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Hello. Are there any butterfly collectors in Uzbekistan? I myself am an aspiring collector, and I live in Samarkand. It is very difficult to collect butterflies alone in your home country. There is no collection material yet, but there is equipment and, most importantly, a desire to collect.Wrote by E-mail.
Yes, I hope the whole truth will come out one day. Who and how fought for Lyosha's body in Tae, who was close to him and through whose hands his collection passed...
Corrected data. Not identified → Abraxas grossulariata minor / Confidently identified / Evgeny Komarov.
Yes, indeed - when you go on a hike, take high-quality shoes right away. For example, shoes Timberland My shoes survived the chemical slush on the streets of St. Petersburg, the wet cold autumn of Vladivostok, the cold of Khanty-Mansiysk and Irkutsk, as well as the warm spring of the Volga region. That's why I prefer to pay a significant price for a pair of Timberland boots - they can easily ...
It turns out that I often met them as a child, I just never saw them with a "raised tail" =) On the first photo it looks like a scorpion =)
Dear colleagues, can someone provide a link to the work available on the web: Bidzilya A. V., Budashkin Yu. I., Zhakov A.V., Klyuchko Z. F., Kostyuk I. Yu.The Lepidoptera fauna of the Kamennye Mogy Nature Reserve and itstaxonomic structure. History, biology, and archeology. - Collection of scientificworks dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Karadag biol. stations named after T. I. Vyazemsky. ...
Thrips are there. Many thrips bite and drink people's blood in the heat. Just like the cicadas. But the problem is either on the street or on indoor plants.
Tell me, is that her poop in front of her face? Taken yesterday during a terrible heat wave, in the bathroom of a poorly heated room in winter on a mixer. Blatta orientalis, if I'm not mistaken. Pictures:IMGP1974________________.JPG — (217.64к) IMGP1974________.JPG — (1.05мб)
I'd like to set up a Malaise trap to collect.In some forest in Moscow and the Moscow Region, for a day or more, but I'm afraid they'll blow it up and steal it altogether.Tell me where you can install near Moscow and without fear for equipment
It can move from cell to cell, as in tardigrades or rotifers. This also happens in nature. They probably have a fat body, as without it. I wonder if there are tracheae? At this size, they also become optional.
+ Pictures:viber_image.jpg — (46.47 k) 0_02_05_d52195eb8e3ec18e73b6582e7324d48a131f29875ba2b8da308b94ac99a7e5ef_63fcd03f.jpg — (51.62 k)
Corrected data. Scarabaeus acuticollis Motschulsky, 1849 → Scarabaeus (Scarabaeus) acuticollis Motschulsky, 1849.
It's strange - this is the first time I've seen such beetles! Try treating it with a construction antiseptic so that they don't eat up your wooden house or barn?!
Amblyptilia punctidactyla (Haworth, 1811) det. Ustyuzhanin P. Ya.Novosibirsk region, Salair Ridge, border of Maslyaninsky and Toguchinsky districts, Suenga River valley. 10.06.2018This post was edited by Gray-Ejik - 16.06.2018 15: 40 Pictures:Amblyptilia_punctidactyla__Haworth_1811_.jpg — (284.51к)
Sweet-smelling Calosoma sycophanta 13.05.2018Colored ballpoint pens, watercolor pencils. Pictures:Calosoma_sycophanta.jpg — (306.63к)
Corrected data. Calathus fuscipes / Imago / Sergeyy Tjabut → Poecilus versicolor / Male / Evgeny Komarov.