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Authors photos - Denis Tumanov Sergey Novitskiy and Vladimir Shaver. Links to the updated page views: Aporodes floralis Archon apollinus < / a> plusiinae gamma (Autographa gamma) Chrysocrambus craterella lasiocampidae fluffy (Eriogaster lanestris) Evergestis extimalis Evergestis forficalis Evergestis frumentalis Evergestis politalis lasiocampidae ...
Photo - Yevgeny Komarov, Sergey Novitsky and Denis Tumanov. Links to the updated types: Agrotis crassa Agrotis exclamationis < / a> Colocasia coryli Colocasia coryli Euxoa nigricans Lacanobia oleracea Marumba quercus Melitaea aurelia Melitaea aurelia < a href = "/ species / mythimna-albipuncta /"> Scoop striped belopyatnistaya (Mythimna albipuncta) ...
It turned out two topics for cohabitation.... Perhaps elementary algorithms honed by time in the compartment give a picture of "ant civilization", "distributed intelligence", etc.And the above is just an illustration of the natural (not reasonable) "gardening" of ants. Side effect when storing food. Perhaps "slavery"," animal husbandry " - have a simpler explanation, it is the performance of ...
Well, there, for example, attracting bees to the required areas for pollination of plants. It is better to ask hymenopterologists around The sexual pheromone is supposed to attract males and is unlikely to attract the workers needed for pollination, which are usually sterile females?
I searched the Web for a photo, but I didn't find it...Yes, this is only probably possible to ask around with A. L. Ozerov, if he is still in good health.
Thank you for the detailed information! I know the places of summer of imago and the time, since we have been keeping records of butterflies for several years, and no one has ever seen caterpillars and pupae, so I will look for them.
On 3-yes, no, just a break in the summer. This also happens in other types, and in different years in different ways. Not every wave is a generation. Moreover, we are not talking about the wave of departure, but about the wave of summer. I believe that in the Ryazan region in August, it may be time for daytime rest, when the blooming becomes less, when it is better to save your strength, and to ...
Y-yes, a question out of curiosity: has modern photography displaced animalists everywhere from creating images of invertebrates? For example, the same butterflies are now quite cheap/fast to shoot even for an amateur, and if you can not do this in nature-then you can reshoot from the collection. Or do the drawings still have some advantages?P. S. We do not mean diagrams that can be specially ...
Photo Denis Tumanov and Yevgeny Komarov,Dmitry and Alexander Shpaneva Pozhogin Links to the updated page views: Emmelia trabealis lasiocampidae fluffy < em> (Eriogaster lanestris) lasiocampidae clover (Lasiocampa trifolii) lasiocampidae clover (Lasiocampa trifolii) lasiocampidae clover (Lasiocampa trifolii) lasiocampidae clover (Lasiocampa trifolii) ...
Last night, in some cases, when moving between pages in the gallery could cause errors. Now there is no.
Now you can select a photo gallery of butterflies photo by the author (photographer) and the stage of development depicted in the photo butterfly. Furthermore, there is a choice of the number of images displayed on a page. Thus, for example, it becomes possible selection of this kind: caterpillar shot Vlad Proklova, with the withdrawal of 25 images per page .
My CANON POWER SHOT SX110 IS is fantastic. A little more and it will be possible to photograph the molecule. See photos in the section 'Insects of Israel' and in other sections from the participant Sanangel.
Links to the updated types: Lentochnitsa red (Catocala nupta) lasiocampidae oak (Lasiocampa quercus) Silkworm oakleaf (Gastropacha quercifolia) Lemonia taraxaci Arctia tigrina Watsonarctia casta Hives (Aglais urticae)
Links to the updated types: Aglossa pinguinalis Agonopterix alstromeriana Ceratuncus danubiella Tupokrylka White (Cilix glaucata) Clepsis pallidana Cydia compositella Cydia internana Female shuttle willow (Earias clorana) Earias vernana Earias vernana Epicallima formosella Nyctegretis lineana ...
Authors of new photos - Dmitry Pozhogin Denis Tumanov Andrey Sazykin, Evgeny Komarov and Sergey Didenko. Agriopis marginaria moth-moth poplar (Biston strataria) Brachionycha nubeculosa Chiasmia clathrata Conistra rubiginea Cynaeda dentalis checkered avriniya (Euphydryas aurinia) Ognyevka nettle (Eurrhypara hortulata) satyrinae buharnikovaya ...
RippeR, if you really help me out - and what does the abbreviation "IMHO"mean in correspondence on the forum?Still, they say, this abbreviation stands for "I have an opinion-x...n you will challenge!"
Updated gallery types: Aedophron rhodites Bear Hebe (Arctia festiva) Bear village (Arctia villica) Calamia tridens Bear-beggar (Diaphora mendica) Bear brown-yellow (Hyphoraia aulica) Bear brown-yellow (Hyphoraia aulica) Lycaena thersamon Lishaynitsa pink (Miltochrista miniata) Copper-butterfly Argus (Plebeius argus) Proterebia ...
New pictures for the following: Perlamutrovka most (Argynnis paphia) Catocala neonympha Small red ribbon (Catocala promissa) Chrysoestia sexguttella Costaconvexa polygrammata Euchloe ausonia checkered maturna (Euphydryas maturna) Godonella aestimaria Heliomata glarearia Lithostege griseata Krupnoglazka (Lopinga achine) Silkworm ...
In general, I agree, but ignorance cannot be overcome by unarmed science. Of course, if all illiterate scribblers agreed to "throw away and forget" unnecessary philistine names, it would be very good. But how can you force them, even if scientists agree on a single Russian name for a particular form specifically for everyday writing? Scoundrels are not even forced to write correctly in Russian ...
Today published new pictures.Links to the updated page with descriptions of species: Lzhepestryanka common (Amata phegea) Apocheima pilosaria Bear village (Arctia villica) Carterocephalus silvicola Chamaesphecia astatiformis Podalirius (Iphiclides podalirius) Muschampia tessellum copper-butterfly rimn (Neolycaena rhymnus) winter moth ...
Gallery enlarged photos Eugene Komarov and Boris Loboda, Sergei Novitsky Igor Didenko and Sergey Rokachevskogo: Apocheima pilosaria Apocheima hispidaria Cucullia artemisiae Silkworm oakleaf Eugnosta magnificana Eye Flower Pestrokrylnitsa volatile Silkworm plum cabbage common blue Parahypopta caestrum Eupsilia transversa ...
Continue Ancylis achatana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)Ancylis laetana (Fabricius, 1775)Notocelia uddmanniana (Linnaeus, 1758)Notocelia cynosbatella (Linnaeus, 1758)Notocelia roborana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)Notocelia rosaecolana (Doubleday, 1849)Epiblema cirsiana (Zeller, 1843)Epiblema sticticana (Fabricius, 1794)Epiblema costipunctana (Haworth, 1811)Pammene regiana ...
Roman, it has already been said here that the main mass of forum members are collectors.I know only two people who are really engaged in science here.And you're not dealing with egg yolks.Much more than that. About a dozen
On the site the opportunity to self-loading photos and drawings of butterflies authors to track the status of uploaded images. The authors have already published their photos on the site are sent passwords. New users can create it , then they have an opportunity to self-uploading photos to the site. At the moment, you can upload the pictures only those species of butterfly that is in the ...
Well, what are you I'm an amateur ^) Hooked last spring. Gave working links, everything is there (my blog, as I started)..And a whole cohort of more experienced comrades.As you read, there is no point in duplicating information.I will answer specific questions, of course.
You haven't changed your mind about going to Altai, if Kamchatka breaks down, I'll go to Altai, then I can pick you up on the way.Until you change your mind. Write me in PM Your contacts pliz.
who is the goal, who is the means, of course everyone has different goals in any case, a collection is necessary, especially if a person is going to study something, describe something - so that there is something to compare it with..
Change the format of the issuance of the news. Now, by default, each piece of news is issued on a separate page and not as part of a list of all the news for that date. Accordingly, changed addresses news.
The exchange of insects between Russia (or Ukraine) and France are very easy and safe (Customs) provided to specify the package "dead insects for scientific study." I have made many exchanges with A. Osipov, which have always gone very well ... If you are interested, please contact me.Best regardsDamien
there are pictures of a barbel, taken in Bashkiria, if you still need it I can't determine the name yet. Can you help me?ufra2004@mail.ruphoto size 3072/2304
да вот тоже кору собираю, личинок из под нее. Пробовал и ветки таскать правда не много - поэтому особых результатов небыло..Хотел более плотно ветками заняться, но не знал какие методы отбора веток.. Ведь у всех они ...
Guys, it feels like it's not the same thing... My article will be published soon... and everything will become clear, I hope.
I just read in Naturl History (N3 / 2008) that the species Onychocerus albitarsis (native to Peru) has a scorpion-shaped stinger at the end of each tendril, and two ducts on it, one of which had traces of an unknown substance, possibly poison. The researcher who took this beetle received a sting that felt like a bee sting. Thus, this is the first stinging beetle discovered in the world.I read ...
Thank you friends for finding me. I accidentally saw the category and realized that it was about me. Indeed in the Email column I made a mistake by one letter Write, there is a dry material.
regarding the joint maintenance of different species: 100% is not worth it, a specific example, they kept marble and Cuban together, so these small creatures devoured all the newborn Cuban larvae, so to speak, natural selection in artificial conditions) Good luck!
Thank you again so much! Something similar I expected! (if you are interested, you can add osiris, boeticus, nausithous, argyrognomon, maracandicus, arduinna). Anikin's list for the Volgograd Region should be handled very carefully. It has been referred to for more than fifteen years, and it remains to be seen how long it will be referred to. Where it came from, God only knows. The motto of this ...
please tell me. I am a novice photographer and am fond of photographing insects, can you tell me where to find information about the fauna of the Moscow region, and the habits of insects.
Here, I scanned a piece from a little-known book about the biology of the big poplar glasshouse, and cossid as well.Excerpt from:Kolomoets T. P. Pests of green spaces in industrial Donbass. Kiev: Naukova dumka Publ., 1995, 216 p. (in Russian) File/s: Kolomoets_1995.pdf size: 2.73 mb number of downloads: 471