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25.05.2009 19:48, Peter Khramov: comment on New photos

Authors shots - Sergey Novitsky, Dennis Vasily Tumanov and Feoktistov.

25.05.2009 18:50, Peter Khramov: comment on System photos comments

Registered users and authors can comment on any photograph, as well as to confirm or refute the accuracy of the determination of the form in the photos. We draw the attention of specialists, in the gallery, you can separately display images, on which kind of undefined or is not defined precisely , these are the pictures require your attention in the first place ...

25.05.2009 14:08, Vlad Proklov: comment on A large insect, more than half a meter long


25.05.2009 11:01, Tigran Oganesov: comment on Games about insects

Oh, I remember that funny game! It was released somewhere in the mid-nineties. Unfortunately, it didn't pass.

24.05.2009 20:50, lepidopterolog: comment on Urania ripheus

Chrysiridia rhipheus Drury 1773 like this ...

24.05.2009 2:48, Peter Khramov: comment on New paragraph in the registration system, the new taxa in the catalog and photos in the gallery

The newly registering users and authors can post information about their city in a separate field. There is an opinion that such information can help, for example, to meet offline. In addition, the base site, new taxa, and the gallery - photos Basil Feoktistov.

24.05.2009 2:33, Peter Khramov: comment on New filter in the gallery - selection of photos on the accuracy of the form to them

With the new filter in the gallery, you can select only the pictures, the kind on which the butterflies accurately determined not accurately or not defined at all. If you can tell the species name to "undetermined" photos, write us to e-mail. In the near future, this information could be made available through a system of comments to the photos on the site.

23.05.2009 0:11, Peter Khramov: comment on How to upload photos of butterflies, which are not described on the site?

Basil, not for that. Regarding the filter on the degree of determination of the type answered the mail. In short: the filter is ready.

22.05.2009 22:36, Peter Khramov: comment on New photos in the gallery and new taxa in the database

Added a few exotic and not only taxa, as well as pictures of butterflies from Svetlana Lukienko, Basil and Peter Feoktistov Khramov.

22.05.2009 15:01, Peter Khramov: comment on Loading photos butterfly species not found in the database of the site and is not certain

Now, on the site you can not only upload photos butterfly species that exist in the base site (catalog), but also photos of species that are in the database yet, and the photo, view the butterfly which is not defined. All three types of downloads available from Dashboard registered users.

21.05.2009 21:37, Aaata: comment on The tropics

Hemaris,a can have.

21.05.2009 18:03, Peter Khramov: comment on Indication as to whether the form is defined in the publication of photos

Downloading a photo of a butterfly on a website, you can now specify that the form of the butterfly in the photo is determined accurately. In this case, other users on the site will pay more attention to the photo and will confirm or oprovergut information form.

20.05.2009 23:13, Peter Khramov: comment on The function of image selection for any taxon

Now, in the gallery, you can select photos Lepidoptera.ru of taxa, for example, it is possible to see only pictures of butterflies family Papilionidae , or just kind of Parnassius . During Code Update gallery 2 hours was deactivated function to download new images. Now downloading again fully operational.

20.05.2009 18:12, Peter Khramov: comment on Six new photos

Authors shots - Vasiliy Feoktistov and Andrey Sazykin.

20.05.2009 13:05, Solarway: comment on Night catching in the Moscow region

Friends, this Saturday (23.05) I would like to go somewhere-thread in the Moscow region for night fishing(personally, I am only interested in Lepidoptera). From the equipment there is: a car and a DRL lamp, tested in operation. There is no generator or screen. Therefore, anyone who has a missing piece of equipment or a summer cottage would be happy to ask for a companion.

18.05.2009 15:25, Peter Khramov: comment on New photos of butterflies from Vasily and Andrey Feoktistov Sazykina

Preview of new images:

18.05.2009 13:35, MaratD: comment on Invitation to a trip / expedition

Hello!We invite you to take part in a trip / expedition in the coming June holidays (4 - 5 days).The expected location is the regions of the central part of Russia.We are a small group of enthusiasts who organize various scientific expeditions.We provide transportation, tents, food, etc. and invite scientists and researchers to our trips.The last trip was organized together with the ethnographers ...

15.05.2009 23:11, Peter Khramov: comment on Hyles euphorbiae

Basil, everything is OK with the pictures, they are normally loaded (refer to. Cabinet). Most of them will be published soon (then in office will change their status).

15.05.2009 19:42, Peter Khramov: comment on Fixed several inaccuracies in photo captions

Thank you all for the comments.

15.05.2009 0:22, Peter Khramov: comment on Started publication of the main pages of the site in English

For a more comfortable site reviewed by foreign authors are beginning to spread some of the pages in English. To begin with - to start.

13.05.2009 23:23, Peter Khramov: comment on Now the news - preview of new photo

Starting May 13, all the news about the publication of new images instead of text links will be displayed in the photo preview image links.

13.05.2009 23:16, Peter Khramov: comment on Where to go on May days (9-11)? UP: Went. A couple of photos inside

I still went to the Vladimir region. It was beautiful in placesEven fabulousBut the mood for butterflies was somehow not very presentSo I caught only one tick on live bait, and that's it.

13.05.2009 23:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Photo by Sergei and Andrei Novitsky Sazykina

Below - preview pictures.

13.05.2009 15:24, Bear: comment on Flies and a chandelier

I got a camera. Ready for new observations

10.05.2009 15:48, Pirx: comment on Biology of Chalcididae

http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalcididaethere are references

10.05.2009 9:03, алекс 2611: comment on Arkhangelsk region

The murmur there is a noble one! Severnaya and Bolotnaya streets. Row the mustache, then we'll settle the score!"Oh, yes! There are a lot of Sirfids out there. In the north, the flies are finally notable. And a lot of them. And what kind of horseflies there are. I wouldn't mind....

09.05.2009 23:45, Pirx: comment on Moth caterpillar

Mechanical strength. Have you tried eating wire?

07.05.2009 15:27, Dmitry Vlasov: comment on Soil traps

You can take with you a certain number (how many glasses or widow's more) of wire rods in the form of P (only with a wide upper stick and short side ones) and use them to fasten the cups according to the Anthrenus method, a. do not waste time searching for twigs, etc.

07.05.2009 14:23, Peter Khramov: comment on Replenishing the photo gallery of Schaefer Vladimir and Yevgeny Komarov

Eugene and Vladimir supplemented collection of images Inachis io , Zegris eupheme , Euchloe ausonia , Macdunnoughia confusa and Proterebia afra .

04.05.2009 13:25, Peter Khramov: comment on I propose to improve the design of the site

Sergei briefly replied to the forum tomorrow you accomplish your goal even more.

04.05.2009 10:11, DIMac: comment on For cassid fans

And a storehouse of images (suitable for the Russian EC)http://www.biol.uni.wroc.pl/cassidae/katal...etowy/index.htmScans, photos, etc.

04.05.2009 7:58, Guest: comment on I. V. Stebaev died

Light memory

01.05.2009 22:56, Peter Khramov: comment on The site appeared guestbook

If you have any feedback, comments, and other cries of the soul - they are happy to be heard (and, if necessary, and commented) in guest book .

26.04.2009 18:45, Peter Khramov: comment on Another two dozen shots, new types in the website base

Photo unseasoned exotics, including the pupal stage. Links to the updated types: Archaeoprepona demophon Graphium agamemnon Morpho peleides Papilio memnon Papilio rumnzovia Papilio thoas Parthenos sylvia ornithopter Elena (Troides helena)

26.04.2009 15:50, swerig: comment on Where to get cockroaches?

Blaberus Giganteus - where to get it, how to keep it?.. Keeping them like any other cockroaches is no big deal. If you are specifically interested in something - write specifically

26.04.2009 13:30, KCN: comment on Aquatic insects

And who kept the water meter in the aquarium-a thread?I wonder if they will escape from the aquarium through the gap between the aquarium and the cover glass... And what is the best way to feed them? And how do they eat-suck the insect out or gnaw it? smile.gifs And can they eat small snails near the surface of the water?I kept a water scorpion out of the water and fed it raw meat. Of course, I ...

25.04.2009 17:16, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg: comment on Do cockroaches chatter?

Well, now everything is clear! Just what kind of view and why is there no word in the literature?...Why not? Roth L.M., Hartman H.B. Sound Production and Its Evolutionary significance in the Blattaria. Annals of the Entomological society of America, 1967 60 (4): 740-752. That's what I immediately remembered. there are also more recent works.

24.04.2009 14:59, videnie: comment on Madagascar cockroaches-I'll give them away (SPb, Russia)

I will give the little cockroaches in good hands. Pick-up from Pushkin (S-Pb) is desirable, but it is also possible to meet in the center of S-Pb (on weekdays).

23.04.2009 20:11, Peter Khramov: comment on Two dozen new images of exotic dried

Continue to spread the dried butterflies ... Links to the updated page views: Attacus atlas Danaus plexippus Delias eucharis Dismorphia amphione Doxocopa laurentia Dryas iulia < / a> Eueides aliphera Eueides isabella Helicunius telesiphe Hyles euphorbiae (Hyles euphorbiae) Limenitis arthemis Mechanitis lysimnia Morpho ...

22.04.2009 5:35, Aaata: comment on Features of buying and selling in online stores

After all, the parcel may disappear at the stage of delivery: in the country of the sender, at customs, in the country of the recipient. And the seller at the same time "neither sleep nor spirit." In this case, is there something you can do (find your parcel or at least return the money) or is it already over ?

20.04.2009 21:45, guest: Vabrus: comment on Eversmannia exornata Eversmann, 1837

Yes, it is clearly expanding its range. In addition, apparently, the number is also rising. Only here are the reasons? The caterpillar, as far as I know, is still unknown, as is the food plant...

20.04.2009 19:44, AlmaZZ: comment on Ural

19.04.2009 14:31, Peter Khramov: comment on Choice sorting Gallery butterflies

Now, sort photos in the gallery is possible not only by the time of publication, but also the title of a butterfly.

18.04.2009 20:37, Nikolaj Pichugin: comment on

As always late, but from the bottom of my heart, congratulations! I join all other congratulations!

18.04.2009 19:01, Nikolaj Pichugin: comment on The booze continues!

I join all of the above. On my own behalf, I would like to wish you health and creative enthusiasm. To please us again and again with wonderful photos and priceless comments to them. Good luck with everything!!!

18.04.2009 15:41, RippeR: comment on Genus Karanasa

Karanasa tancrei Grum-Grsh, 1998Tian-Shan, Atbashi Mtr., 10.VIII.2004Karanasa pamira (Staudingeri, 1887)Pamiro-Alai, Alai Mtr., Kyzyl-Esme gorge, 12. VII. 04, S. Toropov legThanks to the Butterfly Man Karanasa bolorica (Grum-Grsh, 1888)Taj, Pamir, trans. Gilandy, 24.7.88, 4500mKaranasa alferakyi ?kafirPamir., hr. Ishkashimis?, Bidiz village, 3000m, 13.07.88, Sokolov leg

18.04.2009 1:52, Egorus: comment on Continuation of the banquet :)

Health, success, good luck!

18.04.2009 0:06, Aleksandr Safronov: comment on Subgenus Pantophyrtus (Carabus)

Carabus (Pantophyrtus) turcomanorum turcomanorum Thieme, 188101-09.VI.2002 Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzskyi Mts. R., Uzun Bulak Gorge, h=1800 ms.male 28 mm, female 33 mm.The view is distributed on Z. Tien Shan and St. Pamir-Alai. It is found in the middle mountain zone, at altitudes of 1400-2500 m, both in forests and in open areas.This post was edited by Entalex - 18.04.2009 00: 16 ...

16.04.2009 23:01, Peter Khramov: comment on New species of butterflies in the directory of the site and new images

The database site added new species to the gallery - 60 new photos from Sergei Novitsky, Tumanov and Peter Denis Khramov. Links to the updated page views: Hyles Totenkopf (Acherontia atropos) Adela croesella Amphipyra berbera Perelivnitsa Schrenk (Apatura schrenckii) Cameraria ohridella Cauchas rufifrontella Chazara bischoffi Colias aurorina ...

16.04.2009 14:31, Bio-Nom: comment on Where do bees get nitrogen from?

I don't recall, alas... where I read about non-divergence, it all stopped there.Isn't this from this opera?Amazon ants ( Biological Sciences ) Termite colonies

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Insecta.pro: Illustrated insecta catalogue. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor and administrator: Peter Khramov.

I express my gratitude to moderators, photographers and involved users for their contribution to the website progress.

© Insecta.pro, 2007—2025.

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