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28.04.2015 16:59, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #36396

Solved the problem: find the neighborhood has a certain top))) Lord, I beseech you: contact me, please do so immediately in a group do not have to wander here so .... The assumption was right. Only the Americans she Archaeoprepona, however: http://butterfliesofamerica.com/L/archaeoprepona_c_chromus.htm

27.04.2015 11:55, Penzyak: comment on ZIN library

Вот и до ботаников докатилось:Дорогие коллеги!Сообщаю Вам об очередном идиотизме, с которым надо бороться (ибо не ведают,что творят)! Для многих ученых нужны не только электронные, но реальныебиблиотеки. Знаю это, ...

25.04.2015 14:39, Насекомовед: comment on New issue on Entomology Info

Сегодня по просьбе нашего коллеги А.П. Михайленко обновлена его страничка и сделан доступ до его опубликованных статей. Интересующихся ортоптерологией милости просим: http://entomology.ru/main_menu/persons/pages/mikhaylenko.htm

25.04.2015 12:38, Zunimassa: comment on Mounting insects on entomological pins or glue boards

Подскажите где можно купить безкислотный картон как на плашках.чтобы вырезать нужный размер самому.и какие разновидности есть.

25.04.2015 11:27, NicoSander: comment on "Yin and Yang" / Lepidoptera, Erebidae

  а верхний, хоть, и похож на предыдущий E. albicinctus, но какой-то другой - перевязи, "иниянистые" пятна. Может, кто ещё подскажет?А. Матов определил ее как Erebus albiangulata

25.04.2015 11:24, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #39753

Aleksandr, it's easier for you habitats is one kind of this kind. Differences in the wing pattern to determine the species is not

24.04.2015 7:26, vuchko: comment on Help me identify the beetle

Сфотографирован 13.08.2014 Монголия Булган аймаг

23.04.2015 22:22, AGG: comment on Corn Moth

  Ищу практиков знакомых с кукурузным мотыльком и его биологией. Интересует определение массового лета (ловушки, температура и т.п.)С ув Александркогда лампочки не видно, то лёт массовый видел такое несколько раз, за ...

23.04.2015 11:15, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Cephitinea colonella

This name is not valid in general, generic combination is now Cephimallota colonella (Erschoff, 1874) Online http://lepidoptera.ru/taxonomy/10431 (a synonym, and a typo, in the "Catalogue" Sineva)

22.04.2015 20:06, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39793

It's just a feeling :)

22.04.2015 15:48, corafec: comment on Interesting flies

Мушка принадлежала к семейству пестрокрылок, ее видовое название Aciura coryli. У большинства видов этого семейства крылья покрыты ясно очерченными темными пятнами и кажутся пестрыми. Личинки почти всех пестрокрылок ...

22.04.2015 11:06, Василий Л.: comment on Number of species

  Специализируюсь на мировой фауне бронзовок: пока чуть более 1600 видов.Согласен с Чегаром, порадуйте, пожалуйста, фотографиями своей, не сомневаюсь, великолепной коллекции, форумчан! Полюбуемся и поучимся!

21.04.2015 20:56, Vladimir Deryabin: comment on photo #39754

Thank you.

21.04.2015 18:19, Igor Sakhno: comment on photo #31085

Semiargus (just guessing).

20.04.2015 0:50, collector: comment on Entomological Fair in Modena

Уважаемые друзья, если у кого есть фотографии ярмарки в Модене прошлых лет,выкладывайте их сюда! Думаю всем будет интересно посмотреть!У меня есть Модена на фотопленке в цвете за 7 сезонов, но их надо перегонять на ...

19.04.2015 15:37, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #22341

I stumbled on this picture :) This is not entirely natural rastsvetochka. She's very self-colored :) These red spots - meconium , which highlights the butterfly after birth.An interesting quote: "Upon emerging from the pupa, with wings still wet, young Belyanko pushed out of his bowel curious few drops of red liquid - meconium: the remains of an old meal of small caterpillars.Produced ...

19.04.2015 11:05, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39079

Well, of course :) It is simply an analogy, I spent (about swallowtail).

18.04.2015 20:11, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Adding links to new sources in the "References" section

The information about the add, I think it is not necessary. Pinpoint problem correctly adding sources and really need not to duplicate the same sources several times. Stepping on a rake these today, when I was doing this kind: http://lepidoptera.ru/taxonomy/120686.Accumulated in the nhm and jumped several references to the same source the result is obvious ...... ((( Peter, where I wrote ...

18.04.2015 15:17, Troglodit: comment on Glasses and boxes for medicines

Речь про Sciaridae, мелкие двукрылые. Там не только гениталии, тело заливается тоже, комарики не велики. Среда - канадский бальзам (на нем настаивает автор последней известной мне крупной ревизии), или Фора-Берлезе, как ...

18.04.2015 10:13, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Cadphises maculata

Peter, here it is necessary to change the first source for № [137] on the № [36] Natural History Museum (nhm.ac.uk), 2011 Entangled in them trite when creating views. I tried to identify the problem a separate topic.

17.04.2015 23:56, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39730

I do not mind the second gallery. Put-because there is no other picture there. "To the point" so to speak ((( Here to help arhivchik where the wind is blowing: http://rghost.ru/7jvQ89PkS (there are 4 of my photos with a brief explanation). For a long time I place the monitor and there will not be any cabbage (((

17.04.2015 19:15, Alexsandr Martukov: comment on photo #13834

Stanislav, thank you for the comments, and I sent you an e-mail in the rough, only to be converted to JPEG images that instance. I myself am not special and has asked me to inform opinion-known researchers. They believe that this maturna. Here, for example, reported that my photo Sergey Gordeev (Baikal) "I think it E.maturna.White spots the bond underside of the wings are small, fractional, ...

17.04.2015 9:43, Vladlep: comment on New books about butterflies

Вышло продолжение книги – Королев В.А. «Каталог авторской коллекции бабочек. Часть II. Парусники (Papilionidae)», насчитывающей свыше 2 тыс. экземпляров парусников из различных регионов мира. В коллекции представлено ок. 70% ...

17.04.2015 5:43, Alexander Belousov: comment on photo #39728

Basil, I pointed out that this is not accurately defined. I tried to straighten, can be further seen.

16.04.2015 15:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Personal Area.

Peter, again, a fresh question LK) Do please edit menu selection on the number of photos: "Photography on the page" as in the public gallery. With lots of photos it was very uncomfortable and we have a lot of flipping pages.For example: there are a lot of photos of butterflies where you have to write a "package" in the name of the geography of the same country. but these pictures are ...

16.04.2015 12:50, Peter Khramov: comment on On the use of pairs of dogs@@@@to highlight the name of the species

Dogs are rarely required, but it can sometimes be useful, so why not. It will be time to make a dog. And about the fact that the author of this field is the king and god - it is not. Yes, in this field more assumptions, but when it comes infa which obviously applies to other fields or no other pages - it can then be edited.And not only the author (we the authors, is, for six months does not ...

15.04.2015 16:48, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39719

Stand to the page of the form at the request of the team :))) But this is only my area so I leave comments and copyright :)

15.04.2015 11:13, andrewins: comment on Exhibition "ColeopTERRA. Planet of Beetles " in the State Biological Museum named after K. A. Timiryazev

Уважаемые друзья и коллеги, приглашаю всех посетить выставку "ColeopTERRA. Планета Жуков" в Государственном Биологическом музее им. К. А. Тимирязева. Выставка продлится до 28 июня 2015 г. Некоторая информация о выставке - ...

13.04.2015 16:40, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39711

Actually finding the place (in the frame of the instrument is no excuse) :))) P.S. As it turned out ... So far, drove home, she had already begun to spin a cocoon. So, the result is likely to be there)))

13.04.2015 12:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Ypsolopha asperella

Basil, everything is done. See. The system area.

13.04.2015 11:54, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #39699

Basil, in the continuation of the system area.

09.04.2015 15:47, Alexander Belousov: comment on photo #39688

Try to score as Dmitry, I am taking all the fly.

09.04.2015 13:58, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #32960

It depends on where the removed nekoreektno. Do moderators have the right to edit this line to it is written in line with its intended purpose (see. The latest comments by the top photo of the butterfly).

09.04.2015 11:51, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #32961

Alexander, please write in LC that I removed from the field "Clarification of classification (subspecies, shape, age)." in the "Additional information / remarks. For example, the instance output from the pupa Determination was carried out by, or photos or any other additional information: ")))

09.04.2015 2:14, А.Й.Элез: comment on Congratulations to Roman Yakovlev!

От души поздравляю и желаю успехов!

08.04.2015 18:54, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39684

A couple of words)) Something did not like it as much as the podmarennikovy a pair of attributes: 1) Feed the plant from this specimen. caterpillars willow: most of the literature indicated bedstraw and Cyprus, and the plant is completely out of "another story". Found himself repeatedly and subsequently feed on the Cyprus and cleavers.Willow is full, but never in it have not been seen ...

07.04.2015 22:45, vasiliy-feoktistov: comment on Noctuidae, Stictopterinae

Продолжу Stictoptera signifera Walker, 1857 (самка, одна из многочисленных вариаций)27.03.2014-10.04.2014 Malaysia, Pahang, Cameron Highlands, Brinchang. leg. Vishnyakov A.N.Огромное спасибо Вишнякову Алексею за материал

07.04.2015 9:52, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Colotois pennaria

Add to spread the list of regions of the Russian Federation in accordance Sinev. And in spreading confusion in Russia, the only species in the genus some)))

07.04.2015 0:58, vasiliy-feoktistov: comment on If the female of an ordinary red cockroach is taken away from the ooteka...

Проще наловить баночку и интродуцировать в квартиру неугодного Пакостливые какие-то темы рождаются

06.04.2015 20:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39668


06.04.2015 19:36, Peter Khramov: comment on Noctua tirrenica


06.04.2015 19:35, Peter Khramov: comment on Sideridis kitti

Yeah, I did.

04.04.2015 22:53, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #38740

Yes, I also saw that the species combined.

04.04.2015 15:57, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #39659

I for 2013, too, worked through routes and fare, but somehow it was all over the Caucasus)

01.04.2015 13:18, John-ST: comment on Cychrus


31.03.2015 7:20, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Euhampsonia

Similarly, Sasha! I defined them there :) "! Well, then all claims to Paul :)

29.03.2015 10:43, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39578

Eugene, all current year to fix please. July was not yet in 2015, but :)

27.03.2015 16:30, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #39550

"Small sabantui"

26.03.2015 18:15, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #24072

It would be nice to specify the date of catching and geography. Especially when a bunch of photos is not related to the group. And focus not on what (((. Therefore, to link them to groups stop until no clues in the form of a label data.

26.03.2015 17:54, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39549

Suffered in uncertainty. If a species is defined only up to the kind of in the "Name of the species" is not necessary to write anything.

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

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