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08.11.2012 18:10, Aleksandr Ermakov

Андрей Легалов.

Сообщение было отредактировано scarabee - 08.11.2012 18:11

15.11.2012 18:42, barko

Вышло второе издание макролепидопрера Венгрии.

Likes: 6

18.11.2012 15:25, barko

Szekely Levente 2012 Moths of Romania 3

Likes: 5

18.11.2012 18:39, Konung

  Szekely Levente 2012 Moths of Romania 3

что-то цв. таблица сверстана как попало...

18.11.2012 18:55, barko

  что-то цв. таблица сверстана как попало...

19.11.2012 11:47, rhopalocera.com

  Объявляется подписка на вторую часть монографии
"Булавоусые чешуекрылые Северного Тянь-Шаня. Семейства Nymphalidae, Riodinidae, Lycaenidae".
Каждый вид проиллюстрирован цветным изображением имаго и черно-белой фотографией гениталий самца; проиллюстрированы многие номенклатурные типы, гениталии почти всех типов изображаются впервые. Решаются некоторые вопросы систематики и номенклатуры булавоусых чешуекрылых Северного Тянь-Шаня, обозначаются номенклатурные типы. Ожидаемый объем около 85 с.  Ожидаемое время публикации - начало 2013 г. Стоимость по подписке составит 350 руб. + пересылка и упаковка (60 руб.). Стоимость по окончании подписки составит 450 руб. + пересылка и упаковка. Подписка действует до 15 декабря 2012 г.

По вопросам подписки обращаться stanislavkorb(DOG)list(DOT)ru

Напоминаю, что до окончания подписки осталось меньше месяца.

27.11.2012 0:09, Dmitrii Musolin

(лесная энтомология, лесная фитопатология, защита леса)

Дорогие коллеги!

На днях в Санкт-Петербургском государственном лесотехническом университете имени С.М. Кирова выходит очередной том <<Известий Санкт-Петербургской лесотехнической академии>> (так традиционно называет главное периодическое издание университета).

Юбилейный (200-й) выпуск полностью отдан трудам опять же юбилейных (пятых) Чтений памяти Олега Александровича Катаева. Впервые это мероприятие было совмещено со Всероссийской конференцией "Болезни и вредители в лесах России: век XXI" и проведено в Екатеринбурге в 2011 г. Более 70 докладчиков представляли 30 научно-исследовательских институтов, вузов и производственных организаций из России, Украины, Казахстана и Киргизии. Материалы почти половины докладов представлены в сборнике трудов.

ПДФ файл сборника будет выложен на сайте СПбГЛТУ, а пока доступен по
ссылке: http://file.karelia.ru/f3qvfd/

Описание сборника: Известия Санкт-Петербургской лесотехнической академии. Санкт-Петербург. Вып. 200 (Труды V Чтений памяти О.А. Катаева) (ред. выпуска - Д.Л. Мусолин, Ю.Н. Баранчиков, В.И. Пономарев). СПб: СПбГЛТУ, 2012. 310 с.

С уважением,

Редакционная группа и Оргкомитет
Чтений памяти Олега Александровича Катаева

Сообщение было отредактировано Musolin - 27.11.2012 00:10
Likes: 4

05.12.2012 14:23, barko

Вышла новая книга по совкам Кавказа

Likes: 9

05.12.2012 14:29, Alexandr Zhakov

What's on the color and B/W app?

05.12.2012 18:55, barko

  А что на цветном и ч/б приложени?
Четыре цветные таблицы с фотографиями имаго, по 10 на листе. Шесть ч/б таблиц с фотографиями гениталий самцов (40 видов).
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06.12.2012 8:54, Лавр Большаков

Там иллюстрированы только самые интересные виды (40). Примечательно, что дан подробный перечень дат находок всех видов, даже таких, как металловидка гамма (эти перечни порой более чем на пол-страницы). Это наверное потому что ранее были местные публикации с ошибками определений.
И впервые специалисты по совкам (вслед за мной и др., не "совочниками") усомнились в правильности отнесения волнянок к эребидам и, естественно, их и медведиц (по которым однако сомнения не так велики) туда не включили. Впрочем, эти авторы не относятся к тем, кто сильно верит в нынешние итоги молекулярных систематических построений.
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06.12.2012 12:15, Alexandr Zhakov

И впервые специалисты по совкам (вслед за мной и др., не "совочниками") усомнились в правильности отнесения волнянок к эребидам и, естественно, их и медведиц (по которым однако сомнения не так велики) туда не включили. Впрочем, эти авторы не относятся к тем, кто сильно верит в нынешние итоги молекулярных систематических построений.

Все еще не раз изменится. Просто нужно указывать какая система использована в работе.
А верю не верю - это из другой оперы. smile.gif
Мне тоже не нравится когда в работах по совкам(еще вопрос, что есть совки smile.gif ) приводятся волнянки и медведицы. Но кому от этого плохо wink.gif
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06.12.2012 17:10, Vlad Proklov

A new book on scoops of the Caucasus has been published

And where do they get it?

06.12.2012 18:32, Лавр Большаков

I got it from Matov.
Likes: 1

06.12.2012 19:38, barko

And where do they get it?
Matov sent it to me.
Likes: 1

09.12.2012 0:41, rhopalocera.com

I would like to remind you that your subscription to Part 2 of the monograph on mace-whiskered lepidoptera of the Northern Tien Shan will end in 5 days. The book contains many nomenclatural acts, including the establishment of lectotypes, new synonymy, and a description of a new subspecies. Each species is illustrated with a color image of the adult (usually a type specimen) and a black-and-white photograph of the male's genitalia (many types).

15.12.2012 10:18, rhopalocera.com

Subscription is announced for the second part of the monograph
" Bulavous lepidoptera of the Northern Tien Shan. Families Nymphalidae, Riodinidae, Lycaenidae".
Each species is illustrated with a color image of the adult and a black-and-white photograph of the male's genitalia; many nomenclature types are illustrated, and genitalia of almost all types are depicted for the first time. Some issues of taxonomy and nomenclature of mace-whiskered lepidoptera of the Northern Tien Shan are solved, and nomenclatural types are designated. The expected volume is about 85 s. Expected publication time is early 2013. The subscription price is 350 rubles. + shipping and packaging (60 rubles). The cost at the end of the subscription is 450 rubles. + shipping and packaging. The subscription is valid until December 15, 2012.

For subscription questions, please contact stanislavkorb(DOG)list (DOT)ru

The subscription is over.
The cost of the publication at the end of the subscription is 450 rubles. + shipping and packaging.

The publication will be published in the first quarter of 2013.

28.12.2012 12:59, Pavel Udovichenko

Dear colleagues!
A wonderful book by V. V. Zolotukhin and S. A. Ryabov on the brazhniki of Vietnam has been published!

The publication is dedicated to the memory of Alexey Levanovich Devyatkin.

239 pages, 175 species on color tables of excellent quality, many images in the text, area maps, extensive introduction.
Information about the sale of this publication is available in the corresponding forum topic!

__1.jpg — (521.67 k)

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Likes: 12

31.12.2012 13:57, dim-va

All forumchan happy New Year and creative success in the coming!
Taking this opportunity, I announce 2 new (well, relatively) editions. The first one is dedicated to the bear fauna of Malaysia. It is necessary to recognize the high importance of such manuals, which cover a major gap in the study of the fauna of South Asia. Among the shortcomings of the publication, I can note not very high image quality - both in contrast and color reproduction, and in the features of cutting out the original frames. The book, as far as I know, is not available for free sale, and it must be ordered directly from the author.

P1010009.JPG — (213.36к)

P1010010.JPG — (249.26к)

P1010011.JPG — (195.47 k)

P1010012.JPG — (268.62к)

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31.12.2012 14:01, dim-va

But the second book..... It's difficult here. If you are torn between two idioms - Queen in awe and Star in shock, then I would choose the latter. The book, despite being "funky", is dangerous for the work of novice taxonomists - I will try to review it and justify my opinion in the next issue of Eversmannia. For now, just keep in mind that the book is out.

P1010006.JPG — (227.23к)

P1010007.JPG — (159.39к)

P1010008.JPG — (325.61к)

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31.12.2012 18:31, barko

All forumchan happy New Year and creative success in the coming!
Taking this opportunity, I announce 2 new (well, relatively) editions. The first one is dedicated to the bear fauna of Malaysia. It is necessary to recognize the high importance of such manuals, which cover a major gap in the study of the fauna of South Asia. Among the shortcomings of the publication, I can note not very high image quality - both in contrast and color reproduction, and in the features of cutting out the original frames. The book, as far as I know, is not available for free sale, and it must be ordered directly from the author.
In your opinion, the quality of images is the only drawback in Buchek's work ? smile.gif Try reading the original descriptions smile.gif

31.12.2012 19:40, dim-va

Yes, there is such a thing, but if the image is high-quality and the genital signs are distinguishable in the attached photos, then I am usually able to recognize the view without the author's text. And here we must also say that he does not speak English at all (as well as German or Russian). Hence the extremely slanted English text. If the images were at the height, then in the text, I'm sure, no one would have read )))

31.12.2012 19:41, Dracus

In your opinion, the quality of images is the only drawback in Buchek's work ? smile.gif Try reading the original descriptions smile.gif

Yes, the first descriptions are shocking if they are all the same as on the scanned page. The top view doesn't even have a diagnosis.

31.12.2012 19:45, dim-va

How not? Strange. I see....

31.12.2012 19:46, Dracus

Where is the diagnosis for A. satellites Bucsek sp. n.?
In general, looking at the text scan, you get the feeling that you see the work of the late 19th century. (minus the coordinates of the finds).

31.12.2012 19:51, dim-va

In fact, bad diagnoses are really not the worst thing. The revision was made, and the group was sorted by taxonomic components. A huge groundwork has been made for steps taken in other countries of South Asia. Of course, I would like it to be a more professionally published book. And on the other hand-here is the same dAbrera. It would seem that there are some comments - everything glitters, the printing process is debugged, well, it is cut out clumsily in places. But in fact, this external gloss hides outright sabotage-the species are incorrectly defined, by the author, who, by the way, has never been involved in any group, the list of known species is underestimated (about 25 are known in Salassa, only 7 are given), synonymy from balda, species described not according to material from the British Museum, usually even they are not mentioned... In this vein, it is better to let Buchek's works come out, which at least somehow look professional.
Likes: 1

31.12.2012 19:54, dim-va

The forecast for satellites is 5-8 lines of text at the top. According to the code, it is valid.

31.12.2012 20:34, barko

In fact, bad diagnoses are really not the worst thing. The revision was made, and the group was sorted by taxonomic components. A huge groundwork has been made for steps taken in other countries of South Asia. Of course, I would like it to be a more professionally published book. And on the other hand-here is the same dAbrera. It would seem that there are some comments - everything glitters, the printing process is debugged, well, it is cut out clumsily in places. But in fact, this external gloss hides outright sabotage-the species are incorrectly defined, by the author, who, by the way, has never been involved in any group, the list of known species is underestimated (about 25 are known in Salassa, only 7 are given), synonymy from balda, species described not according to material from the British Museum, usually even they are not mentioned... In this vein, it is better to let Buchek's works come out, which at least somehow look professional.
You are explaining very specific things. Yes, indeed, experts will be able to understand" without further ado " from photos of genitals, but this is not about that, but about a book that makes an unimportant impression with such texts.
Likes: 1

31.12.2012 20:37, Vlad Proklov

And on the other hand-here is the same dAbrera. It would seem that there are some comments - everything glitters, the printing process is debugged, well, it is cut out clumsily in places. But in fact, this external gloss hides outright sabotage-the species are incorrectly defined, by the author, who, by the way, has never been involved in any group, the list of known species is underestimated (about 25 are known in Salassa, only 7 are given), synonymy from balda, species described not according to material from the British Museum, usually even they are not mentioned... In this vein, it is better to let Buchek's works come out, which at least somehow look professional.

That old asshole probably has his own religious views on every other page.

I am generally surprised that it still releases something and is even alive.

01.01.2013 23:28, Victor Gazanchidis

Taking this opportunity, I announce 2 new (well, relatively) editions. The first one is dedicated to the bear fauna of Malaysia. The book, as far as I know, is not available for free sale, and it must be ordered directly from the author.

Can you tell me the author's email address?

02.01.2013 0:51, barko

Karol Bucsek <arctia.cajaDOGpost.sk>
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02.01.2013 1:01, А.Й.Элез

Viktor, according to Google, there is such a link:
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03.01.2013 14:40, barko

On the Hungarian "forum" there was information about Efetov's new book on Palearctic mottles. Who knows how to get it?


03.01.2013 15:13, okoem

You can probably contact the authors. Here are current contacts

16.01.2013 14:15, barko

In fact, bad diagnoses are really not the worst thing. The revision was made, and the group was sorted by taxonomic components. A huge groundwork has been made for steps taken in other countries of South Asia. Of course, I would like it to be a more professionally published book. And on the other hand-here is the same dAbrera. It would seem that there are some comments - everything glitters, the printing process is debugged, well, it is cut out clumsily in places. But in fact, this external gloss hides outright sabotage-the species are incorrectly defined, by the author, who, by the way, has never been involved in any group, the list of known species is underestimated (about 25 are known in Salassa, only 7 are given), synonymy from balda, species described not according to material from the British Museum, usually even they are not mentioned... In this vein, it is better to let Buchek's works come out, which at least somehow look professional.
I got Bucek's book. The problem is not in poor diagnoses, but in their complete absence for a large number of species described in the book. According to the code, all such descriptions can be ignored. Does the author really not understand this?!

18.01.2013 8:21, Denis Falko

Do you know where to buy such books in Kharkiv?

18.01.2013 10:04, Alexandr Zhakov

Do you know where to buy such books in Kharkiv?

The Internet is at your service. smile.gif

18.01.2013 15:52, Denis Falko

Are there any specific stores(not online)?

18.01.2013 15:58, okoem

Are there any specific stores(not online)?

Bookstores in Kharkiv
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18.01.2013 15:59, Alexandr Zhakov

For such books that, on this page, there are no stores in all of Ukraine.
Due to lack of demand lol.gif

This post was edited by Djon-18.01.2013 16: 01

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