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Community and ForumInsects imagesArctiidae-dippers

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13.05.2012 23:21, mikee

So many Watsonarctia deserta (Bartel, 1902) arrived last night, I have never seen them in such large numbers before.
For V. V. Dubatolova, for statistics point-Chelyabinsk region.Snezhinsk 13.5.2012

Were there any females?" In the photo - only males. Did you stop at 50, or were there exactly that many? smile.gif

This post was edited by mikee - 13.05.2012 23: 23

14.05.2012 14:11, Konung

So many Watsonarctia deserta (Bartel, 1902)arrived last night,

and in what station was it collected? they also wanted to catch them tonight, but there were none...

14.05.2012 18:41, Sergey Rybalkin

Were there any females?" In the photo - only males. Did you stop at 50, or were there exactly that many? smile.gif

There were 56.6 of them. I spread it out in my collection.
Probably all males, there were no females.

14.05.2012 18:43, Sergey Rybalkin

and in what station was it collected? they also wanted to catch them tonight, but there were none...

Collected on the southern ostepnennom slope of the mountain.

14.05.2012 22:28, sandipta

12.05.2012 / Kazakhstan / Pavlodar region / Into the light.
Watsonarctia deserta (Bartel, 1902)
In addition to butterflies of ordinary appearance, an aberrant male arrived.

This post was edited by sandipta - 15.05.2012 04: 54

picture: IMG_8982.JPG
IMG_8982.JPG — (144.57к)

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08.06.2012 18:45, Sergey Rybalkin

The 4th and 5th specimens of the Daurian bear Chelis daurica were caught in the Urals over the past 100 years!!!

If nothing has changed since 2003, of course. Then in 2003, V. V. Dubatolov identified the 3rd find in the last 100 years in the Urals from my photos. We collected it with my colleague in the vicinity of the city of Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region, on 18.06.1998. The 4th and 5th finds were caught on 3.06.2012, 5 km from the site of the third find.

I hope V. V. Dubatolov will comment on this message.

While they are drying on the straightener, I will post a photo in August, after the season.
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16.06.2012 7:40, vasiliy-feoktistov

For information: first seen by me.
Tyria jacobaeae (Linnaeus, 1758) from Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, Moscow region
, 30. 05. 2012 Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, Nerskaya station area. Leg. Smirnov V. (sporadically).

picture: tyria.jpg
tyria.jpg — (150.11к)

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16.06.2012 20:21, Vlad Proklov

In the interesting in all respects locality of Lishnyagi (Ser-Prudsky district). Two male specimens of Diaphora mendica, both light-colored, were captured. The place is a steppe reserve on the Black earth. I wonder what is the reason for the coloration of males of this species? confused.gif

picture: diaphora_mendica_02.jpg
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16.06.2012 20:37, vasiliy-feoktistov

In the interesting in all respects locality of Lishnyagi (Ser-Prudsky district). Two male specimens of Diaphora mendica, both light-colored, were captured. The place is a steppe reserve on the Black earth. I wonder what is the reason for the coloration of males of this species? confused.gif

Vlad, of course, an assumption, but I think that industrial melanism here smacks (like Biston Betularia). I just don't know how else to explain it: I only meet black males sometimes. confused.gif

16.06.2012 20:41, Vlad Proklov

Vlad, of course, an assumption, but I think that industrial melanism here smacks (like Biston Betularia). I just don't know how else to explain it: I only meet black males sometimes. confused.gif

Nifiga: the typical form of males is just mouse-colored, regardless of the shitty biotope. There's some tricky genetics involved. In Ireland (and some parts of continental Europe), for example, there are only light males, and in all other places-gray ones are typical, but sometimes white ones are also found. Here in Lishnyagi there were only two pieces and both are white, so there are no statistics yet )

16.06.2012 20:50, Vlad Proklov

By the way, as a variant of the decisive factor - the pH of the soil on which forage plants grow. Then, of course, not genetics ))

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 06/16/2012 20: 51

17.06.2012 15:32, Sergey Didenko

A couple of years ago in the Ryazan region in one night caught males mendik all colors from white to gray, including transition color. Most likely, the acidity of the soil has nothing to do with it.
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17.06.2012 15:43, Гена

we have only white mendiki, Ukraine, Khmelnitsky oblast
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18.06.2012 14:37, Bianor

Amurrhyparia leopardinula
June 14, Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region

user posted image
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21.06.2012 10:45, sandipta

Arctia flavia (Fuessly, 1779)
Western Mongolia / Altai
09.07.2010 year. Into the light.

picture: IMG_3682.JPG
IMG_3682.JPG — (201.38к)

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28.06.2012 8:02, Konung

Dodia diaphana (Eversmann, 1848)
The second species of this genus inhabits the Eastern Sayan. Last year I caught D. kononenkoi (it lives at altitudes of 2000-2500 m). This species lives lower down in the forest belt.
Vostochny Sayan, Mondy, June 10, 2012, into the light, h=1800 m. leg. S. A. Knyazev
picture: Dodia_diaphana_r.jpg
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28.06.2012 8:24, swerig

28.06.2012 9:00, Konung

And what is its wingspan?

small, 3.5 cm
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28.06.2012 17:02, Bianor

Rhyparioides amurensis

Amur region, Blagoveshchensk, to the light.
June 27, 2012, 23: 41

user posted image
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03.07.2012 9:55, Grigory Grigoryev

Nepal 2012, May. Nagarkot. Callindra equitalis

picture: Callindra_equitalis.jpg
Callindra_equitalis.jpg — (461.87к)

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03.07.2012 10:03, cherepahovod

Afiget! So cool...

07.07.2012 16:33, Charaxes

Diaphora mendica (Clerck, 1759)

Ex ovo, 5. VI. 2011,
Omsk region, vicinities d. Davydovka.

picture: IMG_3988.JPG
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18.07.2012 23:15, I.solod

Good afternoon, could you tell me what kind of view it is?
caught in South Kazakhstan, Toksanbai, Uytas district, altitude 3200-3300 m, 03.07.2012
Photo taken by mobile phone, and how rare the species is.

picture: ____________________2012.jpg
____________________2012.jpg — (162.76 k)

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26.07.2012 19:27, rhopalocera.com

Good afternoon, could you tell me what kind of view it is?
caught in South Kazakhstan, Toksanbai, Uytas district, altitude 3200-3300 m, 03.07.2012
Photo taken by mobile phone, and how rare the species is.

glaphyra, presumably
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26.07.2012 19:29, rhopalocera.com

Help identify lichen.


26.07.2012 21:15, Sergey Rybalkin

Is this Arctia intercalaris?
Did I get it right?
Caterpillars at an altitude of 2750 meters in a wet alpine meadow of the Trans-Ili Alatau 2-3. 07. 2012 could be collected in kilograms, I looked at my feet so as not to step on them. For the experiment, I took 30 pieces home with me. They are currently being displayed.
This is the first time I've been to the Northern Tien Shan, is this a mass view or a place like this?

picture: DSC00440.jpg
DSC00440.jpg — (249.34к)

picture: DSC00453.jpg
DSC00453.jpg — (200.43к)

picture: DSC01873.jpg
DSC01873.jpg — (466.26к)

picture: DSC01874_1.jpg
DSC01874_1.jpg — (350.39к)

picture: DSC01861_1.jpg
DSC01861_1.jpg — (325.75к)

picture: DSC01869_1.jpg
DSC01869_1.jpg — (281.08к)

picture: DSC01882_1.jpg
DSC01882_1.jpg — (149.78к)

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27.07.2012 19:47, Kozloff

Good day to all.

Those who have Arctiidae available for exchange or sale need either straightened or on mattresses. The quality is only A1. Preferably mixes.

Please write all your suggestions to kant.klintsy@mail.ru

Thank you all very much in advance.


28.07.2012 22:45, Sergey Rybalkin

South Ural dauriki, collected in early June in the north of the southern Urals.
The extreme northwest of the range, as I understand it.

image: _______. jpg
_______.jpg — (218.29к)

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29.07.2012 11:31, AGG

Rhyparia purpurata (Linnaeus, 1758) second-instar caterpillars
Lipetsk region, Dobrovskiy district, Krivets village area
picture: 01.jpg
picture: 02.jpg
Question-who kept this view? The caterpillars are already more than a month old, and they are slightly more than 1 cm. They eat very little, refuse raspberries, sit on plantain. What size should they be before wintering?

This post was edited by AGG-05.08.2012 11: 15

16.08.2012 21:29, Sergey Didenko

Completely confused with the spiritualists. At first, I decided that everyone from Buryatia was bipunct, and from Kazakhstan-striates. When I decomposed all the Buryats, there were big doubts about their bipunctality. Does anyone know how to distinguish them relatively confidently, or just need to cook?
The first three rows (8 pieces) with the exception of the first-the Buryatia River, Selenginsky district, Udunga village, Udunga River valley, 750 m, 51°10 '7.31" N, 105°59 ' 26 " E-12. VII. 2012, and the first one is closer to the village of Toshir (the same district). Bottom (fourth row) from Kazakhstan: the first is the Karaganda region of the village of Aktas, the second is the Karaganda region of the village of Karkaraly.

picture: P1030680.JPG
P1030680.JPG — (234.87к)

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16.08.2012 21:40, Sergey Rybalkin

In early July, I collected a lot of caterpillars of the Central Asian bear Arctia intercalaris in the Northern Tien Shan (photo above). They pupated, and at the end of July the butterflies came out. There were a lot of defective ones, and I didn't notice them, they mated, laid eggs, and now I'm raising second-instar caterpillars.
The question is whether they need diapause, I suspect that caterpillars hibernate. If diapause is not done, will they pupate and will the butterflies come out?
I've got fifty of them, I'm sorry to ruin them. Although while it's warm, let them eat and grow, but what's next?

16.08.2012 21:56, rhopalocera.com

For a long time now, I have been cooking everyone who has a great similarity in the drawing in a row. This is the only way to reliably distinguish, otherwise - fortune telling on coffee grounds

04.10.2012 16:24, Guest

I answer for sdi: ALL Buryats in the picture (the top three rows) are Spiris bipunctata, the bottom two are Spiris striata. In addition to reliable differences in the genitals of males, these two species differ in the contrast of the black pattern on the hind wings.: striata almost always has a dusting of dark scales on a yellow background. In bipunctata, the pattern on the hind wings is quite contrasting. Individuals with completely dark forewings and hindwings also differ well: in striata, the forewings are brownish, and in bipunctata, they are black. In fact, striata is found in Transbaikalia, but it is extremely rare. And something I do not remember modern fees, only very old ones. - V. V. Dubatolov
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21.12.2012 15:30, okoem

two males of Diaphora mendica, both light. The place is a steppe reserve on the Black earth. I wonder what is the reason for the coloration of males of this species? confused.gif

In my training camps, mendika doesn't happen often, so there are no "good" statistics. However, all the males that were found in the mountainous Crimea were dark. I met a white male only once - in the steppe part of the Crimea, Dzhankoi district, Yasnopolyanskoe village.

The question is whether they need diapause, I suspect that caterpillars hibernate. If diapause is not done, will they pupate and will the butterflies come out?

According to my observations, if instead of providing winter quarters to keep the caterpillars of bears (Hebe, dominula) warm and continue to feed, then often they can not properly finish feeding, freaks or dwarfs come out. The same is reported in the literature about placida and kaya.

21.12.2012 16:12, okoem

Such, here, a caterpillar. Not villica by any chance? Kumzhargan sands in the upper Emba river, 6.06.11

user posted image
I don't know, maybe they've already identified it... This is Simyra dentinosa.

24.12.2012 13:40, okoem

Dear forumchane! Today, from 11 o'clock Novosibirsk time, the lichen website is open at:
Watch and use it!

404 Nor Found.
Is the site dead? frown.gif

24.12.2012 13:47, Alexandr Zhakov

No, it works.
But at the moment it is not available, they have such jokes, probably private problems with the server. it will pass soon. smile.gif

This post was edited by Djon - 12/24/2012 13: 53

24.12.2012 14:06, Konung

Vladimir Viktorovich's website is now located on a different server! He probably hasn't managed to report it on the forum yet. Here is the working link: http://szmn.eco.nsc.ru/Lithosiinae/Lithosiinaelist.html
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24.12.2012 18:15, Sergey Rybalkin

As I understand it, this is Chelis thianshana Dubatolov, 1988 or am I wrong?

South Kazakhstan, Dzungarian Alatau, confluence of rivers B. and Sr. Truncated, h=1570 m., 25.06.2012

picture: DSC02646.jpg
DSC02646.jpg — (192.95к)

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27.12.2012 10:17, TEMPUS

Coscinia cribraria (Linnaeus, 1758)
12.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Krasnoarmeyskoye village, garden plot No. 34, to light
picture: P1190919.JPG
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