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There is of course, but not so much as Grigory Alekseevich. He already described 27 pieces in just one year. "According to Jean VADON, Olsufyev did not have any property. To survive, he was forced at the beginning of World War II to sell part of his collection. A. SEYRIG bought collections from the Mutilles family, and J. VADON from the Epilissiens family. Thus, Olsufiev's research material is ...
Good afternoon.Tell me, please, is it possible to determine this coleofor from the photo to the view?August 18, 2021. Kyiv. Pictures:IMG_20210818_211100.jpg — (319.32к)
Corrected data. Euploea midamus / Tentatively identified / Yuri Semejkin → Euploea modesta / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Euploea midamus / Tentatively identified / Yuri Semejkin → Euploea modesta / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Thank you so much for your help with processing the scans.ALL archive issues of the " MOIP Bulletin. Department of Biology " scanned, processed and posted for public access!Please note that you can get them here here
Has a long-winged form of chorthippus fallax been discovered and has such a form been found in the forums?This post was edited by TMZ-09/04/2021 15: 50
Ladies and gentlemen, Designed a container for ethyl acetate for stainingReport on operational experience.It is impossible to operate without a laid fleece, purely on evaporation from the lid, which, as always, ENO wrote respectfully and tactfully.Nevertheless, this device proved to be very convenient! Its advantages:- always ready-made stain. If you fill the lid-non-spill, then even after a few ...
Yes, what is not clear here: that dried corpses cost a penny But seriously, this is a structural coloration due to the peculiarities of the cuticle structure. It is more or less inherent in most insects that have particularly hard and smooth integuments (unless they are "concerned" with creating an additional pigmented color, for example, a warning one). In general, most beetles, not only ground ...
Please tell me the species of grasshopper. is a photo of Ilya. Here the instance is somewhat grayer than usual. But I think it's in my collection and should even be photographed in a lightbox. I'll post it later.As for the specimens from the Kharkiv region, I saw them in ZMMU and ZINA and photographed the material (offhand, if I'm not mistaken). They are also ...
Good afternoon. At the top of any page (when you are in your account) there is a link "Upload to the site". Fill in the fields, select the photo file and upload it.
Who knows, please tell me why of all the raspberries Agomia moschata (only 8 pieces, not all in the photo) chose one bush? They didn't smell to me, so maybe they can smell each other better and meet each other that way. And for what possible reason did one beetle stand with its wings outstretched for a few minutes, fluttering them, but not taking off? And yes, they love raspberries.Belarus, near ...
I shot a video about red wing bloody, I got one on the same colors. If anyone can help, thank you in advance. Filmed in June in Kiev. Pictures:____________________2__20.06.2021_12_01_.png — (201.39к) ____________________6__21.06.2021_11_46_.png — (397.73к)
In the Stavropol Territory, a friendly team of entomologist enthusiasts is being recruited. The objectives are to create a long-term friendly team of researchers of the fauna of the Stavropol Territory, group and individual field trips, collection of entomological material, professional communication, etc.With a good long-term collaboration - publishing articles in rating scientific journals, ...
Build a kind of cocoon out of artificial materials. For this purpose, the bourgeois use a certain synthetic sponge, which is often used to create ikebana (I don't remember the name). Ask them at the flower stand and they'll understand. But in general, the chances are not very much.
Hello! Please tell me how you can temporarily put an insect to sleep? I'm being honest, it's for Sanitary & Epidemiological Station. The fact is that mom got fleas, (the dog brought), ten treatments all meaningless. And in the only state Sanitary & Epidemiological Station, entomologists, must decompose the collected fleas into flasks with poisons, and for this the fleas must be euthanized, but ...
Cetonia asiatica Gory & Percheron, 1833GREECE ,Creta,Georgioupoli env. 31.V.2021This post was edited by Honza - 15.06.2021 21: 04 Pictures:Cetonia_asiatica__Gory___Percheron__1833.jpg — (441.75к) 20210531_164458.jpg — (292.8к)
In September of last year, they mated with Vladimir (Kolez), the male died the next day, and the female did not postpone the ooteka and also did not live so long afterwards.
Hardly anyone breeds him on shit - it's a smelly and unhealthy business. Like other black-bodied beetles, they are bred on bran, etc. In Russia, the beetle has been cultivated for a long time, although it is not very common. Any such trifle in terrariumistics oh, how in demand, it does not live by eublefars alone... But articles with DOIs won't help you find information on this topic. However, a ...
I forgot the completely useless 000 and 7They are very useful. Prick mosquitoes, midges, small beetles and weevils.The post was edited by Microwars - 02.06.2021 01: 58
I met the Admiral yesterday (22.05.2021) in St. Petersburg. It looks fresh. We had a rather cold winter. Did you spend the winter or fly in?I flew in, otherwise I would have flown out earlier along with another "wintering trip". They don't spend the winter here. The Finns have so far noted 4 admirals on their territory, who also, I think, arrived.
In fact, the number of most bee species varies greatly from year to year, as, indeed, in many other insects. For example, this spring we have quite a lot of Osmia cornuta, but very little O. bicornis, so at the time of KK to introduce And the next one may be the opposite. But that some bee showed a steady trend towards a decrease in the number - I did not observe this. Except that I don't see a ...