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13.07.2015 1:04, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41427

I would say that this Cephonodes hylas (Linnaeus, 1771) http://www.danaida.ru/sem14/ceph.htm

12.07.2015 13:37, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41422

Family Limacodidae

12.07.2015 13:02, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41418

Seokia pratti

08.07.2015 18:14, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41300

Thank you, Basil! I looked at the link. Regarding the underside. Basil, like so and so, if there is a spread, plus a caterpillar to chrysalis. In general, almost complete set

08.07.2015 17:41, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41300

I would like to ask about the white fringe. Not all pictures of this type, it is present on the site. This is as it should be?

08.07.2015 16:15, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40849

Yes, like enough to "catch the wind in a net." Everything is contained, all in plain sight, someone who wanted to read what he says ..... Vladimir! I hope you do not mind if I say a few words about your caterpillar. Suppose that in the future you are not surprised if the caterpillar cease to exist ... This is just a sign that it is going to pupate.If it covers the whole and there are no signs ...

07.07.2015 18:21, Yuri Semejkin: comment on Eilema griseola

Theodore, Basil! Do you have any pictures on that you see, and more specifically on the date of shooting of different authors. And immediately expand the geography and time of appearance of adults coincide with Primorye. And some generalizations looking at pictures is already possible to make at least preliminary. Fedor! Do not talk about the seasons, they are "great weather" do not.Each ...

07.07.2015 12:37, Yuri Semejkin: comment on Eilema griseola

Basil ! In fact, in the pictures, it was stated that at this point of the 5 tracks, and not one instance. Two of the five were taken to the cultivation and pupated one day June 10, 2015 I hope no one will dispute that the three remaining tracks pupated nature in those days, a tolerance of a few days and everything. From one of the imago # 41249 # 41250 published June 21, 2015 g, and from others. ...

06.07.2015 16:22, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41249

Eilema griseola

06.07.2015 16:17, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41248

Eilema griseola. Forgive me, supporters of high-quality images, these things for low-quality product. Still I decided to place due to the absence of others, reflecting the location of caterpillars on a tree trunk. . Here, on a tree trunk was found 5 tracks and all of them were either anywhere, and in the deep and wide enough cracks in the bark. .Looking ahead to say that they were removed and ...

06.07.2015 14:53, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41141

Eilema griseola aegrota By unfolding pattern identified Chistyakov Yu.A. BPI FEB RAS

06.07.2015 14:53, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41140

Eilema griseola aegrota By unfolding pattern identified Chistyakov Yu.A. BPI FEB RAS

04.07.2015 16:51, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41217

Thanks Basil! View not picked up, but with feed acquainted. In general, they are all polyphagous, so perhaps pick up food.

04.07.2015 14:57, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41217

People! Who thinks. Crawling on the ground, so usually before pupation some caterpillars behave, and therefore picked up. Not knowing who it is - with the forage question. Suddenly she still growing. While suggested that next-grown oak, linden.

04.07.2015 14:04, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41204

With the family in this case no problems. Alexander ! Thank you for your prompt kind, go on it yet, but it looks like he can not handle. Aft Almost sure it kirkazon since when he took a leaf doll, doll already izvertelsya whole, though spelёnutaya web. The absence of traces of "bites" of nothing says.Alexander ! You know that before pupation caterpillars stop eating and can move at all on ...

04.07.2015 13:10, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41204

What does the list ... Nick! You do texts and comments of authors under the photos you read? Like the Russian language is written, "A copy of the output from the pupa"

04.07.2015 8:37, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41204

I took a chrysalis and butterfly brought. I try to determine, did not happen, maybe it can not find or do not know. I Tried "poryt" on a possible host plant kirkazon Manchu, -which we grow in the Primorye Territory, in northeastern China and Korea, but it did no good.All references to sources is found Aristolochia manshuriensis as a food plant of larvae associated with seritsynom and altsinoem ...

04.07.2015 8:16, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41203

Possible caterpillar host plant Aristolochia manshuriensis (kirkazon Manchu)

04.07.2015 0:57, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41201

Leon! By plant is recommended to handle here http://www.plantarium.ru/

03.07.2015 14:49, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41050

I am writing at the request of Ira. Everyone sends greetings. Regarding mites were today botsade..Iru they seem to escape from myself 7 pieces removed. New butterflies like it is not removed, but tomorrow Ira goes to the village. Tiger in Anisimovka. Here it should shoot. So expect the new butterflies.

01.07.2015 16:41, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41158

Normal Aglais io (Linnaeus, 1758)

29.06.2015 15:13, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40973

All butterflies birth climb down, or sideways in the horizontal or inclined position pupa. A pavlinoglazki seems over the top vylazit manage? There was nothing yet to change, since the caterpillar cocoon chose this location. And naturally, as the cocoons are hanging.

29.06.2015 13:46, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41119


29.06.2015 13:29, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40314

Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1758)

29.06.2015 13:28, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40308

Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1758). Forage Salix taraikensis

27.06.2015 14:33, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40975

The new point

27.06.2015 12:44, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40973

After a day.

27.06.2015 5:23, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40577

Rhodinia fugax (Butler, 1877)

27.06.2015 1:14, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40577

Not Rhodinia jankowskii, but rather Rhodinia fugax, if you look at Kurentsova. Yesterday pupate, cocoon of yellowish-green, and for feed converges Quercus mongolica. It remains to wait for a butterfly to the final verdict.

20.06.2015 6:49, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40773

Yes, it is possible to try, nymph parasite is stored. There is another nymph butterfly, also taken from kirkazona and, in general, 100% sure that if it comes out of someone, it is not exactly a butterfly .....

20.06.2015 1:21, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40773

Even if you pass the parasite to the Institute, its definition under the big question. For several years, no one to deal with flies, the more such a large family. At best, maybe someone will say race.

19.06.2015 17:25, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40773

Here's a series. And now my question to the administrator and modders. Whether such a load, when the output instead of a butterfly parasite? This already was loaded to the site and somehow did not approve of was little discussion and the case ended remains unclear. Someone might say again that all this is superfluous, unnecessary, only it takes place.Excuse me, but a few days ago, I threw ...

17.06.2015 8:25, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40363

Basil, I read about it. And your opinion and Peter. But I would like to fix such a possibility has been constant, rather than 20 minutes. I've found your lyapus 2 weeks later, and the UK-to stay here still, he only knows Peter

17.06.2015 2:17, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40363

Typo. It should be read. Caterpillar on food plants Celastrus flagellaris (celastrus pleteobrazny). All the same bad that in the event of errors, specification, etc. can not fix their own comments.

16.06.2015 8:46, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40310

It is! Caterpillar before pupation stops there, and then move. If you have land, some buried in the ground (of course not all). I, too, it happens. You look at a caterpillar-then you died, or not. Just do not throw, hold for a while, looking at times and then pupate and the butterfly came out. But in my case it did not.

15.06.2015 23:47, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40310

Over "patient", dried up. We should probably delete, will remain visible in the uncertainty.

14.06.2015 13:55, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40648

In Populus maximowiczii (poplar Maksimovic)

14.06.2015 0:34, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40577

Yes sooner we see on dolly. If this pavlinoglazki Jankowski, the cocoon will must be- stakanovidny red-brown color. By pavlinoglazki Diana (Rhodinia fugax). Kurentsov writes that the caterpillar Rhodinia fugax very similar to Rhodinia jankowskii and develops it in July and August on Quercus mongolica. Just cocoon her yellowish-green.

13.06.2015 12:16, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40607

If you do not look at the background, something like normalno.Voobsche Shamil, your butterfly in front of you, you see the color intensity, -svetlee or not. Here and create it as it is. Personally, I try to stick to the principle of natural coloring. If darken or lighten up too, it can be said that a butterfly in the world there ......

13.06.2015 2:34, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40577

Apparently yes, and the rest did not fit. There is truth to the sources of disagreement. In particular, food supply do not match and the lifetime of the tracks. And strong! 1. Proceedings Gornotaёzhnoy stations Volume III. Vladivostok, 1939. Here Kurentsova, p. 161 states ... The lifetime of July and August the caterpillars feed Phellodendron amurense Rupr. 2. Keys to the insects of ...

12.06.2015 13:38, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40577

Rose slightly

11.06.2015 13:30, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40505

Diarsia ruficauda (Warren). Determined: Matt AJ ZIN

11.06.2015 13:26, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40542

Herminia grisealis

08.06.2015 6:27, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40468

In my opinion it Parasa hilarula (Staudinger).? Age etak 2nd.

07.06.2015 3:26, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40460

Cystidia stratonice (Stoll, [1782])

07.06.2015 3:26, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40458

Cystidia stratonice (Stoll, [1782])

07.06.2015 3:24, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40456

Detail sheet defined Volynets EB (SNA to. G.-m.n.) Biology and Soil Science FEB RAS like Aristolochia contorta (kirkazon twisted (at secondary and tertiary venation).

06.06.2015 1:13, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #14794

Yes, he has a similar http://tpittaway.tripod.com/china/p_dis.htm P. perundulans Swinhoe, 1897, but he has a form of PC costal margin at the apex a few others., And the teeth on the outer edge pronounced .

05.06.2015 18:14, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40406

Ok !

05.06.2015 14:13, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40409

It is the same, but younger. The difference in the week. It added to the overall performance, despite not so good quality.

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