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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCrimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

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26.08.2013 12:53, barry

25.08.2013. Kharkiv region, Russian Lozovaya village, deciduous forest.

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This post was edited by barry - 26.08.2013 13: 01
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26.08.2013 19:57, Сергей-Д

short holiday trips around the region
one night caught the light-from large scales nothing interesting, a little micro was collected. Armigera is massive both day and night. Statiline flew into the world )
picture: P8258313.jpg
In the afternoon, I photographed the second generation of damone - there are not enough of them this year. Just like last time, one male took a fancy to my bag and posed on it. Along the way, I met Proto.
picture: Agrodiaetus_damone_tanais_9_1_m_____________.jpg
picture: Agrodiaetus_damone_tanais_9_2_m_____________.jpg
picture: Agrodiaetus_damone_tanais_10_mf_____________.jpg
picture: Agrodiaetus_damone_tanais_11_fm_____________.jpg
picture: Agrodiaetus_damone_tanais_12_4_m_____________.jpg
picture: ________________.jpg
picture: Muschampia_proteides_3_____________.jpg
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27.08.2013 13:34, Liparus

25.08.2013. Kharkiv region, Russian Lozovaya village, deciduous forest.

DSCF7206.JPG — (5.91мб)

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30.08.2013 22:04, Wave Storm

I took a walk on the outskirts of the city today.

What was caught in the camera lens:

Carpocoris of some sort...

Lycaena thersamon
picture: IMG_3669.jpg

Vanessa cardui
picture: IMG_3697.jpg

Akrida two-tone, has grown over the summer
picture: IMG_3708.jpg

There are a lot of swallowtails, more than other butterflies
picture: IMG_3704.JPG
picture: IMG_3724.jpg

Melitaea dydima
picture: IMG_3712.JPG

Crambus hamella?
picture: IMG_3735.JPG

Melitaea phoebe. I didn't expect to meet her so close
picture: IMG_3741.jpg

Spider I don't know
picture: IMG_3767.JPG

picture: IMG_3770.JPG

Milkweed hawk moth caterpillar
picture: IMG_3779.JPG

picture: IMG_3790.JPG

Another Melitaea phoebe, the penultimate row of spots is not darkened
picture: IMG_3834.JPG

Pontia daplidice
picture: IMG_3853.JPG

Scopula decorata
picture: IMG_3799_2.jpg

This post was edited by Wave Storm - 30.08.2013 22: 30
Likes: 24

30.08.2013 22:20, Alexandr Zhakov

I took a walk on the outskirts of the city today.
Scopula ornata
picture: IMG_3799_2.jpg

I even think it's Scopula decorata
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30.08.2013 22:26, okoem

2 Wave Storm
Spider-Argiope lobata
With a moth-yes, apparently decorata. What's not ornata, that's for sure.
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30.08.2013 22:32, Wave Storm

Djon, okoem, I just looked at the sites with butterflies - but really decorata, thank you.
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31.08.2013 0:04, Сергей-Д

I took a walk on the outskirts of the city today.
Crambus hamella?

Catoptria fulgidella
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01.09.2013 22:44, barry

Today, on 01.09.2013, we went with Artur Shekhovtsov to the forest near the village of Russkaya Lozovaya (Kharkiv region). The weather these days was rainy, it was not clear what would happen today, in general, we got into the forest only somewhere around 16: 00.
Endomychus coccineus was found on two birch trees with mushrooms in the mass. Before that, they came across quite rarely and only in isolated instances. Arthur got himself a couple of hundred, by my estimate. smile.gif On the same birches, there were quite a lot of Aradus (?)depressus larvae, although it was not easy to notice them, their color was disguised as bark. Only one adult bug, Aradus depressus, was found.
Tenebroides fuscus was also found under the bark of a birch tree, and Pyrrhocoris apterus (entirely red) was just hatched on the trunk.
picture: CRW_4980.jpg
picture: CRW_4984.jpg
picture: CRW_4985.jpg
picture: CRW_4990.jpg
picture: CRW_4993.jpg
picture: CRW_4997.jpg
picture: CRW_4999.jpg
picture: CRW_5002.jpg
picture: CRW_5010.jpg
picture: CRW_5021.jpg


This post was edited by barry - 02.09.2013 00: 10
Likes: 22

03.09.2013 19:53, Liparus

Overcast, + 19
03. IX. 2013 Kharkiv region, roc. Bezlyudovki

IMG_0002.JPG — (3.78 mb)

IMG_0003.JPG — (4.21 mb)

IMG_0009.JPG — (3.64 mb)

IMG_0005.JPG — (2.89мб)

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04.09.2013 20:08, Сергей-Д

Liparus, why do you need platitudes?

05.09.2013 17:09, Liparus

Liparus, why do you need platitudes?

I do not know whether I will make a picture out of butterflies, or whether I will start collecting a collection.
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06.09.2013 7:14, lethrusk

Liparus, why do you need platitudes?

Here are the banals, but somewhere for happiness.

06.09.2013 9:53, Penzyak

I've been looking for Statelin in my area for 20 years now ... alas... most of the southeast has been combed...
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06.09.2013 22:20, Wave Storm

Here are the banals, but somewhere for happiness.

That's the truth, that's the truth. Field mother-of-pearl does not seem to be a Red Book butterfly, but it is rare, and usually in single specimens, and here Liparus has as many as 8 of them! And the peacock's eye is even harder to find. Of course, it affects the fact that the entire area is plowed-plowed.


It's cold and raining right now. No butterflies in sight. I don't remember the beginning of September ever being like this.

07.09.2013 13:36, Сергей-Д

in our region, all these types are common and are known from most locations. Statiline is only local. In pine plantations around Severodonetsk it is not uncommon, on the ridge it is common in some cretaceous gullies, and in some places on areas of stony steppe you can count more than 50 in an hour.
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08.09.2013 9:12, Igorvet

Tonight we went with Diletant to the Makarovsky district of the Kiev region, a mixed forest in the village of Komarovka. With the weather, like, lucky. The sun shone from 20.30 to 1.30 on one DRV-250, then it became cold.The age was average. As a result, of the interesting caught one fresh Drymonia obliterata and three specimens of Catocala fraxini, two of them are also fresh. There were about eight of them, but not all of them could be reached. The trip turned out to be spontaneous and was decided half an hour before departure, so the photos are not attached due to the fact that the camera was forgotten in a hurry at home.
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08.09.2013 18:37, Чегар

More on the benefits of visiting relatives.
Today we were invited to dinner (cabbage rolls) to my wife's sister. Having in mind to combine the useful with the pleasant after the third glass, I went out into the courtyard (garden garden), and under a rotten apple I found a small bug. Already at home I tried it on-3.5 mm, quite quickly he decided-Trechus austriacus. For Moldova, only two degrees are indicated ( plus T. quadristriatus) but mine has well-defined posterior angles of the pronotum, and there is a photo, so it's definitely an Austrian. And then I thought, I didn't know anything about this beetle, I hadn't even heard of it, I hadn't looked for it, but I found it. And I was pleased-it was nature that changed with me for nothing, for nothing. No matter what we think, nature has the largest collection. And I don't say anything about fees at all.
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08.09.2013 21:40, Hierophis

That's the truth, that's the truth. Field mother-of-pearl does not seem to be a Red Book butterfly, but it is rare, and usually in single specimens, and here Liparus has as many as 8 of them! And the peacock's eye is even harder to find. Of course, it affects the fact that the entire area is plowed-plowed.


It's cold and raining right now. No butterflies in sight. I don't remember the beginning of September ever being like this.

Issoria latonia rare? Yes well, they are always full, and everywhere, and we and in the desert of your wink.gifDay peacock eyes all the more full, so it's not enough because everything is plowed but because you need to climb everywhere more often wink.gif
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09.09.2013 13:18, svm2

We went to a place where there was no rain according to the forecast-to Polesie in Zhytomyr region. The exact location was not determined beforehand, i.e. we will arrive somewhere.Here's what happened.
07.09.13 Zhytomyr region, Luginsky district, on the GCC from Pavlyukivka (N51°11 '17’
E028°36’30"), I. Kostyuk and V. Sergienko, 20-00 to 5-30, quiet, +17, mixed forest.
There are a lot of eardrums and diptera of all kinds. For a colleague, I took a pair of barbels, a small bronze karabus, a geotrup, and some aphodius, who will determine it, so I gave it to nechlyadya. Igor sibiralom micro for a colleague, too, was not enough. And here's what's on the macro-

Trichiura crataegi

Scopula rubiginata
Cyclophora albipunctata
Timandra comae

Orthonama vitatta
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Epirrhoe alternata
Pennithera firmata
Thera obeliscata
Eulithis testata
Ecliptoptera silaceata
Eupithecia pusillata
Eu. sp

Macaria liturata
Ennomos autumnarius
Peribatodes rhomboidaria
Hypomecis roboraria
Ectropis crepuscularia

Nycteola asiatica

Hypena proboscidalis

Lymantria monacha

Miltochrista miniata
Eilema depressa

Zanclognatha lunalis

Hypenodes humidalis

Laspeyiria flexula

Catocala fraxini

Macdunnoughia confusa
Autographa gamma

Deltote uncula

Helicoverpa armigera

Staurophora celsia
Phragmatiphila nexa
Denticucullus pygmina
Cirrhia icteritia
Mesogona oxalina
Xylena solidaginis
Mniotype satura

Tholera decimalis

Euxoa nigricans
Xastia baja
X. c-nigrum
Coenophila subrosea
Protolampra sobrina

The selected ones were caught by me for the first time.
A few photos from Kostyuk
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09.09.2013 17:00, Wave Storm

Issoria latonia rare? Come on, they are always full, and everywhere, and we and in the desert of your wink.gifDay peacock eyes are even more full, so it's not enough because everything is plowed, but because you need to climb everywhere more often wink.gif

Yes, they climbed. This year, so far, there are 3 latonias in April. Then in May alone. In July and August, I often climbed, but there were no such things. And for the peacock's eye, you need to find large thickets of nettles and hops-forage plants. It doesn't grow very often in forests and woodlands.
But I found a place where angleflies regularly meet with admirals - the North Crimean Canal. They fly at the bait.

This post was edited by Wave Storm - 09.09.2013 17: 03

10.09.2013 19:14, Liparus

10.09.2013 Ukraine, Kharkov reg., 2 km NW to Vasischevo outskirts. 49°50'46.12"N, 36°18'10.92"E

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10.09.2013 21:08, AGG

Do you have cho there!? mariana crawls all year round? eek.gif

10.09.2013 21:34, Liparus

Do you have cho there!? mariana crawls all year round? eek.gif

Usually in June-July, but here...
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10.09.2013 21:48, vasiliy-feoktistov

Do you have cho there!? mariana crawls all year round? eek.gif

August 23 saw 2 copies. in the Vladimir region. I think I could have seen it yesterday if the weather had been warmer. This is so, for information.
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10.09.2013 22:03, AGG

I saw the "edge" on July 2, but this is during a cold spring, and usually mid-May - mid-jun

10.09.2013 22:26, AGG

August 23 saw 2 copies. in the Vladimir region. I think I could have seen it yesterday if the weather had been warmer. This is so, for information.

You have cooler weather and because of this, the climate is slightly shifted, but "Kharkiv reg." is located in slightly lower latitudes. Here's what surprised me

11.09.2013 10:34, vasiliy-feoktistov

You have cooler weather and because of this, the climate is slightly shifted, but "Kharkiv reg." is located in slightly lower latitudes. That's what surprised me

And zlatki are generally unpredictable. About the regions: in my opinion, they do not matter for the goldsmiths living on their territory. "Zlatka is a child of the sun" (J. A. Fabre) and the sun is the main thing for them. Please note when I caught the first mariana this year: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1406978 (May 12). And the last one was seen on August 23. I hope that if I get out there tomorrow (I don't know for sure yet), I'll catch her again. The main thing is that the weather is favorable.
P.S. Once I collected other goldsmiths: Melanophila (s.str.) acuminata (Degeer, 1774) and Phaenops cyanea (Fabricius, 1775) as early as September 5 and in the mass. The weather then accompanied them and their years also begin in May and June. And Kharkiv is to the south: I think the autumn there is later than ours. Why shouldn't there be zlatkam confused.gif
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12.09.2013 10:36, barry

11.09.2013 with Artur Shekhovtsov were in Vasishchevo (Kharkiv region).


picture: 4469.jpgpicture: 4480.jpg
picture: 27521.jpgpicture: 27497.jpg
picture: 27542.jpg
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14.09.2013 14:29, Vitis

11.09.2013 with Artur Shekhovtsov were in Vasishchevo (Kharkiv region).


Has Harmony already occupied Kharkiv? I only caught the first one last year, although I've been collecting coccinellids for almost 20 years...

?Chrysomelidae sp. -- Podagrica menetriesi. The other one on your site is malvae.
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14.09.2013 17:02, Liparus

Has Harmony already occupied Kharkiv? I only caught the first one last year, although I've been collecting coccinellids for almost 20 years...

?Chrysomelidae sp. -- Podagrica menetriesi. The other one on your site is malvae.

I've never seen Harmony before.Harmony population larvae and imagos were found on the Bolotny Oak Tree. How do Podagrica menetriesi and malvae differ?
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14.09.2013 20:21, Wave Storm

Yesterday in the entrance here is such a butterfly met:
picture: IMG_3856.JPG
It's not Erannis defoliaria by any chance?

And today I took a walk in the vicinity of N. Kakhovka. In the steppe, when the sun occasionally comes out, fly swallowtails, yellowbirds, whiteflies and pigeons. In general, everyone tries to hide from the strong wind.
picture: IMG_3940.JPG
picture: IMG_3927.JPG
picture: IMG_3902.JPG

On the spot near the sand pit where I met Scopul decorat last time, I came across another pyadenichka (I don't know what her name is):
picture: IMG_3947.JPG

Another surprise came across in the city, in the sandy steppe under the power line - Lampides boeticus. Beautiful butterfly!

picture: IMG_3889.jpg
picture: IMG_3873.jpg

This post was edited by Wave Storm - 14.09.2013 20: 21
Likes: 13

14.09.2013 20:30, vasiliy-feoktistov

Yesterday in the entrance here is such a butterfly met:
picture: IMG_3856.JPG
It's not Erannis defoliaria by any chance?

No, it looks like Pelurga comitata (Linnaeus, 1758). Not E. defoliaria definitely.
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14.09.2013 21:23, okoem

On the spot near the sand pit where I met Scopul decorat last time, I came across another pyadenichka (I don't know what her name is):

Dyscia ?innocentaria
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14.09.2013 21:25, svm2

Dyscia innocentaria-Second moth
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14.09.2013 21:31, Alexandr Zhakov

Dyscia innocentaria-the second moth

I failed smile.gif
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14.09.2013 23:26, barry

?Chrysomelidae sp. -- Podagrica menetriesi. The other one on your site is malvae.

The other is what exactly is meant? Which is Podagrica fuscicornis?
There are several for different dates...
Or menetriesi from Crimea?

This post was edited by barry - 14.09.2013 23: 27

15.09.2013 10:43, Vitis

The other is what exactly is meant? Which is Podagrica fuscicornis?
There are several for different dates...
Or menetriesi from Crimea?

Crimean - malvae, all Kharkiv - menetriesi. And try to look for fuscicornis on cultivated malvas, for example, in Kharkiv, or in the steppes on Lavathera. I only collected it in these conditions, but in your climate it may be different.
In malvae, the crown is almost always blackish, it is noticeably smaller. In Ukraine, mainly in the Crimea. menetriesi differs from fuscicornis primarily by its dotted prsp., which is almost the same size as on the ndcr. Fuscicornis has prsp points. much smaller than the ndkr. In addition, menetriesi often has darkened legs, which I have not observed in fuscicornis.

Everyone has no time to register on the site. Then I'll take a closer look:)
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16.09.2013 10:21, barry

15.09.2013, Russkaya Lozovaya village.
Sorting junk in the basement, moldy rotten boards, etc.

On molds in the mass of Mycetaea subterranea (Fabricius, 1801).
picture: CRW_5282.jpg
picture: CRW_5319.jpg
picture: CRW_5320.jpg
picture: CRW_5331.jpg

(?) Rhyncolus reflexus. On a birch tree partially submerged in water. I even got the impression that one of the three found was located in the underwater part.
picture: CRW_5339.jpg
picture: CRW_5347.jpg
picture: CRW_5355.jpg

(?) Monotoma quadrifoveolata Aubé, 1837.
In decomposing apples.
picture: CRW_5395.jpg
picture: CRW_5403.jpg

(?) Xestobium rufovillosum.
In rotten wood (I would say pine).
picture: CRW_5411.jpg
picture: CRW_5429.jpg
picture: CRW_5430.jpg

And so far without versions, dried up...
picture: CRW_5439.jpg
picture: CRW_5448.jpg
picture: CRW_5456.jpg

This post was edited by barry - 09/16/2013 10: 27
Likes: 22

20.09.2013 11:36, Vitis

15.09.2013, Russkaya Lozovaya village.
Sorting junk in the basement, moldy rotten boards, etc
. And so far no versions, dried up...

The deceased is Cryptophagus sp., if I'm not mistaken...
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