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If you are interested, then from there calmly and without questions, I took it out in my luggage and in this form: Pictures:_______1.png — (903.22к) _______2. png — (1.11 mb)
Trichosea ludifica (Linnaeus, 1758). End of June, South of Khakassia, Zap. Sayan mountains, tundra zone. It's strange, but no one has put up a photo here yet. Probably, the animal is rare not only in our area.. Pictures:DSC_3109.JPG — (359.69к)
Oeneis aktashi sarala Korshunov, 1988 If I'm not mistaken, no one has ever exhibited it. According to the article by Ktrshunov and Nikolaeva, 2002, this taxon was transferred from the subtype aktashi to the independent species Oeneis sarala Korshunov, 1988. Moreover, according to the authors, the assignment of this taxon to the aktashi subcomplex is erroneous. So for now, I have it as Oeneis ...
Does anyone have available Aglais nixa from Gissar-Darvarz and/or Aglais rizana from Kyrgyzstan/Tajikistan/ Uzbekistan? I am open to exchange or to buy them.Does anyone have Aglais nixa from Hissar-Darvartz and / or Aglais rizana from Kyrgyzstan / Tajikistan / Uzbekistan? I am open to exchange or purchase.
That is, only a few specialists can limit them if there are rich samples of each type in front of their eyes.Melanotus villosus (Geoffroy, 1785) (syn. rufipes Herbst,1784 as it was in Green's time), and castanipes (Paykull, 1800) was then synonymous.And now they are different, only as I do not know myself.Check out these views on the website above, please.I don't have this book in any form, ...
Euxoa sp.Who has any ideas? Caught near Orenburg in the light.Span 35mm, 7.09.2109 Pictures:SDC16939.jpg — (299.86к)
Hello EveryoneI am French entomologist, i am interested in the following families : Carabidae,Cicindelidae,Calosoma,Cetoniidae,Dorcadion,Scarabaeidae,Buprestidae from all countries.Goliathus goliatus has been added to my exchange list.I wish to make exchanges with serious entomologists.I propose many species Carabus,Cetoniidae,Cerambycidae ect.ect. from various countries .Do not hesitate to make ...
Hello Dear ColleaguesI can offer many species of Madagascar as well as other countries ( Tanzanie,Cameroun,Congo,Quebec,France,Australie,Laos,Espagne,Europe ect.ect. ).In exchange i am looking for Carabidae,Cicindelidae,Cetoniidae,Dorcadion,Dung Beetles and Buprestidae from all countries.I can send you my exchange list and photos if you are interested .CordiallyGérardContact : ...
Good afternoon! I found a dark-colored bug on the table at home, I looked at the pictures on the Internet - I still didn't understand what species it could be. Can anyone help?
PS Sorry, I also forgot to specify the location, because it's important-near Sochi.The smell of rope doesn't matter. I caught on a freshly bought jute rope-the catocals flew in, and it stank of" rope " quite well before soaking.P.S. That in the area of Sochi on the light flew badly - it's some kind of miracle....
I have never seen Vagusov in Moscow time. I haven't even heard of anyone finding it.In the south of the MO, in the area of Beloomut and Silver Ponds, I once found it (about 10 years ago), but I haven't been there since.In the Tula region, in the Kaluga region, it is quite common.
Theoretically, yes.In practice, I much prefer the culture on the filler from corn cobs, the fraction is quite large, does not stick together and practically does not dust, unlike bran.I have (and not only) the main plug - pupation, for some reason the larvae or normally do not pupate, or the pupae die.They need something incomprehensible, either a tree or a hole...They could eat the larvae ...
Well, almost all sarcophagi have an alternation of gray and black, but pay attention to the nature of this alternation and the ratio of areas of both colors.
I was in Izborsk yesterday. Plastinokrylov quite a lot met, 2 males took with them.In the fields there are many skates, for example Omocestus viridulus, Euthystira brachyptera, Chrysochraon dispar. Viridissim couldn't find them, they were probably farther south.
Colleagues, an article on beetles is being prepared. Need information (labels) on the following species: Osmoderma barnabita, Ceruchus chrysomelinus, Protaetia speciosissima, Trypocopris vernalis, Elater ferrugineus from the territory of the Russian Federation."thank you" in the article will definitely be!write here or r-mail@inbox.ruSincerely, Roman IshinThis post was edited by AGG - 28.07.2019 ...
Yes, they will sell: they will not be able to feed it to humans, they will feed it through humans to reptiles and other domestic animals.
I offer cooperation on mass cultivation of edible insects. Premises and modest funding for the start-up are available. We need specialists who really have experience in this area. Location-nearest Moscow region, Russian Federation.
Please help me find morphological keys to identify mosquitoes Phlebotomus (Larrousius), with photos or diagrams generally perfect.Maybe there are phlebotomus specialists here? Please tell me what species can be similar to Phlebotomus syriacus, except P. neglectus and P. major?Where can I find information about P. notus and P. kandelakii? The language of the publication doesn't matter.I know that ...
Усач Arhopalus rusticus. If the house is made of wood, then this is not very good. It is a technical pest of wood, but its vital activity usually does not lead to catastrophic consequences.
I mean "computer time" is a term used when modeling on a computer, which reflects how long the processor worked.
A person is worried about long-term safety and usefulness, so he prefers to go to the museum, I also had the first independent thought - to the museum.If it was a ready-made exhibition, it would be possible. However, the collection is not prepared for the exhibition, you need to work with it. In the local history department, there are no full-time employees(entomologists) or a special storage ...
Catching hawk moth moths in the light. Part 1.Well, summer has come! It's time to go hunting for the secretive hawk moth! We will catch them in the light.'s not to weed the horn of the garden floor, for this "rag" and hang up and shoot it would be more convenient and visible to all. about "noble butterflies" - strongly This post was edited by AGG - ...
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Ematurga atomaria / Confidently identified / Male / Nikolay Grebennikov.
Dear sirs and madams! If you uploaded any photos from 29 to 31 of May, 2019 and you can't find them at the website now, please, upload them once more. It seems like there were some losses in that department while changing hosting servers. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
The attached leaflet is from a Chinese ornithologist working in Chukotka, who is also a graduate student at Princeton University, USA. Leaflet invites our Russian researchers to join the study of the common mosquito genome by collecting samples. PipPopSampleRequest_V2.pdf size: 1.55 mb number of downloads: 224
Friends, we need several pairs of live deer beetles from the territory of Russia. From anywhere. But alive. I'll buy it or trade it for exotics and paleoartics. All offers only in the personal account!