristic are the lateral lobes - they are short and chopped off in chalybeitincta, and in rubi they are always such spreading "burdocks" .
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08.03.2011 17:23, bora

Here are photos of rubi and avis that ten Hagen once sent me:
C. rubi fervida Alicante
C. rubi fervida Leon
C. avis (Frankreich, Provence)

This post was edited by bora-08.03.2011 17: 25

picture: Callophrys_rubi.jpg
Callophrys_rubi.jpg — (16.94к)

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08.03.2011 17:45, bora

For comparison, Penza rubi No. 3-7 (No. 8-suaveola).

This post was edited by bora-08.03.2011 18: 04

picture: Figs_3_8.jpg
Figs_3_8.jpg — (35.7к)

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08.03.2011 17:49, bora

And different forms/subspecies of chalybeitincta from north to south.

This post was edited by bora-08.03.2011 18: 04

picture: C.calybeitincta.jpg
C.calybeitincta.jpg — (29.04к)

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12.05.2011 6:25, bora

Neolycaena rhymnus caterpillars on Karagan

picture: Neolycaena_rhymnus.jpg
Neolycaena_rhymnus.jpg — (224.49к)

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13.05.2011 16:47, bora

Bravo, Gennady, it's very similar that, indeed, halybeitincta. And it's good that the female, you can bite off part of the abdomen and cook. Moreover, the color is similar to the nominative form. Donskiye khalybeitincta nigra is velvety black.

This post was edited by bora - 13.05.2011 17: 14

picture: C.calybeitincta.jpg
C.calybeitincta.jpg — (192.48к)

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13.05.2011 17:26, Konung

Praephilotes antracias
SE Kazakhstan, Bakanas, 26.04.2011
picture: IMG_4530s.jpg
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16.05.2011 14:44, lepidopterolog

To the question of Callophrys of the Volgograd region.
Just practice.
Chalybeitincta, female, Leninsky district, village of Bakhtiyarovka, 08.05.11.
For comparison, rubi, in the same place, at the same time.

Congratulations, wonderful find! The new sympatric point of rubi and chalybeitibcta once again confirms the species independence of the second taxon.
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16.05.2011 21:01, lepidopterolog

Agriades pyrenaicus dardanus
Armenia, Dilijan neighborhood, h=2200, 29. VI. 2010
Male, female, habitat.
picture: Agriades.jpg
picture: ____________2409.jpg
picture: ____________2351.jpg
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21.06.2011 15:37, Penzyak

The long-awaited and painstaking search for new habitats of P. vicrama and P. bellargus has brought results! There are two clearings on the edge of the oak forest and the settled slope, one with a lot of thyme and vikrama, respectively, and the other with a lot of variable astragalus and, accordingly, the freshest bellargus fly.

picture: ____________023.jpg
____________023.jpg — (207.84к)

picture: ____________182.jpg
____________182.jpg — (243.45 k)

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01.07.2011 18:11, bora

C. argiolus caterpillar 3-age feeds on C. argiolus caterpillar

picture: argiolus_larva_3.jpg
argiolus_larva_3.jpg — (83.34к)

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04.07.2011 10:31, Penzyak

Interestingly, it turns out that for" full-blooded " development, they urgently need protein (animal origin and some amino acids)!? Myrmecophilous caterpillars of pigeons naturally get it in anthills - but "free-living" ones can fill it up anyway...

04.07.2011 12:44, bora

Interestingly, it turns out that for" full-blooded " development, they urgently need protein (animal origin and some amino acids)!?

Now I have about 30 caterpillars of 2 species. Argyrognomones live side by side and do not bother each other (their closest relatives, the Maracandicus, have widespread cannibalism, by the way). But the argioluses had to be planted - they eat each other at the slightest opportunity. But if you do not let them eat, they develop perfectly, only for 1-2 days all the phases are later. I.e., cannibalism is a pleasant addition to the diet, and not a vital necessity at all.
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07.07.2011 17:11, bora

Stradomsky B. V., Vodolazhsky D. I. 2011. Callophrys rubi (Linnaeus, 1758) and C. chalybeitincta Sovynski, 1905 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae): a comparative analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. newsletter. 7(1).


download file Callophrys_COI_ITS2.pdf

size: 76.84 k
number of downloads: 1565

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17.07.2011 23:48, Алексей Яковлев

Celastrina (Maslowskia) filipjevi (est. Neolycaena filipjevi) lays eggs on a forage plant (Prinsepia sinensis)

In the district of Ussuriysk, July 2011. Photo by Prof. Sidelnikova Yu.N.

user posted image

user posted image

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 18.07.2011 21: 57
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18.07.2011 3:59, bora

Neolycaena filipjevi lays eggs on a forage plant (Prinsepia sinensis)
In the district of Ussuriysk, July 2011. Photo by Prof. Sidelnikova Yu.N.

This is where such a terrible combination comes from: Neolycaena and suddenly filipjevi?

18.07.2011 13:42, Алексей Яковлев

18.07.2011 16:29, DavBaz

From the literature. Probably outdated. How do they classify Filipiev's golubyanka now?

And here in the Wiki, too, so: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D0%BE%...%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0

It seems Celastrina

18.07.2011 17:18, bora

From the literature. Probably outdated. How do they classify Filipiev's golubyanka now?
And here in the Wiki, too, so: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D0%BE%...%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0

This is not even outdated literature, but a completely inadequate application of the genus/species combination. Wikipedia contains complete nonsense on this issue.
Now filipjevi belongs to the isolated genus Maslowskia Kurentzov, 1974, which can also be interpreted as a subgenus Celastrina.
In general, the genera Celastrina (Maslowskia) and Neolycaena belong to different subfamilies.

18.07.2011 21:58, Алексей Яковлев

This is not even outdated literature, but a completely inadequate application of the genus/species combination.

Thank you, corrected smile.gif

04.08.2011 15:53, lepidopterolog

Plebejus lucifer N Mongolia, Khovsgol aimak, 35 km S Khankh somon, Ih-Noyen-Gol riv., 1700 m, 21.VII.2010
picture: Plebeius_lucifer.jpg
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31.08.2011 18:38, smax

Thailand, 15 km south of Pattaya.
The second is prov. Kanchanburi

picture: Lycaenidae.jpg
Lycaenidae.jpg — (166.04к)

picture: Lycaenidae1.jpg
Lycaenidae1.jpg — (182.02к)

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31.08.2011 21:26, Bad Den

What is this place 15 km south of Pattaya?

31.08.2011 23:04, smax

Surrounding area of Ambassador City Jomtien. On Sukhumvit road. All sorts of lepidoptera fly in the bushes - up to Papilio memnon of bothsmile.gif, But not in the mass.
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01.09.2011 14:29, Valentinus

Azerbaijan 2011. Female Lachides galba on the caterpillar food plant-mimosa made (Lagonychium factum). It lives in lowlands and in low mountains. It gives several generations per year. Common on roadsides. Small, beautiful pigeon, but lives in such a sun that you will literally steam up!
picture: Lachides_galba_fem.jpg
picture: Lachides_galba_fem1.jpg

This post was edited by Valentinus - 01.09.2011 14: 33
Likes: 10

05.09.2011 11:50, bora

Stages of Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damone development: Rostov region, Matveevo-Kurgan district, August-September 2011

picture: damone.jpg
damone.jpg — (230.37к)

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06.09.2011 10:32, bora

Today's exit from the pupa of P. damone

picture: IMG_6219.jpg
IMG_6219.jpg — (63.42к)

picture: IMG_6223.jpg
IMG_6223.jpg — (153.99к)

picture: IMG_6224.jpg
IMG_6224.jpg — (63к)

picture: IMG_6215.jpg
IMG_6215.jpg — (129.93к)

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06.09.2011 11:08, Penzyak

Boris and on what plant are the caterpillars fed?? The plant was taken from the root ("long-playing")?

06.09.2011 11:19, bora

Boris and on what plant are the caterpillars fed?? The plant was taken from the root ("long-playing")?

The plant is Hedysarum grandiflorum. Plants were picked out of stone chips by the roots and kept on hydroponics. Part of the caterpillars from nature, part of the eggs laid by females under the hood.
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01.11.2011 14:26, okoem

In fact, after correcting this error and inserting all the fragments into their proper places, it turns out that the sequence A pljushtchi is closest to the sequence of the nominative A. damone damone. Given the allopatry of pljushtchi in relation to A. damone, its interpretation as an independent species becomes extremely improbable.

Does anyone know if this information has already been officially published?

02.11.2011 6:40, Guest

Not yet.
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02.11.2011 14:00, bora

Here is such a miracle hatched

picture: orion______.jpg
orion______.jpg — (257.53к)

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