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Tinea trinotella (Thunberg, 1794)Moscow region, Odintsovo district, ZBS, Nizhni dachi, 01.06.2011Elatobia fuliginosella (Lienig & Zeller, 1846)Moscow region, Odintsovo district, ZBS, Nizhni dachi, 16.06.2011Agnathosia mendicella (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775 ) is the next find after chebur Moscow region, Odintsovo district, ZBS, Nizhni dachi, 20.06.2011Triaxomera fulvimitrella (Sodoffsky, ...
bryodemayesterday, 16: 44 URL #193 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In my opinion, all groups of butterflies and beetles are very poorly studied in Kazan.You're not quite right here. Especially about mace-moustaches and some individual beetle families.-There is a huge legacy of Butlerov and Eversman. Have the results of their activities been summed ...
Today, April 12th there will be a lecture “Sesiidae: the gathering and breeding” at Timiryazev State Biological Museum, Moscow (Russia). The author is Oleg Gorbunov*, a doctor of biological sciences, the leading research associate of A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, will be talking about how to gather and breed caterpillars of clearwing moths (Sesiidae), and what their ...
I wrote a small article on woodworms in the Penza region. It will be published by V. V. Anikin in the collection "Entomological and parasitological studies in the Volga region".
We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Biological Rhythms", which will be held on October 11-12, 2012 at the Faculty of Biology of the Educational Institution "Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin".AREAS OF WORK OF THE CONFERENCE:1. Photoperiodism in the world of plants and animals.2. Daily biorhythms of plants.3. Daily biorhythms of ...
Anyone who has seen the first issue of EA volume 91 this year can write a list of works in this issue with surnames and titles of articles and pages
So the point is that people go to catch when it's still snowing and at night +4, it's very cold And even butterflies fly! )))And how they fly.
and I used to be able to say almost in the window did not fly.. it was possible to go out into the yard any day and they were always circling somewhere near the lanterns.. and then the private sector was demolished,built high-rise buildings.. and I haven't seen them since=((
"And a letter from a collection curator or group specialist is not evidence." Where are these emails?Where are these curators or scientists (with international names,not "small towns"?)It follows from the court's decision that these very letters were not provided..and there were only unsubstantiated statements, especially amused by the "exposure of the Waka" (without any evidence!!just like ...
Yes, this is understandable. It's just that from time to time there are ads for sale here, so I threw in the bait.
was there a service in the USSR whose tasks included, among other things, monitoring Culicidae and making forecasts? Previously, the Institute of Tropical Medicine (TROPIN Med Academy) was engaged in similar things on the scale of the USSR. The military was also actively engaged in this.
Where can I find the winter hawk moth(the only species of hawk moth that has a butterfly overwintering)? In fact, it migrates from the south to the middle zone. Therefore, I do not know where to find it with us (or with you) .
Off-top, of course - the Internet seems to write that the blame was assigned to cats of the Victorian era. Just wondering R. L. Potapov's report "A unique exhibit (Macquarie parrot) on display at the ZIN RAS Museum" was presented at the reporting session in ZIN yesterday. Parrots were collected by the Bellingshausen and Lazarev expedition and one of the specimens was found in the window of the ...
Please state the amount of possible remuneration?Do you guys want to hear something like $xx for an insect?I can't say that. If there are any interested parties, let's talk in person.
The atlas pupa stage can last for more than a year if the pupa is in diapause. Imported pupae are usually diapausal. As a rule, they are displayed within 3 months. Normal pupae (adjustable and kept at high humidity and a temperature of 27 degrees) develop for 4 weeks.
Seems to be Eurytides marcellus? Much pity. Isn't it protected in USA (I read it somewhere)? No words, just paradox!
Physicists have assembled an ultra-sensitive thermal radiation sensor from butterfly wing scales and carbon nanotubes.The assembly of super-thermometers with the participation of butterflies is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to an article in the journal Nature Photonics. Butterflies from the genus Morpho are famous for their bright and shiny wings, and the beauty of their wings is ...