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Now - with automatic substitution results. Just type a few (at least two) of the first symbols of the request, and you will be offered several options for families, genera and species, which begin with the same characters.If among them will not be necessary, continue to type a query and automatically selects the options will be more and more like desired.
Do you want to check out how your entomologically virgin friends will use your resource? I mean, how accurately will they be able to determine the view from the photo? Hopefully, with more than any sci-fi pop book. However, it depends on the amount of information for a particular type on the site, of course. Is this Lycaena dispar? If this is a question for me, then I don't know — I don't ...
We start with the oldest process, some of them stayed with the old version and dated 2009 (the last before disconnecting interactive in 2009). Soon we come to the most recent. Thanks to everyone who commented and separate - Vlad Proklova for review. Remember, if you wish to comment on a photo, specify an image where views or confirm / refute the previous definition, it is enough to enter your ...
The block with the names and photographs of species under "Directory" and under "Latest updates" now displays information about the family to which the species belongs. It will be vyvodittsya another infa, and registered users will be able to customize the output to block the information for themselves.
Subsection addresses the latest updates on the appropriate links corrected. In the guest disabled extra special characters in messages. In the "classification" Fixed bug nepokaza family pages delivery.
Yesterday, there could be problems with entering into your account in the latter recorded in 2009 users. Bug corrected Wellcome.
Today might be a problem with zagrzukoy to the kinds of comments. Now fixed a, comments concerning the species can now be safely placed on the pages of the species and not the individual pictures.
After a long stagnation in the update site is laid out a new version. Briefly about the changes and handling: Some pages are available only for the species in which the site has at least a brief description and / or illustration. Also, only these species are in the "Directory". In the "Classification" there are all kinds, includingand those for which no descriptions and photos In a ...
Launched a new version of the site. With commentaries and wishes - Wellcome here, the guest, as well as the post office and thematic forums.
Deuterogonia pudorina (Woke) (family Oecophoridae / Elachistidae / Deuterogoniidae – - southern Primorye, August. Pictures:DSC_0503.jpg — (97.53к) DSC_0504.jpg — (64.85к)
First newsletterAll-Russian conference with international participation "Diseases and pests in Russian forests: century XXI"(September 20-24, 2011, Yekaterinburg)Dear colleague ,We invite you to take part in the conference on topical issues of forest entomology and forest pathology, which will be held on September 20-24, 2011 in Yekaterinburg on the basis of the Botanical Garden of the Ural ...
I have identified both insects and plants in my time. The professor is quite normal in lectures, but he does not pretend to be pseudo-serious and abstruse in the absence of real results. Doesn't puff out her cheeks when there's nothing. And you stretch-stretch. Not just for the impact and image, but for the results. What do you have? Show me the box later. And then, maybe, you will do ...
So, enough to produce a bunch of identical topics, especially if they do not have normal information and photos, but it turns out one srach. Let's start from the very beginning in this topic-ad, photos of boxes, prices, everything in detail?And we'll subtract the rest of the comments.
On these pages, many pictures of moths from Papua (Arfak mountains and Baliem Valley) and from Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tengah, Perdingan Lindu Palolo). Thank you for contribute to identify several samples : thanks !
tu NadjannaI apologize for the question and under what circumstances did you meet? maybe I'm wrong, but maybe it shouldn't have been "detected"?ps even after "baking" the doors in the country, I always leave a couple of windows, and if there is a little snow, then you can also look at butterflies in the middle of winter
In butterflies, the aedeagus sometimes remains in the female's body when, for some reason, a certain force from outside has sharply disturbed the peace of the mating pair. For example, a bird pecked at a female and the aedeagus broke off (the male did not have time to remove it). It's sad, but it happens. The cripple will live for a while longer. Perhaps until he dies, they will have time to ...
Yes, I have about 30 pupae of her.I decided for myself-I release everything.A friend also has about 20.I also agree with you.Another thing with kormovukha.In March, I'll go look for food, if I find it, I'll leave the pupae.You also need to invest in nature,and not just your brother
Believe it or not, but at least I DON't have a SINGLE copy bought for money in my collection! 95% of all the material in the collection was collected by me personally, 4% - indirectly by me (i.e. I participated in joint trips, helped install and disassemble traps, of course, in this situation, some percentage should belong to me.)I understand that the conversation is hopeless, and this has ...
So, let me explain a little - this is not about complexity, but about the meaning of labor costs.I was surprisingly misunderstood.And if you mean to appreciate your abilities-of course, full praise! )))
The last few days have not worked as the primary mailbox site. Who at that time I had sent the letter, but did not get an answer - please duplicate messages.
dear, take a look at the link or less clearly and critically writtenand in a good way, look for SanPINy on polystyrene
Abstracts and group photos of participants are available here:
New building, ninth (extreme floor). Hay eaters have started, and they are already crawling all over the apartment. In other topics of this forum, a question about them has already been raised - but the method/means of destroying these insects has not been found. Has anyone managed to get rid of them yet? Does not help: RAID (on sprayed surfaces, insects start crawling already on the 3rd day), ...
Hello adetkov.I can't remember the exact fishing spot, but I'll try to give you the coordinates. Highway E 115, passed Millerovo, ran out of gas, I decided to refuel (the gas station in the direction of movement was on the right), the Northern Donets did not move the gas station was before the bridge. Gebu collected from the asphalt at this gas station in the daytime (they were in a mass and hid ...