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What about more or less large, but" uncomfortable " insects, such as leaf-eating cassids or ladybirds. Everything that is difficult to take, on glue?Well, yes, with difficulty, but it is taken the same...
Does G. albosignathus albosignathus even exist in nature? How does it differ from G. albosignathus kirkianus?As far as I know, the nominate is from Zimbabwe, and the subspecies kirkianus is from Tanzania.
Good afternoonTell me who can help and be my mentor on breeding tropical butterflies. I myself live in Vilnius, Lithuania. Please write to my email address: lobanovase@rambler.ruAs a token of gratitude, at my request, I can help (if you are thinking of visiting Lithuania) when you come to our country in Lithuania. I'll show you, help you, and take you to the places you need.Please help me.You ...
Waiting! 7 years lived in Vlad - from women there is no passage! They walk down the street, look into your eyes, smile... Interesting city. The picture reflects his spirit!
Yes, the first three congresses were excellent, especially in Kolchugino. Almost everyone who was on them was engaged in insects for the soul, no one thought about commerce. There was a lot of material and it was interesting. Now there is no longer any interesting material at the congresses, everyone has met each other and is directly exchanged/sold... Эх
The video shows the 13th International Insect Exhibition and Fair (March 30-31, 2019).VIDEO HERE: Pictures:13_________________________________________.jpg — (489.6к)
Because of your emotions, you missed the main thing. The key question. Where is the scientific and practical justification of your measures for the reintroduction of these insects in the Ministry of Defense?I'll give you another good example. In the Western Caucasus, a whole program is being implemented to reintroduce the Central Asian leopard. On this occasion, so many scientific and other ...
Pls, try to do it there! make next and next dublicate themesThis post was edited by CosMosk - 29.03.2019 09: 19
It was cited from the Sumy region by Govorun A.V.I wrote to A.V. Talker about floella. He also could not confirm it from the Sumy region, the material rotted in the refrigerator under mold. The nearest finds are probably now only in Romania and in the Krasnodar Territory (Anapa) (Shchurov and Lagoshina, 2013).
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Papilio machaon / Confidently identified / Larva / Alexandr Zhakov.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Confidently identified / Imago / Yuriy Karpov → Orgyia recens / Tentatively identified / Female / Tatyana Gordeeva.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Confidently identified / Imago / Robot → Orgyia recens / Tentatively identified / Female / Tatyana Gordeeva.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Confidently identified / Imago / Robot → Orgyia recens / Tentatively identified / Female / Tatyana Gordeeva.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Confidently identified / Imago / Robot → Orgyia recens / Tentatively identified / Female / Tatyana Gordeeva.
Smerinthus evesrmanni (Popoff in Eversmann, 1854) was described from Transbaikalia, Kiachta, and is considered as a subspecies: Callambulyx tatarinovii evesrmanni (Eversmann, 1854), comb. et stat. nov. The population is characterized by distinct sexual dimorphism of the species where males are green and females are always reddish brown [Eversmann, 1854; Gordeeva, Gordeev, 2010].
Thanks! Nothing in itself, that the family, that the species have three authors each. I wonder what is the maximum number of co-authors known for entomological taxa? And is this regulated in any way in the Code?This post was edited by scarabee - 19.03.2019 20: 06
Free shipping in RussiaPayment by transfer to SberbankCard number (VISA) 4276 7206 4668 5562My name is Boris Bakharev and my family catches butterflies and makes handmade souvenirs. A framed butterfly is an unusual and unique gift that immediately attracts attention.We have been making souvenirs for 20 years and guarantee the first-class quality of our butterfly spreading.Any product is made by ...
Fascinating, not exciting, and in Russia at least 10 centers are engaged in the commercialization of larvae. Cosmetologists from all over the world are chasing the fat of these larvae
The main artistic principles of futurism are-speed, movement, energy (this accurately reflects the essence of the cockroach), and ... cockroaches in the head should not be forgotten And by the way, four legs are also the essence of futurism, because drawing four legs is much faster than six))Thank you for the most interesting comment! Continuing your line of reasoning, we can add that futurism, ...
Hello EveryoneNew species have been added to my 2019 exchange list. ( Many species from TANZANIE , CAMEROUN , QUEBEC , FRANCE , ESPAGNE ect. ect. and with + 50 species of Madagascar Cetoniidae Buprestidae among others ).If you have species to exchange , do not hesitate to request me to send you my exchange list.I am interested in the following families : Carabus , Calosoma , Cicindelidae , ...
Hello. And how to store eggs and regulate the birth rate? Can they be stored for a long time, and will they hatch later? Please share your experience. Thank You
Good afternoon,Recently moved into a new apartment. From the products we took with us seasonings, pasta and cereals. Since there is no kitchen furniture yet, all dry food was stored in cardboard boxes in the wardrobe. Recently noticed on the wall in the wardrobe 6 small beetles. According to the description on the Internet, they realized that these are bread grinders.They started looking for ...
well, nafik topic to start? - there is also a type of "scans of literature". I just happened to see it.