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27.02.2008 17:50, Damien: comment on Calosoma sycophanta severum

Calosoma sycophanta ssp. severumNear Antalya (Turkey). 05/2004 Pictures:seveweb2_g3t1u_2_.jpeg — (72.41к) sevweb1_eb4fj_1_.jpeg — (103.31к) web1_2vb4u_1_.jpeg — (100.51к) web2_z89wo_1_.jpeg — (94.91к) web3_9645i_1_.jpeg — (62.12к)

26.02.2008 20:31, Peter Khramov: comment on Continuing the theme Catocala

Today, additions and updatings for species such as willow sash , blue sash , purple lentochnitsa , red and yellow sash , southern yellow sash , dark yellow sash , yellow sash .

26.02.2008 14:51, Dabr: comment on Melandryidae

Very good indeed. For all my criticism of pictorial things, I can't say anything but general words. Worthy!

25.02.2008 18:26, BVC: comment on Entomological stores

Please send links to entomological online stores without the minimum order amount for the city of Moscow.

25.02.2008 0:31, mems: comment on Insects in the dew

And here they are : Pictures:macrokosm_01.jpg — (47.98к) macrokosm_02.jpg — (41.18к) macrokosm_03.jpg — (118.06к) macrokosm_04.jpg — (134.59к) macrokosm_05.jpg — (39.52к) macrokosm_06.jpg — (43.1к) macrokosm_07.jpg — (32.02к) macrokosm_08.jpg — (29.28к) macrokosm_09.jpg — (49.79к) macrokosm_10.jpg — (133.02к) macrokosm_11.jpg — (103.65к) macrokosm_12.jpg — ...

24.02.2008 23:43, RippeR: comment on Catocala

Ah moltrekhti, understandable have whom could zavalyatso a bit, but kochubey OK not seen not heard??PS buy danilovi

24.02.2008 11:18, RippeR: comment on Who needs wasps in the house?

"Who needs wasps in the house? "Throw me a couple of beehives in the apartment, please..

24.02.2008 8:38, Juglans: comment on Zoogeography issues

PirxYes, that's exactly what it is. I wonder if the distribution of sirphids, whose larvae live in water bodies (Eristalinae), has any special features?

23.02.2008 23:50, LION HORSE: comment on Madagascar cockroaches

From Moscow?On the contrary, to Moscow!!!!!!!!!!

23.02.2008 18:04, rpanin: comment on Teratology in entomology. Deformities of insects.

Carabus (Morphocarabus) zawadzkii zawadzkii, Kraatz 1854 Pictures:IMG_4704.jpg — (107.96к) Carabus__Morphocarabus__zawadzkii_zawadzkii__Kraatz_1854.jpg — (46.95к)

22.02.2008 21:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Four Ribbons

Catocala pacta - pink ribbon Catocala promissa - small red ribbon Catocala sponsa - purple lentochnitsa Catocala dilecta - southern red ribbon.

21.02.2008 21:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Continued lentochnits

New definitions: poplar sash (Catocala elocata) , ivovaya sash (Catocala electa) . Editing old: lentochnitsa red (Catocala nupta) .

21.02.2008 6:50, Ekos: comment on Again about the bite

Most likely it was a caterpillar of a butterfly from the Limacodidae family, judging by the description.

20.02.2008 20:59, Hemaris: comment on Need butterfly pupae from Central Asia

The same problem as with Primorye.This post was edited by Hemaris - 02/20/2008 21: 00

19.02.2008 7:58, Insectphysiologist: comment on Distribution areas

I recently identified barbels. When determining the grammoptera, rufikornis came across the following distribution regulation: Zap. of the Ukrainian SSR (from Kiev to Odessa), Moldova. I was just wondering how wide the range of distribution of this species is, only in the redistribution of the specified territory or wider. This applies to all grammopters, there for all it is indicated mainly in ...

18.02.2008 12:04, Трофим: comment on Ladybeetles at home

But seriously, why? You don't have anything to feed her anyway. And if you want to breed or make some experiments, then wait until spring is better, go to the field, pick up a dozen of them, bring them two aphids, or as already discussed here, other food and watch, breed.

16.02.2008 21:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Ribbons

Home Topics sashes , corresponding subfamily lentochnits and the first several kinds: Catocala fraxini - a blue sash Catocala sponsa - purple lentochnitsy Catocala nupta - lentochnitsy red .

15.02.2008 21:51, VBoris: comment on Insects in paint

Damn, I need to warnyou.

13.02.2008 21:59, Victor Titov: comment on A little bit about chafers

Do not open them, but download them to your computer. Then open it using Adobe Reader (Acrobat).

13.02.2008 14:09, Трофим: comment on Swallowtail appeared in winter

I think you should decide what exactly you want. If you want to enjoy a live butterfly, and then a specimen in the collection, then this will not work. While it will live at your home all the same where nowhere else but tatter. So it is better to either add to the collection, or let it please you while flying around the house, but in the collection it will no longer be the first freshness. When I ...

10.02.2008 21:46, Алексей Яковлев: comment on Dragonfly Neurothemis tullia

Neurothemis tullia tullia (Drury, 1773) is a species widely distributed from India to Southeastern Asia.The photo shows a male.Sri Lanka. Kosgody district.January 2008 Pictures:Neurothemis_tullia_tullia__Drury__1773__1.jpg — (145.53к)

08.02.2008 10:52, Pirx: comment on Awesome photos of insects

E-mine!!! Everyone get smart!!!

07.02.2008 0:51, guest: max: comment on Exchange insects from the Caucasus!

We need water beetles, any families!I exchange them for any insects from the North-West Caucasus!Write to us max_bio@rambler.ru

06.02.2008 10:38, Dmitry Vlasov: comment on Topic for your course / thesis?

Perhaps the only problem with feeding caterpillars is that they die almost entirely when fed by plants from polluted areas... (if they were brought from "clean" countries). I once came across: I brought a bunch of caterpillars from the Vologda region, and fed them with ivan tea collected in Yaroslavl. The result is almost 100% mortality...

05.02.2008 0:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Nedoobnovlenie information

By trivia about forest pests. And other fruit trees.

04.02.2008 18:45, Peter Khramov: comment on Sennitsy

Sennitsa glitserion (Coenonympha glycerion) Sennitsa Gero (Coenonympha hero) Peat satyr (Coenonympha oedippus)

04.02.2008 14:07, Vlad Proklov: comment on EU rules on protected species

In English:http://www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-countrysi...nex4species.pdf

04.02.2008 12:45, Peter Khramov: comment on Continued Chernushkas

Erebia montana - Nigella goanta Erebia alberganus - Nigella Cato Erebia triaria - Alpine satyr Erebia stirius - Nerina Erebia pandrose - Lapland satyr Erebia epistygne - Nigella stigna

04.02.2008 5:26, Ekos: comment on Gonepteryx amintha Blanchard

ALL, ALL, ALL!!!Dear colleagues!Still need some help. Can you look at your collections that contain Far Eastern types of lemongrass (G. aspasia and G. maxima), their places of capture (localities)?The fact is that I am currently making area maps (or rather, I have already done so, and now I am adding them to the article as information becomes available), and the more information , the better. ...

04.02.2008 4:20, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Search for contacts

Translations of virtually all entomological articles from Entom. obozr. they were published in Entomological Review (cat. published from the USA or later in Russia, I think) in the same year or the next. Let him try to find it.

03.02.2008 18:50, Peter Khramov: comment on Ringlets

Today, the talk was about the glorious way Chernushkas. Thanks not modern, but quite capacious work K. Lampert, to update the description of the existing species and then add something new - t. E. Those for which the earlier descriptions on our site were not. So, the new information about the following types: Erebia tyndarus - Nigella Tindaro Erebia ligea - Nigella coffee ...

03.02.2008 13:57, RippeR: comment on How do you like it?...

02.02.2008 18:45, Peter Khramov: comment on Hundreds of new pictures of butterflies

The site features many pictures of butterflies from the Vlad Proklova - a man not only versed in butterflies, but do not shoot them Lenya.

01.02.2008 15:27, Nikolaj Pichugin: comment on Burying beetles

Mail is not sent to your address, they write "invalid address" I don't know what's the matter? I'm interested in the Caucasian collection points.Write your email address, and I'll try to reset the list. Caucasus: Krasnaya Polyana and Abkhazia

31.01.2008 20:48, REDBOOK: comment on Ground beetles of the world

probably not a little bright, since I want to quickly) we'll redraw the design in general later, probably it's temporary now, just my hands don't reach everything, now I'm writing a library module, several functions for the database (mainly optimizing speed and convenience) like stubs in the search for "nothing found" and showing the subgeneric name in parentheses (already done) and commercial ...

31.01.2008 16:44, lepidopterolog: comment on Where to buy entomological equipment?

I meant cats and dogsIMHO, cats and dogs - not quite entomology

31.01.2008 9:29, gumenuk: comment on Images of butterflies

People, help me find cool pictures of these butterflies!!! PLIZ!!!I have most of the above. I also wonder what they are for you.

31.01.2008 5:01, Mylabris: comment on Help me find a topic for the course work

And what does PROFITABLE mean?Who lives more profitably: an elephant or an infusoria?

30.01.2008 13:49, Sungaya: comment on Spring Geometrids

summer dates: Idaea pallidata and Scopula floslactata are suitable.it seems a bit early for immutata.

30.01.2008 13:16, mems: comment on I'll buy some butterflies

Actually, who will sell butterflies in Odessa ?I'll be there on the second/third day.Interested in everything;Preferably SATURNIA PYRI, PAVONIA or ATTACUS ATLAS, DANAUS CHRYSIPPUS Cultivating cocoons/particularly caterpillars(DANAUS CHRYSIPPUS)Thank you in advance !This post was edited by mems - 30.01.2008 19: 10

29.01.2008 19:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Descriptions additions - monarch and satire

Descriptions butterflies: A new Danaus chrysippus - Danaus Chrysippus Supplemented Pyronia tithonus - krupnoglazka yellow-brown Hyponephele lycaon - small krupnoglazka Maniola jurtina - ox eye Melanargia galathea - pestroglazka Galatea

29.01.2008 2:02, Juglans: comment on Geometrid moth Inurois fumosa

In Primorye, several species of moth fly in the second half of autumn. One of them is Inurois fumosa. The photo was taken in early November, in the ROC. Vladivostok (flew into the house after night frosts). Pictures:Inurois.JPG — (141.14к) Inurois2.jpg — (50.71к)

28.01.2008 17:25, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg: comment on You can move the insect's leg without soaking the entire specimen

I usually just put wet cotton wool under it. When dissecting the top of the abdomen/genitals, a container of water (penicillium) was placed under the abdomen and a "wick" was drawn between the abdomen and the penicillium, usually made of cotton wool. But this is only useful for relatively large instances.

27.01.2008 18:39, gumenuk: comment on White background vs Gray

From the photographer's point of view, a gray background is preferable. A gray background allows you to set the object's color more accurately. You can change the gray density depending on the object, choosing it so that the object stands out.

26.01.2008 13:49, Dinusik: comment on Help me figure out the dendrogram

Come on)And the Excel file then - maybe there is an error in it Already sent

26.01.2008 9:39, Dmitry Vlasov: comment on "Childish" beetles identificatoin errors

Plateumaris species have two pairs of "species", which some experts consider different, and the other forms of one or synonyms. This is a pair of discolor-sericea and rustica-affinis. To find out questions about these types, you need large series from different parts of the series. No one wants to get busy???This post was edited by Elizar - 26.01.2008 12: 11

25.01.2008 2:51, Fornax13: comment on Myrmicophiles

...Today I was trying to identify a terrible myrmecophilic hole. It seems to come out Catopomorphus, but also not very. Does anyone have any information on the finds of this and Attaephilus on terr. Russia?

24.01.2008 20:18, okoem: comment on What beetle doesn't buzz

Ladybugs, in my opinion, fly noiselessly...

23.01.2008 13:14, Dmitry Vlasov: comment on Rare species. When are they available?

The main problem in finding a "rare" species is knowledge of the features of biology, microstations, etc., which is usually impossible to learn from the literature, but you have to "get" it empirically. If you manage to find out some features of biology-your beetles are practically in any potentially suitable stations. (I'm responsible for the words...). And as an example, look ...

19.01.2008 10:29, suriken: comment on Your version of document occurrence

Thank you all

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