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01.03.2015 15:51, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #2224

I agree with Vasily: E. complana primarily folds its wings differently. Here in this picture is well shown: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/6637 At least I have not seen much komplanu she sat that way :) What do people still say?

01.03.2015 15:41, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39021

I apologize for that then got into a discussion (probably should not have to do it)))) I put point.

01.03.2015 15:33, Diogen: comment on Condicinae

Dysmilichia bicyclica Staudinger, 1888det. A.Matov

01.03.2015 10:51, Romyald: comment on Gift to the entomologist

Для барышень форума к празднику весны. Две коробки с улучшенным внешним видом, классика 40/50, стекло 2мм., лёгкие, очень плотные. Картинки:____14_422.jpg — (601.37к)   

28.02.2015 14:26, DYNASTES: comment on Vera Andreyevna Richter died

Вечная память.

28.02.2015 8:14, Yuri Semejkin: comment on Clossiana elatus

Only site Clossiana tritonia (Bober, 1812), in turn, is also synonymous with Boloria tritonia. Link Boloria tritonia (Bober, 1812) / Total online 3 types Clossiana elatus (Staudinger, 1892); Clossiana tritonia and Boloria trifonia Somehow it is not clear which of them synonymous, and who is not.

27.02.2015 2:48, Peter Khramov: comment on Papilio alcmenor

Let's call each other and try to sync again.

26.02.2015 19:43, Alexander Belousov: comment on photo #39219

Yes, I agree, it is not necessary to exclude. And about colors- here Ballance is not correct, most likely under the incandescent lamp is removed. Nikolai all pictures with a hard light, many nuances of color and shades have disappeared. Maybe somebody else will speak about? For me - as an amateur - a priceless experience.

25.02.2015 23:19, Proctos: comment on Why do Entosphinx pins have golden balls?

У антикварных булавок был латунный шарик на стальной пике. Так что современные пластиковые золотистые шарики это просто дань традиции.

25.02.2015 21:48, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #39220

I've been looking at this tie, there is no other Muschampia? Well, I've seen a lot of tessellum, but I would have this kind would not have thought. :))

25.02.2015 17:16, nnsb: comment on Excellent solution for placing collectible material

Появилось ещё 2 варианта.Вариант 3.Бюджетная тумба открытого типа под хранение 10 энтомологических коробок 300 х 400 х 60-66 мм.Тумба на колесиках. При желании можно открутить и приклеить стационарные ножки.Тумба продается ...

25.02.2015 8:40, Nikolay Grebennikov: comment on photo #38960


22.02.2015 21:46, Peter Khramov: comment on Bugs with the addition of new comments


22.02.2015 20:48, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #39150

Nicholas, you have to catch a wave, you've become everything to go well, and photographing straightened copies. and cropping, straightening left behind, do not rush, because then one would have to ask Peter to replace other photo, it is better to do well. :)))

22.02.2015 18:48, Alex Dumchus: comment on Chilasa

And what no one will make the subgenus types ??? I would have made, but I'm not allowed.

22.02.2015 17:21, Nikolay Grebennikov: comment on photo #39147

ATP for subspecies)

20.02.2015 19:37, scarit: comment on Ground beetles of the tribe Harpalini

Harpalus modestus Dejean, 1829 Кемеровская обл., Кузнецкая котловина, хр.Караканский близ дер.Пермяки, луговая степь, 1.06.2013, Д.Ефимов leg.Фото: Д.В.Сущев Картинки:SAM_1057.JPG — (312.44к)   

20.02.2015 9:03, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #39100

Copy of http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/31220

20.02.2015 9:01, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #31221

Not doglyadel. Copy. I offer this option to remove the underside (replaced by http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/39099.,-Он I like.

19.02.2015 20:01, Svetlana Shchavelina: comment on photo #30358

Same as # 30345?

18.02.2015 17:53, okoem: comment on Heliothinae scoops? Heliothini tribe

Schinia cognata (Freyer, [1833])Бабочка на кормовом растении (Chondrilla juncea). Фото в природе.22 июля 2014. Крым, окрестности Старого Крыма, подножие горы Малый Агармыш, каменистый степной участок.

17.02.2015 17:46, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #39058

I gave this image, due to the bright yellow inserts on the rear wing, which is not very typical for the Papilio helenus (usually white or light yellow)

17.02.2015 11:01, Bianor: comment on Defining features for distinguishing closely related butterfly species

Сравнение E. tristata и E hastulata:Отсюда:http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Epirrhoe_Tristata

16.02.2015 19:49, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #39040

I kazhetsya- it, Basil. On the black somehow turns gloomy, look my previous shot Cyrestis sp- 39005. I will not black! We have Belousov, who turns and black on black, and I believe that life should be more light and bright colors ..

16.02.2015 13:50, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #39034

Yes, the view is not very. It's hard, two completely white butterflies from different semeyst (subfamilies) identify one photo. :) In the butterfly, nobody, even the issue, one or another form, there would be, and photo ??? :))

14.02.2015 15:38, Dergg: comment on Hopliinae Latreille, 1829/ Crustaceans (Hoplia sp., etc.).

Надеюсь, правильно этих вьетнамцев определил...VIETNAM, Lai Tao, Hoang Lien Son, 18.IV.2013, A. Prosvirov leg.Ectinohoplia formosana Moser, 1919Ectinohoplia yoi Sawada, 1939

13.02.2015 20:28, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #38971

OK. Done

13.02.2015 9:57, Penzyak: comment on Contacts of Oleg Gorbunov

...такое ощущение что с интернетом вообще работать не могут или вернее не хотят! чего проще найти последние его публикации в сети ПДФ и там его электронный адрес.

12.02.2015 14:31, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #38951

Speech about these pictures: 38952 and 29657

11.02.2015 21:33, Basil Sergienko: comment on Pasiphila talyshensis

P.talyshensis (nomen nudum)-P.hyrcanica (Viidalepp& Mironov,2006)

11.02.2015 16:52, Peter Khramov: comment on Euphydryas davidi

Ugums made.

11.02.2015 11:35, Bad Den: comment on German Shlemovich Lafer passed away

Вечная память.

11.02.2015 8:39, AGG: comment on Help me, who is it?

скорее всего кожеед смирнова

10.02.2015 1:29, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #38943

All the "cigar" is not snimesh. Yes, sometimes I rented, but only if I see inside the caterpillar and its going to take ..

09.02.2015 19:00, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #38938

To me she seems more like aBoloria euphrosynethe characteristic triangular spot at the edge sling http://fr.academic.ru/pictures/frwiki/66/Boloria_euphrosyne_%282%29_200506.JPG http://www.lepiforum.de/lepidopterenforum/lepiwiki/pics/jens_philipp/euphrosyne_Boloria_Bestimmungsschluessel_OS.jpg (Asian subspecies orphana and orientis slightly volatile, quite close to the nominative, so Europe. ...

08.02.2015 17:31, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #14058

Double- and stands there (did not see it). Sign like this one))))

08.02.2015 14:55, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #38913

With regard to these two types of primarily I want to say that to compare this image with images from the network completely useless if they show European Eno and Daphne. Both species are very volatile (especially strong geography.volatility looks Brenthis ino, is celebrated by all the authors, since Kurentsova) Therefore, you can only compare sub-species, particularly common in the region of ...

08.02.2015 8:12, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #38912

I decided to put this as a striking example of sexual dimorphism (variation) of the representatives of the same species.

06.02.2015 20:49, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #35415

Micronia aculeata?

06.02.2015 9:49, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Damophila alcyonipennella

Yuri, born Damophila very valid, That I suffered representatives of this kind of precast kind Coleophora. It was a glitch. Something Peter did not complete. :))

06.02.2015 8:11, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #38595

Well, as there was Stas))) ???

05.02.2015 18:55, Alexander Belousov: comment on photo #38871

And I, of zhe.Somneniya there, but still I think it is closer to Limenitis helmanni duplicata f. pryeri . This, too, with a wide sash, and more reddish than Limenitis doerriesi.

05.02.2015 6:51, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #38865

Looked Alexander! In general, if you look at 37 the region, I am at your option P. cultralis amurensis (Romanoff, 1887). Dr. Nearby alternatives I would call P. ussurialis (Bremer, 1864), know a few tops priostrёnnye lane. KRL. The nature of the bond of slightly different, the general background of KRL. . So that will have to delete it. If we take al. Similar features of both species, they ...

04.02.2015 18:13, Vladimir Deryabin: comment on photo #38836

No, it's the only shot.

04.02.2015 17:45, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #38847

_semi_argus :)

04.02.2015 9:21, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #38817

Down with this. tin-plate

02.02.2015 2:36, Mikhail F. Bagaturov: comment on Systematic list of Palearctic Woodcock Beetles (genus Lethrusscopoli, 1777)

НУ, это уже дальнейшая тема работы

01.02.2015 20:25, John-ST: comment on Classification

  http://coleop123.narod.ru/syst2.htmlА почему верблюдки и большекрылые подотряды сетчатокрылых, вроде они уже давно самостоятельные отряды?И на фото для верблюдок не Inocellia crassicornis, а кто-то из Raphidiidae, на птеростигме хорошо видна ...

01.02.2015 17:29, Shapik: comment on Vitaliy Nikolaevich Tanasiychuk passed away

Светлая память.

31.01.2015 17:57, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #38803

Igor, I remind you that I do not associate in groups of butterflies for users on a permanent basis, and only bug fixes. Therefore, I ask you to associate your own custom groups :)

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