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Entomological labels

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17.04.2012 13:04, vasiliy-feoktistov

"in the forest floor, on the side of the road" vestimo (so write if it is so important) smile.gif
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17.04.2012 14:18, Bianor

But after all, the abbreviation p. s. in a letter or cito, at the doctor of the district polyclinic, does not bother anyone. Tradition.

Post Scriptum at least has a certain semantic meaning-it separates the main text from the added fragment. Oddly enough, on the Internet, this postscript is more important than in paper correspondence, since it is possible to edit your message, which can lead to loss or distortion of the original meaning. Separating such a postscript from the main text just shows that the author has forgotten something or changed his mind on the issue under discussion. The postscript "collected" does not make any sense at all - the geographical label implies the presence of the last name of the collector. For example, I have my own labels immediately put down the last name, for other people's copies that I had to straighten out, I keep clean labels, where I enter the name of the collector. This is such a well-established rule that the postscript "leg" still seems superfluous to me personally.

Another example is a name tag for a book. If it is titled with the phrase "Ex libris", the owner's last name is indicated in Latin, but if the last name is in Russian, the title is the phrase"From books".

17.04.2012 23:15, Black Coleopter

Of course, there is no need to overload, but writing three letters does not play a special role here: especially now, when almost everyone has a ready-made template on their computer.

And why write a 3-letter word, especially in Nenashensk? The name on the geographical label already indicates the person who collected it.

18.04.2012 6:02, vasiliy-feoktistov

And why write a 3-letter word, especially in Nenashensk? The name on the geographical label already indicates the person who collected it.

You probably write the name in Latin? Or for example: "Urticaria (Linnaeus, 1758)", which no one but you will understand. Instead of the well-known name " Nymphalis urticae (Linnaeus, 1758)"?
Latin is a generally recognized, scientific language. Hence these explanatory abbreviations in Latin.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 18.04.2012 08: 27
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19.04.2012 2:47, lunkov


OrlBenJ2.gif — (388.69к)

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19.04.2012 22:36, Black Coleopter

You probably write the name in Latin? Or for example: "Urticaria (Linnaeus, 1758)", which no one but you will understand. Instead of the well-known name " Nymphalis urticae (Linnaeus, 1758)"?
Latin is a generally recognized, scientific language. Hence these explanatory abbreviations in Latin.

Vassily, if you'll excuse me from the subject. We are talking about what to write or not to write "leg" on a geographical label. IMHO this is not necessary.

19.04.2012 22:46, Коллекционер

And I'm on geographical leg. I don't write either.. stupidly does not fit)) but on the determinant everything fits and there I write det.

19.04.2012 22:49, Proctos

If you do not write leg or at least lg, then the last name of the collector may be taken as a continuation of geography. For example, English surnames often look like the name of a village. Especially to our ears.

19.04.2012 23:11, Triplaxxx

If you do not write leg or at least lg, then the last name of the collector may be taken as a continuation of geography. For example, English surnames often look like the name of a village. Especially to our ears.

There is such a danger-I have encountered it myself. Although saving space on the label is acute. For example, I always put the importer's last name after the date, and if there are initials, the probability of confusion with geography is minimal.

20.04.2012 10:07, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vassily, if you'll excuse me from the subject. We are talking about what to write or not to write "leg" on a geographical label. IMHO this is not necessary.

To be honest, I'm tired of having this argument smile.gif.
My templates in Word (created in 2000 and quite suitable for me):


download file labels.rar

size: 29.11 k
number of downloads: 758

21.04.2012 22:52, Triplaxxx

To be honest, I'm tired of having this argument smile.gif.
My templates in Word (created in 2000 and quite suitable for me):

Why are they so big?

22.04.2012 7:45, vasiliy-feoktistov

Why are they so big?

Label size 8x20-you can write as much as you need: either in pencil, or in the same word. It suits me: although, yes, the template for butterflies was originally made. Yes, and they are easy to read, which is also important smile.gif.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 22.04.2012 07: 46

22.04.2012 12:40, Victor Titov

And I still don't understand why many people are not satisfied with the LABELS program confused.gif? I have been using it for a long time and I don't find any reasons for complaints. Almost everything can be customized: the size of the label itself, the size of the margins, and the font size...

22.04.2012 12:49, vasiliy-feoktistov

And I still don't understand why many people are not satisfied with the LABELS program confused.gif? I have been using it for a long time and I don't find any reasons for complaints. Almost everything can be customized: the size of the label itself, the size of the margins, and the font size...

I don't even know. I probably have my conservatism in certain issues. In Word, too, everything is transformed as it should be according to the needs confused.gifof

22.04.2012 12:56, Victor Titov

I don't even know. I probably have my conservatism in certain issues. In Word, too, everything is transformed as it should be according to your needs confused.gif

Well, it's clear: habit is second nature. But it still seems to me that this program is even easier than in word. Moreover, it is also possible, as in it, to create label templates, using them in the future... In short, the advantages of the word are not clear to me. At least someone would explain - maybe what I'm not catching up on...

23.04.2012 6:30, Bianor


Dedok says: "Some idiot has tweaked the etiquette of the superexample!!!"
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07.06.2012 13:19, GlebSinon

Please forgive me for asking such a question (I am a lazy person who did not read the previous 17 pages) I just need an answer-whether it is possible or not: on the pin I have 3 labels (1-geographical, 2-environmental, 3 - the name of the ex-a) on the first one (in addition to the country, city, district, settlement) I specify the coordinates of the item and opposite the date of discovery (this is the penultimate line, everything is perfectly visible) can I do this?

07.06.2012 13:22, GlebSinon

Yes, even on the first one, the first letter of the name and surname of the finder.

07.06.2012 15:28, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

Please forgive me for asking such a question (I am a lazy person who did not read the previous 17 pages) I just need an answer-whether it is possible or not: on the pin I have 3 labels (1-geographical, 2-environmental, 3 - the name of the ex-a) on the first one (in addition to the country, city, district, settlement) I specify the coordinates of the item and opposite the date of discovery (this is the penultimate line, everything is perfectly visible) can I do this?

it wouldn't hurt to also specify the biofuel and what it was collected from/fishing method

07.06.2012 15:59, Penzyak

I remembered... I kept a copy of a black tree ant impaled by a student on a thin entomological needle for a long time ... she stabbed him in the head!! You can't do it on purpose... The copy crumbled at the next show to the jellies... as an example - HOW NOT TO PRICK INSECTS, from their laughter...
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07.06.2012 21:44, Black Coleopter

it wouldn't hurt to also specify the biofuel and what it was collected from/fishing method

Indicated on the second (environmental) label.

08.06.2012 6:48, shastik

People, I've seen a topic about dies somewhere,but I can't find even!!! Which ones are better to mount _ transparent or paper!!! and if it is not difficult to throw off the dimensions.... and then is there any specific height at which the entomological label, beetle or die should be located???? confused.gif confused.gif confused.gif confused.gif

08.06.2012 8:51, GlebSinon

Black Coleopter, 07.06.2012 21: 44
(Evgeny Ribalchenko @ 07.06.2012 16: 28)
it would not hurt to specify more biofuels and what they were collected from/fishing method

Indicated on the second (environmental) label.

And in English or Russian? confused.gif

08.06.2012 22:48, Black Coleopter

And in English or Russian? confused.gif

Russian or English - this is only at your request. I do not dare to call and propagandize, so as not to throw firewood into the fire of swearing and flooding.
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08.06.2012 22:59, AGG

Black Coleopter, 07.06.2012 21: 44
(Evgeny Ribalchenko @ 07.06.2012 16: 28)
it would not hurt to specify more biofuels and what they were collected from/fishing method

Indicated on the second (environmental) label.
And in English or Russian? confused.gif

if the insect is collected from a certain plant, then I write the name (plant) in Latin.
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09.06.2012 14:27, Коллекционер

I caught perelivnits today.. naaa ... shit.
how to write it in the label? shit/chemicals/excrement/human dung?

This post was edited by Collector-09.06.2012 14: 28

09.06.2012 14:46, Macroglossum

I caught perelivnits today.. naaa ... shit.
how to write it in the label? shit/chemicals/excrement/human dung?

So write it down. Don't forget to just write off the passport details of the individual who baited you
Likes: 5

09.06.2012 15:52, vasiliy-feoktistov

I caught perelivnits today.. naaa ... shit.
how to write it in the label? shit/chemicals/excrement/human dung?

By the way: the most working bait for them, and not any flowers. Also, tapeworms love this substrate. Only it is necessary to catch not with a net, but with tweezers: so that the bait in the net does not turn out to be accidental smile.gif
P.S. My solution to the problem with writing labels: write in Latin. "In humana feces".

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 09.06.2012 16: 32
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09.06.2012 16:50, Коллекционер

By the way: the most working bait for them, and not any flowers. Also, tapeworms love this substrate. Only it is necessary to catch not with a net, but with tweezers: so that the bait in the net does not turn out to be accidental smile.gif
P.S. My solution to the problem with writing labels: write in Latin. "In humana feces".

By the way, yes, I caught Lentnikov there too.. and still sat there uglokrdnitsy

09.06.2012 18:20, Bianor

From my point of view, all this is nothing more than informational garbage. What practical information can be extracted from the label: "collected on poo"? It would be much more useful to indicate the coenosis in which this very poop was lying, especially if it is not characteristic of this species.

09.06.2012 20:41, Коллекционер

apologize.. in the sense of cenosis?

09.06.2012 20:49, Bianor


For example: "small-leaved oak forest with mountain ash, low-grass, in the crowns" or "abandoned anthill C. vagus, lower chambers". Such data can at least be of practical value.

09.06.2012 21:12, Коллекционер

oh.. and there it is not clear..there are so many trees mixed in there.. from pears to jasmin

30.06.2012 13:38, barko

Please help me. I have coordinates 36 13.187 N, 35 50.948 E and 39 16.897 N, 39 24.710 E. I need to create a label - locality, etc
. Tell me a convenient site suitable for this.

30.06.2012 13:39, rpanin

Please help me. I have coordinates 36 13.187 N, 35 50.948 E and 39 16.897 N, 39 24.710 E. I need to create a label - locality, etc
. Tell me a convenient site suitable for this.

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30.06.2012 15:24, barko

Thank you. But it's inconvenient somehow. I can't enter data and get this location on the map. Or am I doing something wrong?

30.06.2012 19:46, Konung

Google Earth easily finds a location based on these coordinates.
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01.07.2012 14:52, Pirx

Please help me. I have coordinates 36 13.187 N, 35 50.948 E and 39 16.897 N, 39 24.710 E. I need to create a label - locality, etc
. Tell me a convenient site suitable for this.

Yes, the easiest way is to put the free Google Earth from Google, and then just enter the coordinates in the search bar. I drove in my own, installed - the first point is south of Calais (Turkey), the second is strongly NW Tunceli (ibid.). Etc. smile.gif
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01.07.2012 16:15, barko

All right, but GE goes along with Google Chrome, and I don't want this Chrome.

01.07.2012 17:42, Pirx

All right, but GE goes with Google Chrome, and I don't want this Chrome.

Strange, it used to be a disabled option... GE helps me so much that I would have put this Chrome too if there was no choice smile.gif
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