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Mantis keeping

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14.03.2008 21:23, gumenuk

Bolivaria brachyptera, which is from the vicinity of Novorossiysk, Where exactly in the vicinity is it caught? What is the name of the district? Are there many of them? Really catch a divorce?

Caught at the end of July to shoot on the road from Abrau-Durso in a Dry gap. I didn't catch them on purpose, and I don't know how many of them there are.

14.03.2008 21:23, Guest

Please help!! People tell me, I have today from ooteka hatched 1 baby, and for the whole day no more appeared!! I do not know how long it will take for the others to hatch, or they will not appear??
The library was postponed in mid-October 2007, exactly 6 months later.
Thank you very much in advance!! mol.gif

15.03.2008 14:33, Боря

It happens in different ways. Sometimes they come out one or two times a few days, and sometimes the whole library appears at the same time. If I were you, I'd wait. I still hatch out of the July-August ooteks.

15.03.2008 18:29, Мих

I have hatched one, after a week 2 more, and then every day 4. You have to wait, for sure. What's a praying mantis?

15.03.2008 19:24, Guest

15.03.2008 19:29, Guest

Found on the Internet a type of praying mantis similar to my "religiosa"

16.03.2008 14:44, шелти

I have another question!! shuffle.gif
After how many days (or maybe weeks) will the first molt occur?? confused.gif confused.gif

16.03.2008 21:33, Мих

It depends on the feed, temperature, and humidity ... moon phases smile.gif. and from the type of praying mantis by the way! Do you have photos of imagos, oothecae, and larvae? Throw it here, they'll determine it.
Optimal when feeding fruit flies-3 pieces per day, the temperature is about 23 degrees, humidity is 60% in tree mantises after 10 days, in ordinary ones after a week.
In common animals, the mortality rate is higher, and at the first molt, too. But all(usually about 50) larvae hatch from the ootheca at once.

17.03.2008 15:48, шелти

And the " common mantis "is"religiosa"??
Please forgive me for the quality of the photos shuffle.gif

This post was edited by shelty - 17.03.2008 16: 01

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17.03.2008 18:05, Мих

It seems to me, more similar to wood.

17.03.2008 21:01, шелти

Maybe it's really woody!??... They're all so alike!!

17.03.2008 21:19, Боря

It is arboreal, the nymphs of M. religiosa can not throw back the abdomen to the back. Also, if you look at the full face, M. religiosa has a rounded 'nape', and in H. tenuidentata the head is almost triangular. There is another way to check - the religious one does not have suckers on its paws (or they are not sufficiently developed), so it is not able to climb on vertical smooth surfaces (glass, plastic). In the cups they have to put branches so that the animals can climb on the net. A hierodule calmly walk on smooth walls, at any age.

17.03.2008 22:24, Мих

And how many of them have already hatched?

17.03.2008 22:29, Tigran Oganesov

Definitely Hierodula, ooteka in the first picture is exactly it (if that muddy spot on the ficus tree in the center is ooteka).

18.03.2008 1:30, Bad Den

Definitely Hierodula, ooteka in the first picture is exactly it (if that muddy spot on the ficus tree in the center is ooteka).

That's it!
And I saw the whole picture, looking for the mantises themselves!

This post was edited by Bad Den - 03/18/2008 01: 30

18.03.2008 9:02, Tigran Oganesov

That's it!
And I saw the whole picture, looking for the mantises themselves!

Yeah, me too wink.gif
Then I took a purely compositional look and saw it...

18.03.2008 10:24, Мих

Ootekak kakyato small. Obviously not the first for a female. This means that there will not be many larvae either.

18.03.2008 17:30, шелти

This means that there will not be many larvae.

Mmm... and not a lot is about how much??

Only one so far!! eek.gif
And for the quality of photos please forgive shuffle.gif

18.03.2008 20:52, Мих

approximately pieces 30.

18.03.2008 23:21, Tigran Oganesov

Ootekak kakyato small. Obviously not the first for a female. This means that there will not be many larvae.

approximately 30 pieces.

For Hierodula this is normal

19.03.2008 15:31, шелти

I cheto worry that the rest are not valuplyayutsya weep.gif

19.03.2008 20:36, Мих

I also have this with the very first teka. One got out, but the others didn't. WAIT AND HOPE!

19.03.2008 20:45, Мих

Fields (sprinkle) flow with water and do not heat up much( up to 25 degrees). it might help.

This post was edited by Mih - 26.03.2008 22: 13

10.04.2008 22:50, Мих

Well, people, share how your praying mantis are doing? I have today shed in predimago male. There are also 4 males and 3 females on the way. Otsalnye while smaller, until the 3rd molt, polo indistinguishable. Only 60 pieces. Some seemingly obnoxious ootekas produce only one or two larvae! very strange!
By the way, has anyone noticed that males of the same age are larger than females? Or is it me with the calculation of links failures? Male of 5th age= 3.0-3.3 cm, female - 2.5,-2.7 cm.
Don't they change your colors? I have everything from dark to pale green, but not darker.

15.04.2008 20:20, Боря

Some of them are brown and have started to turn into adults.
The females have one more molt, and I think the growth rate is the same.
No one came out of the two large ooteks - probably unfertilized.

17.04.2008 19:11, Мих

Yes, I don't know what's going on with the output at all! Some of the ooteks had exactly one larva left, and that was it!
And some produced a couple of pieces a day during the past weeks.
Hatching starts too randomly too! Then hatch November then August! And somewhere 15 did not activate at all. Maybe they'll start again.
What is the interval between the last molts? I have 510-12 days of good feeding.
What is the size of imago, predimago male and female, and how many molts do they have in total?
Did the browns appear due to weather conditions? Did they live in brown cans? Or do they have some other conditions, like temperature?

22.04.2008 20:03, Боря

The repainted ones lived in the same conditions as the green ones - in a greenhouse near the battery at ~25*C. The size of the male predimago is ~4 cm, the female predimago is not measured, the adult is 7 cm. The final stage takes about 25 days at room temperature; by this age, I have moved them to the windowsill, they really like the sunlight. Molts, in my opinion, 6 in males and 7 in females.

23.04.2008 22:02, Мих

The female of the 6th age is smaller than the male, and approximately = 3.5 cm. All green, no browns. the bleed stopped. a total of 59 pieces. About 15 ooteks didn't open.
What about the others? Why isn't anyone else here?

07.05.2008 1:04, RippeR

From the Crimea, he brought a large brown empusa larva with visible rudiments of wings. I put it in a plastic bowl, put a piece of bark and a dry leaf.
Do not moisturize.
I fed Lassiommata megera, which was unsuccessfully spreading its wings, today. Empusa from tweezers did not want to take-flowed, but as soon as I closed the lid, after a minute I looked, and she was already finishing her head - especially the proboscis was cool to eat-like licorice smile.gif

What tips can I get for further development - how often to feed, how much light should be, since I do not live in direct sunlight. What else can I add to the box for the convenience of empusa?

And a small offtop:
Caught in the Crimea blacksmith Saga sp. He's still a maggot. Recently changed the skin, and the old podkushal malek. What conditions should I put it under, what should I put it on, and what does it eat?? I want to raise a good, big blacksmith! smile.gif

07.05.2008 11:07, Боря

Empuzovs are specialists in winged flying insects, so in captivity they are recommended to be fed as follows: in summer - insects caught in nature on flowers (flies, hymenoptera, butterflies), in winter - flies bred from pupae. It is advisable to feed the flies in advance with honey from a saucer. Empusidae are thought to need flower nectar and pollen because they get them from pollinating insects. It is not recommended to feed cockroaches and crickets, this is atypical food for them and can cause poisoning.

I read about the dybka that it is a predator, the diet is similar to that of mantises. I would suggest locusts, grasshoppers; boiled meat and buckwheat and rice porridge, too, probably will not refuse (gray decticus, in any case, ate). Lizards and mantises are also on her menu.

I repeat that mantises can not be fed with bloodworms (and the rack is also not worth it).
Likes: 1

07.05.2008 20:19, Мих

If the rudiments of the wings are visible, then the last molt is not far away. In addition to a piece of bark, you need to put some branch higher, and at the top of the jelly you need to hang a piece of mesh. By the way, the height of the box should be more than 3 lengths of the praying mantis, so that it normally fades and spreads its wings. You need to moisten a little - just a little, in front of her head.
Likes: 1

10.05.2008 0:21, Tigran Oganesov

About empuz everything is correct - they are specialists in flying insects.
I will add-they need to be periodically exposed to direct sun (just do not overcook), because they love ultra violet.

10.05.2008 16:35, Мих

And the glass does not allow ultrafillet to pass through, does it? And plastamass? And what can happen to other praying mantises from a lack of ultraviolet light? Because of this, the wings may not spread during the last molt?

10.05.2008 21:36, Tigran Oganesov

Perfectly pass, if it is not a special glass or plastic with an ultra-violet filter (as in Polaroid glasses, for example, or photo filters).
I don't know about other praying mantises, but there may well be something similar, especially in light-loving species. Empusas definitely need it. In any case, violations are most well detected during molting.
Likes: 2

11.05.2008 22:12, Александр Нагорный


1. (URGENT!) There are several (currently more than a dozen) Mantis religiosa L. larvae, from 3 to 7 years old (no adult yet). They came out of ootek at my house and went through several lines. I can give you half of it (especially the smaller ones). Pickup is welcome (I'm in Moscow).

I will be glad if you will give me some food for the remaining mantis larvae (drosophila, small crickets, maggots, etc.).

They say someone gave out scorpions here? umnik.gif You can trade... cool.gif

If you want, I can even lend you the mantises (watch them, take pictures, etc. ... and then return them if they survivesmile.gif). Just the next month or two is very tight with time. Every day it takes me about an hour to catch prey (for ALL mantises) and another hour and a half to feed them. smile.gif

2. (NOT URGENT) If someone has something interesting at home (scorpions, stick insects, beetles, spiders, etc.), I could borrow it for a photo shoot (I can even pay). I am ready to offer for similar purposes cockroaches (Madagascar hissing, American gray), tropical butterflies (from the Philippines), locusts (from Thailand), many different diptera (flies and mosquitoes), beetles and their larvae (including tropical ones), aphids, etc. and laying eggs smile.gif...and, of course, posing for the camera lens (or video camera). jump.gif

Please call: +7-916-6049385.

It's better to call, not write here. Due to lack of time and Internet (I have) I may not be able to read the answer. frown.gif

With respect, Alexander Nagorny

This post was edited by Alexander Nagorny - 05/11/2008 22: 14

12.05.2008 17:06, Мих

Can you take a train to Kiev? I have several large colonies of fruit flies and cockroaches in almost unlimited numbers. Mantisam would be very happy.

17.05.2008 18:07, metallman.92

what about the pilgrims?? I grow stick insects at home..so cool))) I'll take a couple if you give me instructions on the content)

17.05.2008 23:17, Мих

It seems that the person said not to write, but to call...

29.05.2008 0:26, Мих

Mass exodus from the ooteks wintering on the balcony began. Today and yesterday we visited 10-15 people a day.

This post was edited by Mih - 05/29/2008 00: 26

06.06.2008 17:01, Мих

How did you raise your own children? Has there been any mating yet? Are all imagos healthy?
I have about a third of the abnormal ones: some of them have no wings, some of them have twisted legs, and one of them has both..

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