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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCrimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

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26.07.2017 15:25, vafdog

He writes to me: You used 98.47 mb out of 146.48 mb

And still doesn't attach a damn thing.

Yeah, I see, so there really is a problem with the forum. and then I generally used 248.27 mb out of 146.48 mb smile.gif

26.07.2017 15:49, ИНО

26.07.2017 15:57, Hierophis

The message text is closed for self-iteration

26.07.2017 18:23, Hierophis

The message text is closed for self-iteration

26.07.2017 18:43, Igorvet

Why do you need Scolitantides orion? This is our usual view...

I don't need it, I don't even collect pigeons, but Max took some)

26.07.2017 18:45, Igorvet

check: control panel-settings-attached files - You used xxx.xx mb out of 146.48 mb

Ok. Sps, I'll try

26.07.2017 18:54, Hierophis

In general, there are no special problems)))

picture: P1017162.jpg
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27.07.2017 12:28, Igorvet

Hooray, figured out the pictures))) From July 11 to 18, we went to the Carpathians and Transcarpathia. We visited the Uzhok pass, the Uzh River in the Perechina district, the vicinity of Vinogradov and the village of Delovo at the foot of the Marmarosh massif. We went with Musson Max, Dantist and Andrey, who had to leave us in the middle of the expedition due to circumstances. Near Marmaros, we met Buzman-a virtually by accident! The main objectives of the expedition were mostly caught by at least someone from our campaign. Especially pleased with the scoops: Mormo maura, Plusiinae (Autographa bractea, Autographa buraetica, Polychrysia moneta, Euchalcia modestoides, Diachrysia chryson),
Polyphaenis sericata, Phlogophora scita, Noctua interjecta. Under Vinogradov Phalera bucephaloides and satyr Hipparchia fagi. When the weather worsened in the mountains, we moved to Transcarpathia, then went up to the mountains again. In the middle of the trip, the battery was put on, and each factory of the car turned into a small adventure. Since the ability to light the car was limited, as well as replacing the battery in the field. In general, it was useful and fun))) To be continued!

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27.07.2017 12:54, AGG

Hooray, figured out the pictures)))

How !? wall.gif

27.07.2017 13:27, Guest

How !? wall.gif

I had to delete some of the archived photos...

27.07.2017 15:37, vafdog

Hooray, figured out the pictures))) From July 11 to 18, we went to the Carpathians and Transcarpathia. We visited the Uzhok pass, the Uzh River in the Perechina district, the vicinity of Vinogradov and the village of Delovo at the foot of the Marmarosh massif. We went with Musson Max, Dantist and Andrey, who had to leave us in the middle of the expedition due to circumstances. Near Marmaros, we met Buzman-a virtually by accident! The main objectives of the expedition were mostly caught by at least someone from our campaign. Especially pleased with the scoops: Mormo maura, Plusiinae (Autographa bractea, Autographa buraetica, Polychrysia moneta, Euchalcia modestoides, Diachrysia chryson),
Polyphaenis sericata, Phlogophora scita, Noctua interjecta. Under Vinogradov Phalera bucephaloides and satyr Hipparchia fagi. When the weather worsened in the mountains, we moved to Transcarpathia, then went up to the mountains again. In the middle of the trip, the battery was put on, and each factory of the car turned into a small adventure. Since the ability to light the car was limited, as well as replacing the battery in the field. In general, it was useful and fun))) To be continued!

the first photo is cool - a loaf of bread was stuck among butterflies and pins))
and what is the transparent ribbon for straightening and where does it come from?

27.07.2017 21:00, Musson max

the first photo is cool - a loaf of bread was stuck among butterflies and pins))
and what is the transparent ribbon for straightening and where does it come from?

Border confectionery tape without printing smile.gif
Length: 100 m.
Width: 40 mm.
Thickness: 83 microns


It's the best thing I've ever seen smile.gif
Holds a pin and most importantly does not electrify at all.
Likes: 6

28.07.2017 17:10, Dantist

Hooray, figured out the pictures))) From July 11 to 18, we went to the Carpathians and Transcarpathia.

I will add Igor on daytime butterflies. There were a lot of them in terms of number,compared to the surrounding areas of Kiev and Polesie this year, which made me happy.
List of encountered species:
Papilio machaon
Iphiclides podalirius
Gonepteryx rhamni
Leptidea sp.
Pieris brassicae
Pieris rapae
Pieris napi
Pontia edusa
Apatura ilia (including female and aberrant form of male without white spots)
Apatura iris (also, caught females and male form without white spots)
Limenitis camilla
Neptis rivularis
Neptis sappho
Aglais urticae
Aglais io
Araschnia levana
Nymphalis antiopa (seen 1 specimen). Taking turns with Max,they tried to catch it but failed()
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Polygonia c - album
Vanessa atalanta
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis aglaja
Argynnis paphia
Boloria dia
Brenthis daphne
Brenthis ino
Issoria lathonia
Melitaea athalia
Aphantopus hyperantus
Maniola jurtina
Pararge aegeria
Melanargia galathea
Minois dryas
Hipparchia fagi ( total of 10-12 specimens seen and caught, most of them dead)
Brintesia circe (near Vinogradov) 1 copy. in flight)
Erebia ligea (many)
Erebia euryale ( a lot, seen only in Public)
Erebia aethiops (1 specimen found). near S.Business)
Coenonympha pamphilus.
Lycaena virgaureae
Lycaena phlaeas
Everes argiades
Cupido minimus
Celastrina argiolus
Phengaris arion
Phengaris teleius
Plebejus argus
Plebejus idas / argyrognomon
Polyommatus daphnis
Polyommatus icarus
Scolitantides orion
Satyrium w-album
Thymelicus sylvestris/lineola
Ochlodes sylvanus
Erynnis tages

This post was edited by Dantist - 28.07.2017 20: 25
Likes: 10

28.07.2017 17:30, usya04

and none of the Lycaenidae and Hesperiidae?

28.07.2017 17:42, Dantist

and none of the Lycaenidae and Hesperiidae?

)) Were, now I will add. I write at work, I often get distracted, I thought I wrote them first.

31.07.2017 18:11, Igorvet

Carpathians 2017, continued. Next year we plan to repeat it)))

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03.08.2017 11:25, Igorvet

This year, another childhood dream came true - Osmoderma barnabita! Systematic prowling through the hollows of old oaks gave the same result. Kiev, Goloseevsky district, July 2017. Now I don't know how to continue to live without a dream. confused.gif

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04.08.2017 19:25, Shamil Murtazin

Be careful with the shells! =)

05.08.2017 13:21, Igorvet

Yes, it's clear - well, it's to the devil, it's up to us that someone carefully leaned it against a tree) Echo of war, damn it!

05.08.2017 20:05, Dantist

Yes, it's clear - well, it's to the devil, it's up to us that someone carefully leaned it against a tree) Echo of war, damn it!

Wow, and I'm in those places how many went and did not notice))

15.08.2017 19:52, Liparus

A small photo report on a trip to Zaporizhia region (Ukraine, Zaporozhye reg., Melitopol district, near Troickoe vill.) for 30. IV.2017.

There were steppe beetle species.

Carabus perrini
Capnodis tenebrionis
Trachys phlyctoenoides
Trachys sp.
Dorcadion cinerarium ssp. skrylniki
Phytoecia (Cardoria) scutellata
Protaetia ungarica
Asida lutosa
Blaps halophila
Blaps lethifera
Dendarus punctatus (в массе)
Oodescelis polita
Meloe ?brevicollis
Silpha obscura
Ablattaria ?laevigata
Brachycerus was, came across and dead.
Of the Bugs, there were ground beetles, one of which is Melanocoryphus tristrami, full-winged individuals.

This post was edited by Liparus - 15.08.2017 21: 30

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15.08.2017 21:37, Liparus

Some Hymenoptera from Kharkiv region, May-June 2017

This post was edited by Liparus - 15.08.2017 22: 22
Likes: 13

15.08.2017 21:40, Vlad Proklov

Some Hymenoptera from Kharkiv region, May-July 2017

And how do you straighten them?

15.08.2017 23:31, NIKSTER

A small photo report on a trip to Zaporizhia region (Ukraine, Zaporozhye reg., Melitopol district, near Troickoe vill.) for 30. IV.2017.

Somehow a little late with the report smile.gif

17.08.2017 19:32, Liparus

And how do you straighten them?

It is necessary to stain with ethyl acetate, at least 6 hours, then take it out of the stain and straighten it immediately.
Likes: 1

17.08.2017 21:33, Vlad Proklov

It is necessary to stain with ethyl acetate, at least 6 hours, then take it out of the stain and straighten it immediately.

OK, I asked incorrectly. And what do you spread it on? On the straightening board? But what about the legs?

17.08.2017 23:06, ИНО

Likes: 3

20.08.2017 14:31, Liparus

There is an authoritative (that is, a hymenopterologist with a long experience) opinion that it is not worth keeping pereponov even for an hour in a stain with ethyl acetate - the pubescence spoils, especially in bees.

As you can see, I don't have a single bee, and all the specimens are without pubescence. You are right, if you starve bees or bumblebees, the hairs will stick together...

But the wasps, if not to starve, then not to spread, especially Ichneumonidae.
Likes: 1

20.08.2017 14:35, Liparus

OK, I asked incorrectly. And what do you spread it on? On the straightening board? But what about the legs?

Here's an example, just like that. If small, then without a foam lining under the wings.
Likes: 2

20.08.2017 17:10, Vlad Proklov

Here's an example, just like that. If small, then without a foam lining under the wings.

Oh! That's what I wanted to know!
In general, gimor is still the same! smile.gif

20.08.2017 17:13, Vlad Proklov

But, in general, they are easier to spread than butterflies, with the exception of vespids who have folded their wings in full.

Well, I wouldn't say that! lol.gif
Butterflies don't have to straighten their legs!

20.08.2017 17:54, NIKSTER

Well, I wouldn't say that! lol.gif
Butterflies don't have to straighten their legs!

But what about the wingless female moths? Or here at will smile.gif

20.08.2017 23:10, ИНО

Here's an example, just like that. If small, then without a foam lining under the wings.

Yes, this is an easy case, here the wings, apparently, were already in the correct position (at least, there is nothing holding them from above). Usually, if you don't spread out yourself, everything is much more complicated. But straightening my legs has never caused me any difficulties or unpleasant sensations. I'm not chasing pomicron symmetry in this. Compared to butterflies, the main relief is that there are no scales on the wings and the constant fear of shaking them off.

20.08.2017 23:23, Vlad Proklov

But what about the wingless female moths? Or here at will smile.gif

I don't straighten them at all! I just lay out my legs on a piece of styrofoam.

20.08.2017 23:24, Vlad Proklov

Yes, this is an easy case, here the wings, apparently, were already in the correct position (at least, there is nothing holding them from above). Usually, if you don't spread out yourself, everything is much more complicated. But straightening my legs has never caused me any difficulties or unpleasant sensations. I'm not chasing pomicron symmetry in this. Compared to butterflies, the main relief is that there are no scales on the wings and the constant fear of shaking them off.

Everyone is used to their own=)

21.08.2017 9:48, Liparus

Yes, this is an easy case, here the wings, apparently, were already in the correct position

I won't say it's easy. About 6 hours later, after I got wet, I took it out of the stain and tried to straighten it out. But nothing happened, I had to spend another 12 hours in the water. No, the wings were in the same position as the butterflies in the envelope.

21.08.2017 10:03, Liparus

Oh, that's what I wanted to know!
In general, gimor is still the same! smile.gif

In the photo, there is 1 layer of foam under the wings, the number of layers and thickness may vary, depending on the size of the wasp. For example, very large ones may have 2 layers,medium-sized oss may have 1, and those that are smaller may have 0.5.

21.08.2017 17:56, ИНО

12.09.2017 19:43, Tortuga.

And if it's not too much trouble, can I have a "diagram or drawing"?
In the personal account, or, better, in the topic "Ways to catch the light"?

do you have a diagram or a drawing?)

16.09.2017 12:27, hugoUN

Good day to all. 15.09.2017 I decided to go for an evening catch in the hope of catching a linear hawk moth. But apart from the banal scoops, nothing came across. At 21-30, the iris mantis flew into the world. At 22-15, the second mantis iris arrived, maybe for Sedovo and Novoazovsk this species is no longer rare, but for the DPR, Novorossia of the city of Shakhtersk village.Stozhkovo near the Vinnitskaya mine and a new instance for me personally. And also this summer, in the same place on 27.07.2017, this ribbon was caught.
Likes: 7

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