Species on the photo: Eublemma parva
Insecta.pro is an illustrated insects catalogue. In the relevant sections you will find updated taxa tree, catalog of insects species with selection parameters, gallery with thousands of photos, online service for maintaining entomological collections linked to the website catalog with ability to share information with other users, as well as the community of experts and hexapod fans. It goes without saying, there are illustrated species descriptions, as well as the section of articles and individual projects (the last two, unfortunately, in its infancy). We invite everyone to use the information provided on the site, and all who able — to participate in its developing.
Numbers. What we have so far:
Ennominae, Larentiinae, Geometrinae, Sterrhinae, Oenochrominae, Desmobathrinae, Alsophilinae, Archiearinae, ...
Tenebrioninae, Pimeliinae, Alleculinae, Lagriinae, Gonocephalum, Phaleria, Diaperinae, Hypophloeus, ...