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11.04.2011 22:24, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #8378

Nooo. If that was question "what's this?", there should have been something between "this" and" the number of the shot (not just space), say, dash.

11.04.2011 18:14, sergeyrgmu: comment on


11.04.2011 15:27, Peter Khramov: comment on New feature: the withdrawal of all kinds of pictures in large size on a single page

Now, if the species on the site has more than one illustration, all of them can be displayed on a single page large preview photos - corresponding link is available in the upper right side of the page with a photo and description of the page with the form. At the same time you go into the gallery section and have all the features of the selection of images, and removing the checkbox "Only photos ...

11.04.2011 12:11, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #8487

Ok then, moved.

10.04.2011 17:59, Svyatoslav Knyazev: comment on Polyommatus cyane

In Western Siberia, caterpillars and butterflies feed exclusively on Goniolimon speciosum!

10.04.2011 17:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #8361

This is my blunder, I published not noticing that it was already applied to a species, even signed. Will move it right now.

09.04.2011 13:53, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #7232

Didn't get it myself :(

09.04.2011 13:44, Peter Khramov: comment on Breaks in the work of uploading pictures 9 April 2011

In the course of the day on the site is finished loading the new system with automatic copyrights, so most of the time this section will be inactive. Once everything is ready (approximately, in the late afternoon / Nocera Moscow time) - I'll post relevant news.

08.04.2011 22:39, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #7249


08.04.2011 11:51, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #8280


08.04.2011 11:51, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #8281


07.04.2011 12:37, Трофим: comment on Entomology - public education

http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1105749 Последнее время почаще стали появляться сообщения о выставках и внеурочных мероприятиях. Так что делимся и развиваем тему Кое-что из архива (добрые воспоминания), на сайт пока не ...

06.04.2011 22:46, Wild Yuri: comment on Dosang 2011

  Хм. А судя по картам там таки есть "Арчединско-Донские пески" и "Арчединские пески". Некоторые источники утверждают, что это самая серерная "настоящая" пустыня. Есть эта пустыня. Видел прошлой весной из ...

06.04.2011 15:20, Peter Khramov: comment on Summary of size and processing ph

It seems like zaprogrammil same automatic copyright, pick up another final clearance, after which Communism finally has come, and foty marked daw "not edited" will be published soon (all preparations will be made automatically on the website), not marked - not so fast but clearly faster,than it is now.

05.04.2011 21:27, vespa crabro: comment on How to keep Polistes dominula-Polistes nimpha in a terrarium?

Я их буду содержать по разному,в этом году я буду содержать Polistes,а в следующем может быть и земляных Vespula vulgaris,Vespula germanica.То есть по уровням начиная с легкого по сложный!И буду изменять все в террариуме для каждого вида ...

05.04.2011 17:33, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #7696


05.04.2011 17:32, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #8266

Yeah, right, but in this case it should be identified but named differently (at the personal page). Whatever.

05.04.2011 15:31, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #8265

That's pretty weird that already named in comments was not moved to "identified"...

04.04.2011 22:27, Peter Khramov: comment on New pictures in the gallery

More than a hundred new photos by Vitaly Gumenyuk, Roman Romanov, Igor Sakhno, Dmitry and Yuri Semeykina Pozhogin. It goes without saying, with enlarged copies of ...

04.04.2011 21:49, Peter Khramov: comment on About the photo requirements

And if the sharpness is not required to clean greens in many cases, you can turn off without masks, a simple choice in the Hue / Saturation (green butterflies little benefit, although there are also yellow component plays an important role, but at the yellow butterflies has plenty of ...)

04.04.2011 20:37, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #7046

Ok then, moved.

04.04.2011 18:38, Peter Khramov: comment on New signatures on pages of photos

Since Now I pre retouch not all photos, but only those for which the authors do not put daw ban on editing, in the signatures on the pages of the photos are now displayed information who the most advanced retouching (editing) picture wire - just the photographer or not only, or not photographer.

04.04.2011 12:05, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #8271

That was about "better" or "worse"?

04.04.2011 12:03, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #7013


03.04.2011 22:39, DavBaz: comment on Congratulations to Fornax13

С прошедшим Днем Рождения!!!

03.04.2011 22:15, Peter Khramov: comment on The novel features descriptions of species

Now, not only displays information about the time adult flight, but also the lifetime of the tracks, not only the length of the wing, but wingspan. The first thing you need to understand why the second - that was the choice of how to count, or the length of the wing span, as well as to about the size was at least some information in cases where the length of the wing is not known.So far, data on ...

03.04.2011 21:46, Peter Khramov: comment on New modes of displaying information in the catalog and gallery: Large preview

Eugene, thank you brought upon error. Who is corrected, we can safely navigate the page in large prevyuh.

03.04.2011 17:31, Bianor: comment on Entomological surnames

Первое, что вспомнилось:Жуковский В. А.Княжна ТаракановаНу и вот это, конечно:http://www.ura.ru/content/yamal/30-03-2011...26.html?from=gr

03.04.2011 15:44, Peter Khramov: comment on Search subspecies

Now finding involves not only species and taxa above species level, but also subspecies. Link thus leads to a page with a list of the parent species subspecies.

03.04.2011 11:47, Seneka: comment on Number of species

  http://files.mail.ru/LS8S03Спасибо! Хорошая книжица.

01.04.2011 21:33, Bad Den: comment on Custom entomological equipment

Сезонное обострение вируса СП на форуме! Снова собираюсь заказывать оборудование в фирме "Ento Sphinx". Кому что нужно - пишите в личку/на емейл/в аську - у кого как получится.Условия и каталог - в заглавном посте ...

31.03.2011 0:56, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #8027

Well, ok then, no fuss. Variety sounds cool.

30.03.2011 21:11, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #7981


30.03.2011 14:28, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #7982

Thanks, moving.

30.03.2011 12:37, Peter Khramov: comment on Test published large photos

Eugene, there are great options for many previously uploaded photos. Gradually, they will lay out how to lay out all signal that remained there, to be able to reload.

30.03.2011 9:20, Penzyak: comment on Congratulations to A. O. Benkovsky!

Андрей Олегович, примите искренние поздравления с защитой докторской степени от пензяков!!! Надеемся на дальнейшее плодотворное сотрудничество.

30.03.2011 1:48, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #6387

Moved and activated.

30.03.2011 1:26, Peter Khramov: comment on New photos

From Pozhogin Dmitry, Igor Sakhno, Roman Romanov, Yuri Semeykina, Oleg Seliverstov, Yuri Sokolkova and Rostislav Lezhoeva. All foty - just a larger version.

29.03.2011 0:09, Peter Khramov: comment on

Dmitry, synonyms do not forget to write down when the view out subspecies (now I added uzho).

28.03.2011 17:23, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on All-Russian Conference with international participation "Diseases and pests in Russian forests: century XXI"

  Я работаю в музее-заповеднике ("контора" подведомственная МинКультуры) у нас такого совета нет...Как быть???мне написали организаторы:Если в учреждении нет руководителей-экспертов, мы можем заменить это ...

28.03.2011 16:53, Vitaly Gumenuk: comment on Finish: daw "please do not edit photo" plus a choice of the type of file to be loaded

Everything is fine

27.03.2011 23:36, Kharkovbut: comment on New European checklist for Lepidoptera

Это-то понятно; вот здесь: The Distribution atlas of European butterflies. – Oedippus 20 : 1-342 под редакцией Кудрны dardanus идет как вид, без комментариев. Я думал, что, может, свежие данные есть, по молекулярке там, или еще чего... Насчет Hesperiidae нет ...

27.03.2011 21:38, Peter Khramov: comment on Archaeoattacus edwardsii

Thanks for the tip, changed.

27.03.2011 17:29, Peter Khramov: comment on The inaccessibility of the site for a half day 27 March

Hosting Provider rubbing sprocket their servers, in this regard, many sites were not available, including and Lepidoptera.ru. Now everything should be OK.

26.03.2011 19:58, Peter Khramov: comment on load section

Messages need it. And since They are sorted by date, those that feel stale, you can simply browse ...

26.03.2011 9:44, Yuri Semejkin: comment on Apatura schrenckii

Is it possible for more detail. And, for obvious data. They can be seen visually? To determine the type of?

25.03.2011 17:53, Liparus: comment on Insects in faleristics

  Значок Венгерского общества пчеловодовСтранно, но изображена не пчела, а муха лвинька.

25.03.2011 17:28, Pliss A: comment on Spreading insects

Да, спасибо за совет, я уже знаком с Романом Викторовичем с осени 2010 года.

25.03.2011 11:48, Martix: comment on Keeping and breeding of beetles

Пока вроде нормально себя чувствуют, посмотрю что будет дальше...

25.03.2011 11:47, Peter Khramov: comment on Pagination in "uploaded photos"

Vitaly, but I do not have it. I'm not to the fact that people do not use, and to ensure that people are not waiting and loads more.

Next page

Insecta.pro: international entomological community. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

© Insects catalog Insecta.pro, 2007—2024.

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