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02.12.2007 22:12, Peter Khramov: comment on Circe

Additive. Circe .

01.12.2007 23:14, okoem: comment on The book "Rhopalocera of Eastern Europe" (Lvovsky, Morgun) is published

Well it's like a paper version of the disk I saw this book recently. This is not a paper version of Yandex. Disk. There are a lot of high-quality photos of butterflies on the disk, but in the book there are few and not very high-quality, small ones.Read the book review here - http://entomology.ru/tula/bolshakov-2007-r...morgun-2007.pdf

01.12.2007 8:59, Dinusik: comment on Liatongus minutus Motschulsky, 1860

Wow! will you be able to get fokti somehow, or will they be included in the article?Andrey, I'll personally send you an article on the soap later. I don't know about the photos, but these drawings and a diagram of the development of the horn in males should be there.I haven't seen the finished article yet.

30.11.2007 21:20, Peter Khramov: comment on Sennitsy. Different. 3 pieces

Actually: Coenonympha glycerion - Sennitsa glitserion , Coenonympha arcania - Sennitsa Arkania , Coenonympha pamphilus - Sennitsa ordinary .

29.11.2007 19:35, Peter Khramov: comment on Traditional Quartet satyrs

Galatea ( Melanargia galathea ), velvet ( Lasiommata maera ), shrew ( Lasiommata megera ), Egeria ( Pararge aegeria ).

28.11.2007 21:15, Peter Khramov: comment on Rhode Erebia

In the following example of its representatives: Erebia aethiops - Ethiopian , Erebia medusa - jellyfish , Erebia ligea - League , Erebia euryale - Euryale .

28.11.2007 14:40, KDG: comment on Genus Bruchus

That would be someone who scanned the Fauna of the USSR on zernovkam! I've been licking my lips at them for a long time.I'm afraid that in some cases will not help... outdatedand if you have material on them-write, we will think about what can be done .This post was edited by KDG - 28.11.2007 14: 44

26.11.2007 20:10, Peter Khramov: comment on And again, and again - copper-butterfly

Continuing the theme Lycaenidae . The descriptions of new species, editing old ones. In general, as usual. Lycaena alciphron - ducat purple Lycaena hippothoe - ducat sorrel Lycaena dispar - ducat unpaired Lycaena virgaureae - scarce copper Lycaena tityrus - ducat chernopyatnisty Lycaena helle - ducat bluish Lycaena phlaeas - ducat ...

26.11.2007 13:14, Гость: comment on Ephemeroptera

On a yellow background, not Myrmeleon, but Acanthaclysis - a representative of another tribe. For a precise definition, try contacting Dr. Krivokhatsky via the website of the Zoological Institute (SPb). With best wishes for further success,Semyon Semyonych (karabi@rambler.ru).

25.11.2007 20:02, Peter Khramov: comment on And a beautiful copper-butterfly

So it called. « copper-butterfly beautiful ». Polyommatus bellargus .

25.11.2007 19:40, Peter Khramov: comment on Kratenko of tolstogolvkah

Description of a new species - tolstogolovki Morpheus (Heteropterus morpheus) and supplements to the two old - tolstogolovke ezhegolovnikovoy (Erynnis tages) and krepkogolovke Palemon (Carterocephalus palaemon) .

25.11.2007 9:30, amara: comment on Features of enzyme systems in "winter" insects?

Right here: http://vivovoco.rsl.ru/VV/JOURNAL/NATURE/02_03/TEMPERAT.HTMI found the following:"Amino acid substitutions. A serious problem for the metabolism of cold - blooded animals at low temperatures is a decrease in the conformational flexibility of proteins, which significantly complicates their functions. Maintaining a certain flexibility of the molecules is achieved by mutations that cause ...

24.11.2007 20:04, AlexEvs: comment on Structure of the butterfly's head

You have seen the books of Messrs. Ross and Schwanwicz. There are cool drawings there. Although in my opinion they are almost the same everywhere...

23.11.2007 23:52, omar: comment on Xylobiont ground beetles(?)

His Internet connection in the museum was cut off, repairs are being made. Although, to be honest, I don't quite understand the meaning of the sharpness of the question.

23.11.2007 16:38, entomolog: comment on Inachis io

Not an accumulator,but a stabilizer.And a slightly different action.I don't think it will last.Most likely, the same 15 minutes will be, if not less .And even then, if only removed from the network. And not every accumulator will last 5 hours without recharging.So, no suggestions on this.Either a generator, an inverter, or battery-powered LEDs. The UPS from APC has 12v/7Ah batteries. These are ...

23.11.2007 12:30, Peter Khramov: comment on Another picture of the same author

This time profile Colias croceus , she's Colias crocea .

20.11.2007 14:33, taler: comment on For beginners

Does anyone know if this "vernisage-b"is functional? I wrote to them about a month ago and got no response.It functions.Just wait a long time for a response.But they still answered.I asked for boxes.They replied that there are boxes, but they can't forward them, because there is no suitable container.Boxes of smaller sizes, like, send.

20.11.2007 0:45, Pirx: comment on Exhauster

Thank you all for your tips! I drilled a drill with a diameter slightly smaller than the silicone tube, a couple of plastic covers (two holes for each) - the tubes hold perfectly without additional fasteners. To my delight, I piled two exhusters of different capacities.

18.11.2007 22:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Photos of butterflies Fame Ivushkina

There were shots Aporia crataegi , Pontia daplidice and Colias erate .

17.11.2007 21:00, Peter Khramov: comment on New definitions and additions

Descriptions of new species of butterflies - lemmings tavolgovoy and Sappho , as well as additions to the speeches of the day Peacock , многоцветнице and uglokrylnitse With white < em> (Polygonia c-album) .

17.11.2007 17:37, Aleksey Adamov: comment on Deliberate dispersal of insects

From the point of view of absolute meaning, this makes no sense (what RippeR said above).From the point of view of the existence of the species, and in this case the human species, it turns out that with its development it is increasingly becoming a parasitic species (our ancestors, as far as I know, were herbivores) (what Chromocenter said).If we are afraid to settle the species, from the ...

16.11.2007 20:10, Peter Khramov: comment on The first pictures of Maxim Klepikova on our website

In the first series of photographs present images Aethalura punctulata , Aricia artaxerxes , Archinemapogon yildizae , Anacampsis blattariella , Archiearis parthenias , Boloria selene , Boloria titania , Boloria aquilonaris and Boloria eunomia .

15.11.2007 14:22, Peter Khramov: comment on The addition to the descriptions perelivnits

Edited stories about poplar and willow perelivnitsah.

15.11.2007 12:22, RippeR: comment on What force turns dead cockroaches upside down?

ahhh rhino beetle larvae Just kidding, I got it

14.11.2007 23:23, Peter Khramov: comment on Easy additions to the descriptions

Additions, changes, and a couple of new lines for the following types of butterflies: large tortoiseshell - Nymphalis polychloros hives - Aglais urticae Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui Sennitsa ordinary - Coenonympha pamphilus oxen eyes - Maniola jurtina Vixen - Lasiommata megera Pestroglazka Galatea - Melanargia galathea ...

14.11.2007 18:30, Peter Khramov: comment on One new picture + eight new definitions

Photo Chamaesphecia schmidtiiformis , as well as descriptions of the eight species of butterflies, including the ларенция ocher yellow (Camptogramma bilineata) , checkered Atalia (Melitaea athalia) , scoop pyramid (Amphipyra pyramidea) , scoop Khobotnev (Hypena proboscidalis) , moth herbal (Euthrix potatoria) , bear kaya (Arctia caja) , bear rustic (Arctia villica) ...

13.11.2007 20:20, Peter Khramov: comment on Photo and description uglokrylnitsy With white, photo spotted chervonetz

Uglokrylnitsa With white : description and illustration. Spotted ducat : illustrate the description of the new photograph.

12.11.2007 10:05, omar: comment on Question about agricultural producers

Well, well.

09.11.2007 17:28, Matt Ellis: comment on Carabus website (many photos)

Ooops, the "translit" button converts Russian in roman text to Russian in Cyrillic text, not English to Russian! I'm sorry for the confusion!!!

06.11.2007 17:25, Peter Khramov: comment on 2 more articles about butterflies

Lined Article Maxim Klepikova « Butterflies of (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) as a reference group of biological diversity in the planning of protected areas in the Yaroslavl Zavolzhja" and « the fauna of Lepidoptera (Insecta: Lepidoptera) planned national park" Mologa "and adjacent territories (Yaroslavl region)." .

06.11.2007 7:05, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on New book

New book published at St. Petersburg State University:S a u l i h A. Kh., M u s o l i n D. L.Seasonal development of aquatic and near-water hemipteran insects (Heteroptera). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2007, 205 p. 47 fig. Bibliography - 25 pages. ISBN 978-5-288-04332-1. http://www.unipress.ru/2007/sau.htmlThe monograph summarizes for the first time data on ...

06.11.2007 0:45, Peter Khramov: comment on New pictures of butterflies

Original photo Melitaea athalia , Erebia ligea , Arctia villica , Arctia caja , Aphantopus hyperantus , Euthrix potatoria , Limenitis populi , Papilio machaon and Polyommatus icarus .

05.11.2007 12:34, Victor Titov: comment on Unpainted beetles, how often do they come across?

If someone disturbs the beetle while it is still waiting for complete hardening, and it is forced to actively move, it often remains undecorated for life.By the way, as a child, after reading Plavilshchikov, I experimented with ladybirds: I brought them out at home and disturbed them, forcing them to move while the beetle's covers were still not hardened. Sometimes (but not always) cows were ...

01.11.2007 20:40, Мелисса: comment on Fleas in the house

Thank you for your support,I would like it to be so,but I can't be sure.

01.11.2007 7:44, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Symmetry of bark beetle tracks on the bark

what kind of lightning?! judging by the description, everything is typical. Any textbook on forest entomology will be full of such pictures. Such: http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=ba...ch+Images&gbv=2?(I don't get notifications about responses in a strange way, although the topic is subscribed to.)

01.11.2007 7:09, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on EEA included in the HAC list

And can someone explain to me, a foreign tourist , why people are so worried about these lists?people are steaming, because to protect the cand. (or doc.) diss. it is necessary not just to have some articles on the topic (the main materials should be published in publicly available journals), but the journals where they are published should be "high-quality" (according to the Higher Attestation ...

01.11.2007 6:59, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on The Lacewing Digital Library

The Lacewing Digital Library project team is pleased to announce theavailability of a new web resource -- the Lacewing Digital Library(http://lacewing.tamu.edu/index.html) -- dedicated to content aboutlacewings, antlions, fishflies, snakeflies and related insects belongingto the superorder Neuropterida (orders Neuroptera, Megaloptera andRaphidioptera). A major goal of the Lacewing Digital Library ...

31.10.2007 17:45, Peter Khramov: comment on Photos Amphipyra pyramidea

Amphipyra pyramidea . Photo only, nothing else.

31.10.2007 5:33, Vadim Yakubovich: comment on I will sell or exchange for the insects the book by D. Obydov "Carabus of Siberia", volume 2

I take it!!!!!About shipping and payment in the personal account!!!

29.10.2007 17:07, Bad Den: comment on New lists of beetles of Russia

On barbels-here: http://cerambycidae.narod.ru/

28.10.2007 19:35, Peter Khramov: comment on And again. On copper-butterfly

Namely - the description of a dozen species: Cupido argiades - argiad , Lycaena dispar - ducat unpaired , Lycaena phlaeas - chervonets spotted , Neozephyrus quercus - marshmallow oak , Satyrium ilicis - theclinae padubovaya , Scolitantides orion - copper-butterfly Orion , Plebeius argus - copper-butterfly Argus , Celastrina argiolus - copper-butterfly buckthorn , Plebeius ...

24.10.2007 18:00, Peter Khramov: comment on And on the copper-butterfly - also today

We talk about various copper-butterfly - as a true blue, and blue, green and even brown: Aricia agestis - copper-butterfly brown , Aricia artaxerxes , Polyommatus semiargus - copper-butterfly bean , Polyommatus coridon - copper-butterfly silver , Thecla betulae - marshmallows birch , Maculinea arion - large blue , Polyommatus damon - greenish copper-butterfly ...

24.10.2007 12:48, Peter Khramov: comment on Today - about tolstogolovkah

Getting to know some of our views and our tolstogolovok: Carterocephalus palaemon - krepkogolovka Palemon , Thymelicus acteon - tolstogolovka piebald , Thymelicus sylvestris , Erynnis tages - tolstogolovka blackish , Pyrgus malvae - tolstogolovka small Malvaceae , Hesperia comma - tolstogolovka comma .

23.10.2007 19:35, Peter Khramov: comment on The addition to the satyrinae

Continued excerpts from the history of satyrs. Today briefly ran over velvet (Lasiommata maera) , krupnoglazke (Lopinga achine) , Sennitsy ordinary (Coenonympha pamphilus) and Sennitsy Gero ( Coenonympha hero) . Moreover, lined with some information on shrew (Lasiommata megera) , Eger (Pararge aegeria) , jellyfish < / a> (Erebia medusa) , Gorgo (Erebia gorge) , brizeidah ...

22.10.2007 20:24, Grigory Grigoryev: comment on Sephisa dichroa

I agree, princeps is a subspecies. And that entomologists are strange guys, I also agree.!!

22.10.2007 16:30, Peter Khramov: comment on New satire

Add a crumb for the following types of information: Brintesia circe - Circe , Hipparchia semele - Semele and Hipparchia fagi .

19.10.2007 10:25, Juglans: comment on Angerona prunaria

South of Primorye, September. This is the usual view for us Pictures:P7134915.jpg — (123.17к)

17.10.2007 13:54, Nimrod: comment on Osmoderma eremita

As for the very initial request from Mr. rpanin, I have a raw idea so far, expressed as follows.I, for my part, will go through my own and the collections of colleagues to identify points and report back later. What if each of us posted our data on the hermit here? Subsequently, it will be possible to plot this data on a map and outline, in this way, the most likely places of finds, and in ...

15.10.2007 23:03, Охотник за осами: comment on Moth with mandibles

Thank you for the link!

15.10.2007 22:51, Охотник за осами: comment on The biggest insects

I didn't find a big "Coca-colis"-a =)

Next page

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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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