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To the request on the page while I'm creating a taxon of this kind (based on ZIN et al.), there will be a curator of the taxon — if necessary, he will move it.
There was a problem with autosuggestions engine but it\\\'s solved now. The taxa search through all the website (including images uploading and taxa linking) is fully-functioning now. If you still have problems with autosuggestions — just press Ctrl+F5 to reload the webpage without the cash data.
If your file is less than 5 MB but you get upload error — try to make the file size even less. It\'s temporary but and we\'ll fix it but in the meantime...
In the barn, I "caught" a hornet's nest with 2 or 3 adult wasps in a plastic container. They lived there for 2 months without water or food. At the end, their larvae hatched, the adults soon died, and the young ones lived for about a week after the adults died.
Previously, there were several such images, but they were not taken, and the internal structure of the genitals was not shown.
There is an interesting day butterfly that no one has done yet. Only females are caught. Most likely parthenogenesis.
Colias erate07.11.2021, Kherson region, N. KakhovkaColias crocea07.11.2021, Kherson region, N. Kakhovka
Hello, I will buy literature on breeding butterflies, scoops, saturnia and other lepidoptera. leakerrn@gmail.com89118308770
We have comment from email: It is a Gonocerus acuteangulatus. It is not an Haploprocta sulcicornis. Look the edge of the neck : on your picture it has the same color than the pronotum: this would not be the case it it was an Haploprocta sulcicornis.
Why, everything is the same as in the living, but you don't have to run after them (spend energy) and it is better absorbed (softer), and it is easier to chew...
It was quite strange for me to read all this, to be honest. I turned to Kirill Vladimirovich many times - both when preparing my dissertation, and later when I brought material from the reserve where I worked. And then I started working with food companies to identify the detected pests - and this, I will tell you, is still a pleasure when they send a photo of an insect on the floor, taken from ...
Let me quote: "Among the large cockroach species that live everywhere, in warehouses, ships and mines, we should name the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), whose body length is up to 4.5 cm........In this species, females also have wings. "V. J. Stanek" Illustrated Encyclopedia of Insects "( 1977 Artia Publishing House, Prague). Perhaps you should understand that they were already in ...
I’ll answer my own question. This is a predatory bug
Hello. Looking for people who are interested in butterflies. I live in Yalta. Fishing in the surrounding area (Vladimir Savchuk, a great specialist on Crimean butterflies).
The table of contents of the new issue is already available on the Eversmannia website:
Dear friends! Alexander Generalov, well-known to many, became active again (just a sick and unhappy person who causes only a feeling of disgust). Threw on serious money friends. This mentally ill character owes a lot of money. Throws skillfully, enters into trust, makes the first few transactions, and when a person loses his vigilance, everything happens. Be vigilant!!!In the fall of 22, ...
- OK. But the distribution of flying families, which is food for the twilight swift , is nonsense in my opinion. I would like confirmation. Ornithologists did not answer me anything intelligible on their forum.Why is that nonsense? Among the representatives of the beetle families found in the stomachs of birds (grains, staphylinae, weevils, leaf beetles, spangles), species of very small size and ...
Last winter, I recorded a couple of videos for the participants of the butterfly chat on how to use this wonderful program, but I forgot to post the links here! I suggest you get acquainted, especially for those who type labels "in word" - you should definitely be struck by the second part, how you can print hundreds of labels at once with two clicks - ...
Something in addition.In the vicinity of Pyatigorsk, I encountered such a phenomenon.At the end of May, Arion flew and flew until mid-June (approximately the same time as in the Volgograd region). However, since mid-July, Arion has been flying again. Moreover, the "spring" and "summer" individuals were quite different from each other, and if desired, they could be considered different species. ...