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02.06.2006 14:36, Bad Den: comment on Clippings on the mandibles - why?

2 AdamovIt might be worth looking at this article:Acorn J.H., Ball G.E.The mandibles of some adult ground beetles: structure, function, and evolution of herbivory (Coleoptera: Carabidae).// CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY 69(3) 1991: 638-650, illustr.Inofrmatsiya extracted here:http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/rus/car_res.asp

31.05.2006 15:33, RippeR: comment on Can I restore it?

a couple of days ago I saw pieces of paper with advertising lying around the entrance, maybe someone climbed.. It is necessary to call the post office, ask that they do not bring it, but only inform you about the letter

26.05.2006 15:41, Трев: comment on Biol. communities in livejournal

Can you report us there? Really LiveJournal is more convenient than the forum...no, of course, the forum is more convenient. just in LJ there is a delivery of information "at home" but on the forum it is easier to navigate, search, store, etc. and there is a lot more here than there.

25.05.2006 22:55, vituss: comment on Mosquito imago

thank you!

24.05.2006 15:49, PVOzerski: comment on There was a Cerambycidae larva, but what happened?

I read about the tachina parasitizing the larvae of the larch barbel in Rozhkov's book. So, in principle, nothing surprising. Although it would be interesting to know the method of infection.

22.05.2006 7:50, sealor: comment on Butterfly cocoons

It is not necessary to transfer eggs to the plant, these caterpillars will crawl over themselves, the plant should certainly be nearby.Wait until they hatch, depending on the temperature.But the eggs must be fertilized, often in captivity butterflies lay unfertilized eggs. So it may not hatch at all, and you can wait a long time...

21.05.2006 0:35, Vlad Proklov: comment on Psyllobora /Thea/ vigintiduopunctata

Only you misidentified it, it's Psyllobora (Thea) vigintiduopunctata.Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata I took off about a week ago in my garden:Their drawing varies, but the background is brick, plus hairiness.

18.05.2006 13:54, BO.: comment on Aeshna affinis

This is not Aeshna cyanea - you have Aeshna affinis in your pictures. They differ in size (the affinis is smaller), breast color, and anal appendages (in the male cyanea, the upper anal appendages at the tops are clearly bent down).And the pictures are wonderful!Thank you very much.

17.05.2006 12:43, SVV: comment on Stag Beetle

photo really udachnye

14.05.2006 9:46, Dmitry Vlasov: comment on Keeping of Coleoptera larvae

In antlers, the anal opening has the form of a longitudinal slit, while in the stag beetle, there are two bare oval spots on the sides of it. In lamellar sawyers, the anal opening is three-rayed or transverse. Unfortunately, the angle of the photo does not allow you to see the end of the abdomen...

13.05.2006 15:53, Vlad Proklov: comment on Catch on light

Here is an article in English on fishing for light, there are also instructions for making a simple trap.I bought myself a ready-made "Robinson type" from them-I can't get enough of it. I doubt, however, that they ship abroad.http://www.angleps.btinternet.co.uk/guide.htmAnother advantage of the traps discussed there is that they do not kill the catch, after accounting, you can freeze the ...

13.05.2006 7:18, nimu: comment on Interesting species in...

Skint, if anyone knows plz links to the entomofauna of the "Kem volost" in general and the Solovetsky Islands in particular.

05.05.2006 6:07, Proctos: comment on Discussion on raising salaries for scientists

I invite people to join the discussion in the topichttp://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=90116the moderator is kindly requested to post this on a separate topic

04.05.2006 14:13, Tyomochkin: comment on Who collects butterflies for what. For yourself or what?

I wonder how many people collect butterflies for science and for sale! Intresno also why butterflies suffer.

01.05.2006 12:37, sealor: comment on Polyxene

Polyxena-Zerynthia polyxena (Denis et Schiffermuller, 1775)== Zerynthia hypsipyle SchulzeFamily Of Sailboats-Papilionidae.The butterfly is medium-sized, with a wingspan of 40 to 55 mm. It flies from the end of April to May, the flight in most cases is slow ," not sure", in cloudy weather and if the sun is hidden by clouds, it immediately sets, takes off when worried, usually not willingly, lets ...

28.04.2006 15:42, Nilson: comment on Entomological expeditions

Can I carry fuel for primus?Of course! With the import of gas cylinders, gasoline or whatever else can be used as fuel, there have never been any problems. Neither in Ukraine, nor on the way to Uzbekistan. People with backpacks, ropes, and cats are treated differently. The more civilized you look on an expedition, the more complaints you get, and a crowd of smoke-smelling, ragged tourists with a ...

27.04.2006 20:59, ADS: comment on Epicallia villica

It flies in May and June along the edges and clearings of the forest, in gardens and parks. It flies well in the light. Eggs are laid in 1-2 pieces, less often in groups on the underside of the leaves of the fodder plant. Forage plants - plantain, dandelion, yarrow, ashberry, strawberry and other herbaceous plants. The caterpillar overwinters. Caterpillars appear as early as the end of March. ...

27.04.2006 20:59, ADS: comment on

It flies in May and June along the edges and clearings of the forest, in gardens and parks. It flies well in the light. Eggs are laid in 1-2 pieces, less often in groups on the underside of the leaves of the fodder plant. Forage plants - plantain, dandelion, yarrow, ashberry, strawberry and other herbaceous plants. The caterpillar overwinters. Caterpillars appear as early as the end of March. ...

24.04.2006 20:00, RippeR: comment on Where did a live butterfly come from?

they are not priests to offer them pop food

24.04.2006 12:58, PVOzerski: comment on Pyrgomorpha bispinosa

Just keep in mind: the photo is not an adult, but a larva of the last age. One can see the arrangement of wing rudiments characteristic of the last two instars of erect-wing larvae: the rudiments of the anterior pair are covered by the rudiments of the posterior pair of wings.This post was edited by PVOzerski - 04/24/2006 12: 58

24.04.2006 12:58, PVOzerski: comment on

Just keep in mind: the photo is not an adult, but a larva of the last age. One can see the arrangement of wing rudiments characteristic of the last two instars of erect-wing larvae: the rudiments of the anterior pair are covered by the rudiments of the posterior pair of wings.This post was edited by PVOzerski - 04/24/2006 12: 58

22.04.2006 20:14, Guest: comment on Development of fiddler beetles

Have you seen or smelled it?

20.04.2006 10:05, Guest: comment on How does the caterpillar crawl?

I made her crawl properly!http://www.ibiblio.org/e-notes/VRML/blaxxun/caterpillar.htmtrue, I don't really like that butterflies don't flutter (like their friends outside the window), but fly like hefty birds

19.04.2006 19:48, Катя Л.: comment on A Wasp

Beautiful girl! I haven't even seen them anywhere. Where were you photographed?

17.04.2006 12:09, Helene: comment on P. apollo

Come on, the pubescence is very different (the male is fluffy, otherwise you can not say). And at the end of the abdomen, their primary sexual characteristics are clearly visible. And if the female has already mated - so there is finally sfragis.

17.04.2006 8:17, Nilson: comment on Papilio glaucus? aka Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

It is very similar to the glaucus-Tiger swallowtail. It is difficult to say for sure, but judging by the fact that the butterfly is quite common , it is true. In Virginia (which, as you know, is very close) this is the most common sailboat.

15.04.2006 13:18, Juglans: comment on Inachis io geisha

The Helenesubspecies is allocated to Stephens. According to the Japanese, the subspecies geisha lives only in Japan. And as for the differences - so everything ultimately rests on the structure of the genitals! Here I have no information.

13.04.2006 18:44, Guest: comment on Butterfly Idea leuconoe

Idea leuconoeIts habitat extends from southern China and Malaysia to the Philippines and several Indonesian islands. The butterfly flies in the thicket of tropical rainforests. The caterpillars develop on the tylophore. The wings of this large Danaida reach a span of more than 15 cm. She flaps slowly, as if in slow motion, because of the size of her wings. Birds avoid the butterfly, because it is ...

13.04.2006 18:37, Guest: comment on Lucky flycatcher

From the windowsill...

13.04.2006 0:02, Chromocenter: comment on How a fly sees the world...

Try to swat the fly and make a slightly sharp movement with your hand - you will see how it does not see. Maybe, of course, the hairs will smell the fluctuation of the air. In general, animals with faceted eyes see moving objects better than those at rest, because when an object moves, it passes through a large number of facets at once. There is another feature of faceted eyes - they are good at ...

11.04.2006 8:27, Nilson: comment on Flower eye (Aphantopus hyperanthus)

Indeed, Hyperant is a flower peephole. A cute butterfly, but the neighborhood of my native Mogilev was so full of it (alternately with Maniola jurtina) that I was just desperate to find at least something else.

11.04.2006 1:32, Proctos: comment on And now - humpbacks!..

Well, Melaloncha is not found here, I just wrote about Hypocera. About how they suddenly moved away from parasitism for the first time I heard from you. It's hard to believe - would you trade a juicy steak for horns and hooves? If this really happened, then why didn't beekeepers stop worrying about foridosis?I answer about Hypocera. I don't know about beekeepers and what kind of phoridosis they ...

06.04.2006 14:24, Nilson: comment on Agraulis vanillae butterfly

In my opinion, this is indeed the helicon Agraulis vanillae Linn. It lives in the subtropics in the south of the United States, is considered quite common in Texas (and Mexico, of course), and is also found in California.

01.04.2006 0:04, Tigran Oganesov: comment on Stratiomyidae

This is Oplodontha viridula

01.04.2006 0:04, Tigran Oganesov: comment on

This is Oplodontha viridula

31.03.2006 23:06, BO.: comment on Shpanka krasnogolovaya

Red-headed spank (Epicauta erythrocephala) beetle from the family Mylabridae (see Abscesses), length 12-18 mm. The development of the red-headed spank is associated with hypermetamorphosis. Eggs are laid in the ground in places where locust pods (Pachytilus migratorius) and prusik (Caloptenus italicus) are laid. It is distributed in the south of Russia and Europe. Beetles with strong reproduction ...

31.03.2006 23:03, BO.: comment on Rhaphigaster nebulosa

The shield bug Rhaphigaster nebulosa (Pentatomidae). It feeds mainly on wild and cultivated cruciferous plants. Adult bedbugs hibernate. The eggs are placed on the leaves and stems of cruciferous plants in characteristic clutches in two rows of six eggs each. The egg looks like a small barrel with a lid. In the Lower Volga region, there may be two or even three generations per summer. The picture ...

31.03.2006 23:02, BO.: comment on Pimelia capito darkling

Pimelia capito is a black heifer. An omnivorous beetle. Inhabitant of steppes and deserts. It is widely distributed in Central Asia. In the lower Volga region, it occurs from July to October.The picture was taken in the Astrakhan region.Author: VO

31.03.2006 23:01, BO.: comment on Anthrax sp.

Anthrax sp. The body length is about 10 mm. A species of flies with a short proboscis. It feeds on nectar. It flies well. Parasitizes solitary wasps. It is widespread in southern Russia and Central Asia.The picture was taken in the Astrakhan region.Author: VO

31.03.2006 23:00, BO.: comment on Chrysocrambus craterella

31.03.2006 23:00, BO.: comment on Chrysocrambus craterella

Golden grass (Chrysocrambus craterella) from the firefly family. The broad hind wings are wrapped around the body in a tube shape. In the Volga region, it is common in water meadows from June to August. During the day, it makes flights up to 1 km. It overwinters in the soil in a cocoon.The picture was taken in the Astrakhan region.Author: VO

31.03.2006 22:59, BO.: comment on Amorpha populi

Poplar hawk moth (Amorpha populi). The butterfly has a wing shape that mimics a dry leaf. Active at night. On trees, it is kept only by its front legs. It is found throughout the southern and central part of the European part, in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan.Author: VO

31.03.2006 22:59, BO.: comment on Amorpha populi

31.03.2006 22:58, BO.: comment on Horseflies (Miridae)

Horseflies (Miridae), a family of bedbugs, a species-rich family, are ubiquitous. The wings are developed. There is an ovipositor. Mostly herbivores. They live on herbaceous and woody plants. The picture was taken in the Astrakhan region.Author: VO

31.03.2006 22:58, BO.: comment on Sticktoplevr zhilkotochechny

31.03.2006 22:58, BO.: comment on Sticktoplevr zhilkotochechny

Sticktopleurus punctatonervosus. The family of pinworms (Rhopalidae). A full-winged bug. Size 6-9 mm. Prefers compound plants. It is common in the Volga Delta.The picture was taken in the Astrakhan region.Author: VO

31.03.2006 22:55, BO.: comment on Chorthippus sp.

31.03.2006 22:55, BO.: comment on Chorthippus sp.

Female Chorthippus sp. Species of the genus Chorthippus-inhabitants of the thickness of the herbaceous cover - are real hortobionts, they eat a large set of both cereals and mixed grasses. Males lure females to the sounds of the mating song. Some of the sounds of locusts are in the ultrasonic range and are inaccessible to the human ear.The picture was taken in the Astrakhan region.Author: VO

31.03.2006 22:54, BO.: comment on Omophlus proteus

31.03.2006 22:54, BO.: comment on Omophlus proteus

Pollen eater-Omophlus Proteus. A plant-eating beetle that usually eats the anthers of flowers. Careful, he sees danger from a distance and falls down with his black belly up. It is difficult to notice on the ground. Eggs are laid in the soil in areas rich in humus. Adult beetles spend the winter burrowing into the soil.The picture was taken in the Astrakhan region.Author: VO

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