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Last year here in Rostov region we got lots of both species, in the beginning of June it was N. polychloros, then at the end of June was N. xanthomelas, and a week ago I saw a couple of polychloros just before the snow.
Svetlana, thanks. Maybe, you will advise something if it takes a go. May I have a look at your website?
Pyrrhocoris apterus (Linnaeus, 1758) 10 mmMoscowThis post was edited by S. Y. Feoktistov - 26.03.2013 06: 13
So read the label attached. Literally Pazale euron, Dabaiuan, Mt.3000 m, Lushan, W-Sschuan. Second, comparing this to mandarinus (sadly don't have tamerlan), there are some clear differences like Euron is larger, its wings are not as much striped, the topside of its hind wings has serrations not waves.
Lev, agree. I'd call it demure graceful) Pity it's rare. I thought I could later take better pictures, but saw it just once)
Peter, I added a "copper-butterfly seaside" through the Old to the form. Just zasomnevalas- whether to score just two Russian titles (especially since I can not determine what, or more accurately the prevalence), and therefore decided to name-second copper-butterfly ladonopodobnaya- added through comments). As for caps - uchtu)
I have planned a quantitative accounting of the color forms of erect-winged birds, regardless of our conversation - in the framework of studying the metaphenotypic components of life forms.I don't know about akrid specifically. It is logical, however, to assume that by the end of the season, when the grass dies off, the brown color begins to give a selective advantage - but this is absolutely ...
The picture is not quite good but very informative) I think there can be no doubt of that the ID is correct like that was on there, since only Celastrina ladonides larvae (of four possible species discussed there) feed on Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. and Sophora flavescens Sol. In this photo Celastrina ladonides female is laying eggs just on Lespedeza!
Yury, want to share some interesting find concerning differences between Pieris melete and Pieris dulcinea. The publication "Diurnal Lepidoptera of Priargunsky district" by Novosibirsk entomologists V. V. Dubatolov and O. E. Kosterin reads that Pieris dulcinea's back black spot on its forewing is as well emphasized as the front one, whilst Pieris melete has that back black spot quite more ...
So the napi has that as well. They say that the melete has it more and darker from its topside and instead lighter/fewer from the underside. Can't see though the distinctive difference looking at photos...
As for the photos on this page, if you do insist on this is really an example of disguise, please send me the original file and I'll make a wee editing since like now nothing seen. As for the photos #9795 and #9794, please stop being childish, we've ended that discussion year and a half ago there, so those two pics will stay as I reckon them interesting from ...
Carabus (Ophiocarabus) ballionis Kraatz, 187922 ммNW-China, Xinjiang prov., 40 km N Narat, h=1500, 12-12.VI.2004, Benes & Kaiser leg. Pictures:Carabus__Ophiocarabus__ballionis_Kraatz__1879.22_mm.jpg — (98.97к)