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09.06.2009 20:41, Peter Khramov: comment on Scopula immorata

Igor, thanks for the comments. As the main options put small undulating, heather - in second place (as in the literature of this option is also mentioned).

09.06.2009 20:21, Peter Khramov: comment on New pictures

From Basil Feoktistov, Vladimir Bobrov and Denis Tumanov.

09.06.2009 17:25, Peter Khramov: comment on The new field is in the form of uploading photos

Now, in a specific field can be specified to identify the object in the picture - a subspecies, shape, age larvae and things like that.

09.06.2009 15:53, Aaata: comment on

От Л.Большакова (а ему доверять можно) недавно получил как валидное Laothoe amurensis (Stgr., 1892)

09.06.2009 14:07, Guest: comment on

…и список видов экспонирующих видов, на основании которых будет составлен список на вход.Так и не понял для каких видов по каким спискам вход бесплатный.

07.06.2009 20:04, Linnaeus tuschinorum: comment on

Ну очень художественно позировала!

07.06.2009 16:58, ixabar: comment on

Добрый день! Я профессиональный фотограф и мне для реализации одного творческого проекта, нужы качественные фото коллекции бабочек, поэтому предлагаю сфотографировать вашу коллекцию в обмен на фото, т.е. вам отдам ...

07.06.2009 16:05, Peter Khramov: comment on The guest appeared Autopass author

If the guest review says an authorized user, the name of the author inserted automatically (no need to enter it), appears in the list of comments appropriate label "authorized".

07.06.2009 2:03, Peter Khramov: comment on Displays information about who defined the view of the photos

Now for some photos further information is available from one site, there is evidence that in the kind of photograph. For the majority of pictures by the author determine the type of default is considered the author of photos.

07.06.2009 0:50, Peter Khramov: comment on The page description - all pictures of the form

Now on the page with a description of butterflies do not need to click on an extra link to see all kinds of pictures.

07.06.2009 0:12, Peter Khramov: comment on New photos from the four authors

Pictures provided Vasiliy Feoktistov Sergey Novitsky, Andrey Sazykin and Igor Rokachevsky.

06.06.2009 19:45, Жабонька: comment on

а что кушают Gnaptor spinimanus и Cleonis pigra?

06.06.2009 17:47, Yakovlev: comment on

Уверен, что на западе есть любители которые собирают клопов и публикуются по ним.Профессионалы в науке, работающие в НИИ это превосходно, но реалии жизни таковы, что систематика сейчас в загоне, кругом оптимизация ...

06.06.2009 16:30, barko: comment on

Друзья! По просьбе создателей новой серии книг о совках прошу вас проголосовать, указав преоритетность выхода отдельных её томов.Проголосовать можно по ссылкеhttp://spreadsheets.google.com:80/viewform...oNThXbVFQUXc6MAВсе ваши коментарии ...

04.06.2009 14:56, Vabrus: comment on

Ну всем же интересно

03.06.2009 12:24, Peter Khramov: comment on Aethalura punctulata

Sergey, thanks for the comments. Comments on specific photographs is better to leave it in the pages with photos. For example, here I ordered for you: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/1721/ http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/1720/ http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/1719/

03.06.2009 0:53, Peter Khramov: comment on Commenting species descriptions, a list of neighboring species for each description

Now, any registered user can use the special form located on each page with a description of a butterfly, upload your corrections and additions. In addition, there is a description of each page of the list of species of the same genus as the reporting (right column).

31.05.2009 16:20, Peter Khramov: comment on A few more pictures

From Basil Feoktistov, Boris and George Eugene Komarov.

31.05.2009 16:02, Peter Khramov: comment on Fixed an issue with the change password

Fixed an issue that arose for some new options entered passwords.

28.05.2009 20:35, Denis Tumanov: comment on photo #3017

Next to last age caterpillar. In Penza region it feeds on hag-weed.

28.05.2009 15:17, Штучка: comment on

Я сталкивалась с этой проблемой!У меня довольно часто палочники переставали есть по обоим причинам. Чтоб не сдохли с голоду, приходилось кормить буквально с рук. Кстати голодные палочники плохо смотрятся на ...

28.05.2009 13:48, Alexy: comment on

  Есть такие - к примеру четырёхкрылые дрозофилы.Там наверное не число сегментов увеличиваются, а восстанавливаются вторые нормальные крылья (которые у всех двукрылых рудиментарны)?

27.05.2009 14:40, Peter Khramov: comment on 32 new photos

Pictures provided Vasiliy Feoktistov, Denis Tumanov Evgeny Komarov and Vladimir Shefer.

27.05.2009 11:14, Asar: comment on

Сергей, спасибо за инфу. Мы будем западнее, как раз ближе к сотому перевалу, но, бум надеяться, по бабочкам оно не скуднее...

26.05.2009 11:42, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #2977

Looking forward...

25.05.2009 23:44, Peter Khramov: comment on Change user password in your account

New Options, now on the settings page you can change your password to a more convenient and safer.

25.05.2009 21:53, Egorus: comment on

С Днем Рождения!Крепкого здоровья, а также ЭНТОуспехов, ЭНТОудач и ЭНТОвезения!

25.05.2009 21:03, Denis Tumanov: comment on photo #2746

This caterpillar is of the fourth brood.

25.05.2009 21:01, Denis Tumanov: comment on photo #2706

Second generation caterpillar.

25.05.2009 21:00, Denis Tumanov: comment on photo #2630

These caterpillars are of the first brood.

25.05.2009 19:48, Peter Khramov: comment on New photos

Authors shots - Sergey Novitsky, Dennis Vasily Tumanov and Feoktistov.

25.05.2009 18:50, Peter Khramov: comment on System photos comments

Registered users and authors can comment on any photograph, as well as to confirm or refute the accuracy of the determination of the form in the photos. We draw the attention of specialists, in the gallery, you can separately display images, on which kind of undefined or is not defined precisely , these are the pictures require your attention in the first place ...

25.05.2009 14:08, kotbegemot: comment on


25.05.2009 11:01, Bolivar: comment on

О, я помню эту забавную игруху! Вышла где-то в середине девяностых. Так и не прошел, к сожалению.

24.05.2009 20:50, lepidopterolog: comment on

Chrysiridia rhipheus Drury 1773 вот так вроде...

24.05.2009 2:48, Peter Khramov: comment on New paragraph in the registration system, the new taxa in the catalog and photos in the gallery

The newly registering users and authors can post information about their city in a separate field. There is an opinion that such information can help, for example, to meet offline. In addition, the base site, new taxa, and the gallery - photos Basil Feoktistov.

24.05.2009 2:33, Peter Khramov: comment on New filter in the gallery - selection of photos on the accuracy of the form to them

With the new filter in the gallery, you can select only the pictures, the kind on which the butterflies accurately determined not accurately or not defined at all. If you can tell the species name to "undetermined" photos, write us to e-mail. In the near future, this information could be made available through a system of comments to the photos on the site.

23.05.2009 0:11, Peter Khramov: comment on How to upload photos of butterflies, which are not described on the site?

Basil, not for that. Regarding the filter on the degree of determination of the type answered the mail. In short: the filter is ready.

22.05.2009 22:36, Peter Khramov: comment on New photos in the gallery and new taxa in the database

Added a few exotic and not only taxa, as well as pictures of butterflies from Svetlana Lukienko, Basil and Peter Feoktistov Khramov.

22.05.2009 15:01, Peter Khramov: comment on Loading photos butterfly species not found in the database of the site and is not certain

Now, on the site you can not only upload photos butterfly species that exist in the base site (catalog), but also photos of species that are in the database yet, and the photo, view the butterfly which is not defined. All three types of downloads available from Dashboard registered users.

21.05.2009 21:37, Aaata: comment on

У Hemaris,a могут быть.

21.05.2009 18:03, Peter Khramov: comment on Indication as to whether the form is defined in the publication of photos

Downloading a photo of a butterfly on a website, you can now specify that the form of the butterfly in the photo is determined accurately. In this case, other users on the site will pay more attention to the photo and will confirm or oprovergut information form.

20.05.2009 23:13, Peter Khramov: comment on The function of image selection for any taxon

Now, in the gallery, you can select photos Lepidoptera.ru of taxa, for example, it is possible to see only pictures of butterflies family Papilionidae , or just kind of Parnassius . During Code Update gallery 2 hours was deactivated function to download new images. Now downloading again fully operational.

20.05.2009 18:12, Peter Khramov: comment on Six new photos

Authors shots - Vasiliy Feoktistov and Andrey Sazykin.

20.05.2009 13:05, Solarway: comment on

Друзья, в эту субботу(23.05) хотелось бы съездить куда-нить в Подмосковье на ночной лов(лично меня интересует только Lepidoptera). Из оснащения есть: автомобиль и лампа дрл, опробованная в работе. Нет генератора и экрана. ...

18.05.2009 15:25, Peter Khramov: comment on New photos of butterflies from Vasily and Andrey Feoktistov Sazykina

Preview of new images:

18.05.2009 13:35, MaratD: comment on

Здравствуйте!Приглашаем принять участие в поездке / экспедиции в ближайшие июньские праздники (4 - 5 дней).Предпологаемое место - это области центральной части России.Мы - небольшая группа энтузиастов, организующая ...

15.05.2009 23:11, Peter Khramov: comment on Hyles euphorbiae

Basil, everything is OK with the pictures, they are normally loaded (refer to. Cabinet). Most of them will be published soon (then in office will change their status).

15.05.2009 19:42, Peter Khramov: comment on Fixed several inaccuracies in photo captions

Thank you all for the comments.

15.05.2009 0:22, Peter Khramov: comment on Started publication of the main pages of the site in English

For a more comfortable site reviewed by foreign authors are beginning to spread some of the pages in English. To begin with - to start.

Next page

Insecta.pro: international entomological community. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

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