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19.10.2007 10:25, Juglans: comment on Angerona prunaria

South of Primorye, September. This is the usual view for us Pictures:P7134915.jpg — (123.17к)

17.10.2007 13:54, Nimrod: comment on Osmoderma eremita

As for the very initial request from Mr. rpanin, I have a raw idea so far, expressed as follows.I, for my part, will go through my own and the collections of colleagues to identify points and report back later. What if each of us posted our data on the hermit here? Subsequently, it will be possible to plot this data on a map and outline, in this way, the most likely places of finds, and in ...

15.10.2007 23:03, Охотник за осами: comment on Moth with mandibles

Thank you for the link!

15.10.2007 22:51, Охотник за осами: comment on The biggest insects

I didn't find a big "Coca-colis"-a =)

15.10.2007 6:44, Ekos: comment on Photos of bumblebees

Sergey & the rest of the people! To be more precise, we need pictures of Bombus unicus and Bombus czerskii Skorikov, 1909 (not sporadicus). There was just confusion in connection with the preparation of the Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory. The previous edition included Bombus sporadicus czerskianus Nylander, 1848. But in the new list (for the second edition of this book) (already ...

12.10.2007 10:08, Peter Khramov: comment on Galatea

Sketches by perstroglazke Galatea (Melanargia galathea) .

11.10.2007 12:05, Peter Khramov: comment on Checkered and perlamutrovki

Where and how to live perlamutrovka field - Issoria lathonia , perlamutrovka evfrosina - Boloria euphrosyne , perlamutrovka large - Argynnis paphia , perlamutrovka Aglaia - Argynnis aglaja , checkered maturna - Euphydryas maturna , checkered tsinksiya - Melitaea cinxia and checkered Phoebe - Melitaea phoebe .

09.10.2007 23:45, Peter Khramov: comment on New Nymphalidae

New nimfaliy: pestrokrylnitsa volatile (Araschnia levana) , letochnik poplar (Limenitis populi) , Camille lentochnik (Limenitis camilla) , perelivnitsa willow (Apatura iris) and perelivnitsa poplar (Apatura ilia) .

09.10.2007 19:05, Aleksandr Ermakov: comment on Pages of entomology departments and laboratories

Website of the Siberian Zoo MuseumIt was probably conceived as a catalog of a museum collection, there are photos and labels of standard copies. In terms of information content-rating 4, in terms of design-3 plus.The main thing is that there are good guys working there This post was edited by scarabee - 09.10.2007 19: 11

09.10.2007 12:19, Aleksey Adamov: comment on "Fauna and ecology of insects"

The collection is finally out. True, the first issue turned out to be very small, but the articles are not bad.CONTENTSOF THE PAGEAdamov A.V. Preliminary data on the fauna of ground beetles of the genus Harpalus Latr. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) on the territory of the biological station of the Faculty of Biology and Soil of the Southern Federal University (with a certain table.) ...

08.10.2007 21:27, taler: comment on Bioethics in entomology

This bazaar must be moved somewhere else, so as not to spoil such a cool topic.The moderator will sort it out.Morozzz, I can't agree more.To study,really 3-4 is not enough.I was in this position myself.Yes, and for a new species-a subspecies is not enough.But how many of us are engaged in studying?!A survey on the topic "who collects butterflies and why", I think, gave the answer.

08.10.2007 7:20, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale

yes, like many bedbugs, they have a seasonal polymorphism in color - the wintering generation is darker colored (or, if one generation, before wintering, perhaps the imagos darken). There are some good photos here:http://www.koleopterologie.de/heteroptera/-- pay attention to the shooting dates.

08.10.2007 0:48, RippeR: comment on Point and shoot cameras and macro photography

And I ended up with Sony DSC-w55 (Cyber Shot ) Pictures:DSC00967.JPG — (136.65к)

07.10.2007 18:10, Peter Khramov: comment on Four of the text of Nymphalidae

Texts about hives and NYMPHALIS ANTIOPA - two strongly-known representatives of Nymphalidae, slightly less popular large tortoiseshell and not described for Russian Charaxes jasius .

07.10.2007 16:27, omar: comment on Macro photos of insects

And I liked Saperda similis. He's like?

06.10.2007 8:53, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Readings on forest entomology

First Readings in memory of O. A. Kataev "Issues of population dynamics of dendrophagous insects"to be held in St. Petersburg at the SPbLTA in November -- see file. File/s: Kataev.pdf size: 77.88 k number of downloads: 14 06.10.2007-20.10.2007

05.10.2007 20:55, Peter Khramov: comment on Talk about moles

The texts of the six kinds of our beauties moles: mole chehlonosnaya oak - Coleophora anatipenella , codling moth-grit white - Lyonetia clerkella , moles sprout brown - Argyresthia conjugella , mole chehlonosnaya larch - Coleophora laricella , and Argyresthia pruniella and Coleophora hemerobiella .

05.10.2007 15:05, Bad Den: comment on Omophron limbatum

How common is it?

05.10.2007 10:05, Konstantin Shorenko: comment on Yuri Andreevich Pesenko died

Indeed, this is a tragic event not only for Yuri Andreevich's relatives and friends, for the entire Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but also for the entire national entomology. Very sorry...

04.10.2007 17:01, amara: comment on Where did the "Prussians" go?

I know only one virus detected in a Prussian (?), by the way, by the guys from Moscow.Take a look at Pubmed, for example:Mukha DV, Chumachenko AG, Dykstra MJ, Kurtti TJ, Schal C. Characterization of a new densovirus infecting the German cockroach, Blattella germanica.J Gen Virol. 2006 Jun;87(Pt 6):1567-75.They also have works in Russian.

04.10.2007 14:07, taler: comment on Entomological equipment

Buy entomological boxes 50x40 for a reasonable price.We need 3-4 boxes with glass and white polyurethane foam and 1-2 with black.Wood-oak,alder, polished and varnished.The color is not important.

03.10.2007 21:45, Peter Khramov: comment on New information about certain types of

Some information about the representatives Nymphalidae - day peacock (Inachis io) , Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) and Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) . Also - a little bit of copper-butterfly (about common blue - Polyommatus icarus , Green Hairstreak - Callophrys rubi and chervonetz fire - Lycaena virgaureae ).And three of satyrs - ox eye (Maniola jurtina) , Nigella coffee ...

03.10.2007 11:51, алекс 2611: comment on Eristalis

I think it's Eristalinus aeneus Like aeneus, the entire abdomen is shiny, there are no black matte spots. Yet sepulcralis

03.10.2007 11:51, алекс 2611: comment on

I think it's Eristalinus aeneus Like aeneus, the entire abdomen is shiny, there are no black matte spots. Yet sepulcralis

02.10.2007 15:43, Aleksey Adamov: comment on genera Syntomus, Microlestes, Apristus

"something else" is what? Literature? By what region? Material?Articles on the taxonomy of the genera Syntomus, Microlestes, and Apristus. Material is also needed (if any), from any point in Eurasia (now I'm working on the Microlestes river), any kind, in any form!

02.10.2007 12:50, Peter Khramov: comment on Brief descriptions of three other species

Lined first brief descriptions of Pandemis cerasana - budworm currant krivousoy , Rhyacionia buoliana - pobegovyuna wintering and Totrix viridana - листовертки oak .

30.09.2007 14:42, Pavel Morozov: comment on Morpho peleides


28.09.2007 9:50, guest: Сергей: comment on Review the literature on butterfly breeding

Dear colleagues!Please share the literature (any) on breeding: Hypolimnas bolina, Morpho, Apoolon, Swallowtail.Thank you in advance.Sincerely Sergey

28.09.2007 9:14, Mylabris: comment on GIS programs

I want to draw everyone's attention to the August issue of the journal "Science and Life" - there is an interesting article (V. HORT, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences-Navigation for everyone.) — about maps, including three - dimensional ones, interesting links to Internet resources are given. ..This post was edited by Mylabris - 09/28/2007 09: 18

26.09.2007 20:54, Peter Khramov: comment on Changes in the description of Colias chrysotheme

Refinement in appearance golden zheltushki .

26.09.2007 20:50, Sparrow: comment on Campopleginae

Massive chemical warfare has been waged against the alfalfa pest snout-beetle (phitonomus). Humanity may actually win it. But the price may be too great: with the destruction of the Phitonomus varnabilis beetle, our planet's fauna may also lose the ichneumon Batiplectes anurus as it parasitizes only this kind of weevil and cannot survive without it. Meanwhile, any proposals on using biological ...

26.09.2007 12:38, rpanin: comment on Apollo in Crimea and the Ukrainian Carpathians

Almost got it Lipen-July?ага!

26.09.2007 12:34, Mylabris: comment on Breeding of leaf beetles

It is better this way: 15 days in the refrigerator, 1 day in the freezer, 10 days in the refrigerator and out.

26.09.2007 0:24, Peter Khramov: comment on New definitions

Added a brief description of Macdunnoughia confusa - plusiinae drops and Pyralis farinalis - flour moth .

25.09.2007 23:14, RippeR: comment on Carabus rybinskii

Да, я еще съездил в Крым, Карпаты, Кавказ и Сибирь..Эх, будем надеятся на более благодатный год.. Еще в Турцию собираюсь

25.09.2007 14:54, Santa Claus: comment on Liometopum microcephalum

Relict view. Quite rare. It is found in deciduous forests with a predominance of oak, where it creates its nests in hollows or under the bark of trees. Sometimes in large trees, the nest can look like a porous bark-covered growth, on the surface of which ants scurry. Read more...

24.09.2007 21:34, lerth: comment on Beetles from France

There are a number of beetles from different provinces of France for sale. Material in packages and on mattresses.I give the lists in alphabetical orderCarabidae:Archicarabus nemoralisCalosoma inquisitorCalosoma sycophanthaCarabus granulatusChaetocarabus intricatus intricatusChrysocarabus auronitens costellatusChrysocarabus lineatus lineatusChrysocarabus punctatoauratusDiachromus germanusDromius ...

24.09.2007 0:37, muravey: comment on Website about ants

Dear friends!A new forum about ants has been created. Which you can access from the site http://myrmecology.narod.ru/ by accessing the "Forum" section or directly at: http://myrmecology.forum24.ru/Sincerely, Mikhail Sarapiy.

22.09.2007 21:25, Peter Khramov: comment on More illustrations

New photos of butterflies Samptogramma bilineata , Cupido argiades , Hypena proboscidalis , Macdunnoughia confusa , Pieris brassicae , Pieris napi , Pieris rapae , Pyralis farinalis , Vanessa cardui .

22.09.2007 14:43, BUTTERFLY: comment on Chrysalis of Saturnia)))how to grow it?

It is necessary to spray the cocoon with warm water 2 times a week, keep it in a warm room,attach it to something so that it can get out of the cocoon normally and spread its wings. And what is your Saturnia?

22.09.2007 7:37, Pavel Morozov: comment on Camptoloma interiorata

      at the same time, catch beetles , change ideas for beetles I agree to "materialized lepidopteran ideas"

21.09.2007 16:17, lepidopterolog: comment on Butterfly wing under a scanning electron microscope

Recently I visited the laboratory of electron microscopy of the MSU biofactory Department. There, on a scanning electron microscope, it was possible to see a butterfly wing (judging by the description). laboratory - some kind of scoops ). In short, do not judge strictly, the pictures were taken from the monitor with a mobile phone camera The wing is under low magnification. Individual scales are ...

21.09.2007 14:06, Pavel Morozov: comment on Sericinus montela

Clear red, in secret! Otherwise, you'll catch everyone there! I probably caught them all there myself.

21.09.2007 7:15, RippeR: comment on Lucanus cervus and other beetles

I'm already waiting!

20.09.2007 16:54, Pavel Morozov: comment on Samia cynthia (Saturniidae)

Not very long - from hatching to fully spreading wings, no more than two hours. Then she dried for a long time, another two hours.

19.09.2007 23:32, lerth: comment on Chloropidae on the walls

A question for dipterologists: what can chloropids do in the mass in the fall on the walls of the house? Fly at the level of the 5th floor, crawl on the wall. They seem to have larvae overwintering

19.09.2007 22:29, RippeR: comment on Carterocephalus sylvicola


19.09.2007 20:30, Melander: comment on A venomous insect bite, help me figure it out

I was bitten in a dream, so I don't have a clear memory, I only remember that something rather large and rather elongated in length.

19.09.2007 15:21, Pavel Morozov: comment on Caterpillar / pupa of Aglais

It was funny to watch the monster with horns turn into a kind of withered leaf. Pictures:Apatura_iris_LP3.jpg — (154.53к) Apatura_iris_LP4.jpg — (165.01к) Apatura_iris_LP6.jpg — (151к) Apatura_iris_LP7.jpg — (152.63к) Apatura_iris_LP8.jpg — (101.1к)

19.09.2007 15:21, Pavel Morozov: comment on Caterpillar / pupa of Aglais

Ready-made, but still soft pupa. Pictures:Apatura_iris_P1.jpg — (154.27 k)

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