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21.10.2008 10:38, guest: Андрей: comment on Caterpillar diseases

By the way, as practice shows, polyhedrosis is rarely transmitted to other caterpillars. That is, if you take a sick goose and put it in a cage with other caterpillars of the same species, but from a different culture, which are kept in different conditions, they will not get sick (I have tried this many times). In addition, latent viruses contain 100% of natural caterpillars. Therefore, only ...

20.10.2008 22:18, Lilas: comment on Live Insect Exhibition

I missed everything... It's a shame(Is there anything like this planned in the near future?All spsb for the photo)

20.10.2008 8:04, entomochero: comment on Charaxes jassius

Dear collegues, I hope that you like...

19.10.2008 23:08, Dr. Niko: comment on Longest insect found: Phobaeticus chani

http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фобетикус_ЧаняI think it will be enough for Guinness 2008.There was also a flight of fancy here:The previous record holder was the stick beetle Phobaeticus kirbyi, which is 2.9 cm shorter.This post was edited by Dr. Niko - 19.10.2008 23: 11

19.10.2008 22:50, Stas Shinkarenko: comment on Leucomygus weevil

Before this is my post. Pictures:Leucomigus_candidatus1.jpg — (124.23к) Leucomigus_candidatus________________________.jpg — (141.4 k)

19.10.2008 12:06, entomochero: comment on Nustera distigma

O.K. friends.

18.10.2008 22:19, RippeR: comment on Why do Apaturas shine?

usually, the overflow tubes return to their place.in general, it is difficult for me to guess what the overflow is for ^_^My guess is water. Perelivnitsy like to sit by the water, along the banks of lakes, rivers, puddles. Perhaps they imitate water with their overflow, thereby confusing their enemies.. With their wings closed, they look like dirt and twigs that they like to sit on..

18.10.2008 20:08, guest: vituss: comment on Dumb questions

This is called phoresia – the use of insects as a transport for settlement... often it is not adults who phore, but nymphs, who do not even have a mouth apparatus, but have suckers, precisely in order to stay on their "transport", this has nothing to do with parasitism in most cases, although there are parasitic species, of course, and often both are combined...

18.10.2008 15:47, Алексей Яковлев: comment on Achillides maackii

В кассу:Мааки на водопое (окрест Хабаровска):Из такой же "дерьмозмеегусеницы" на Сахалине выводится бианор:Гусеница Алкиноя также косит под помет (Приморье):Гусеница Махаона огрызается. Заметьте, что в Хабаровском крае ...

16.10.2008 20:45, алекс 2611: comment on Important - Alex 2611

Greetings to all forum participants!!!!Today, four months later, I took a few steps on two legs again. I think I'll start living a normal life again soon.I would like to thank all those who sent me insects, all those who helped with literature, all those who help with advice, and just all the forum participants. And also our forum for what it is. It seems to me that if not for the daily visit to ...

15.10.2008 20:12, Гость Кундуз: comment on Agrius convolvuli

This year, in August, in the Volokolamsk district, I caught several beautiful specimens of Bindweed Hawk Moth. The butterfly fed at night on fragrant tobacco.

08.10.2008 23:50, Peter Khramov: comment on New photos in the amount of 4 pieces

Adding to the gallery butterflies : two shots Lycaena dispar , one - Carterocephalus silvicola and Thymelicus lineola .

04.10.2008 19:10, Peter Khramov: comment on Scoops still not over

Lined microdescriptions the following types: Scoop pine Scoop plevelnaya belopolosaya Scoop turf Hadena bicruris Scoop clove seed Hadena rivularis dull gray moth garden Scoop clover Scoop shirokospinnaya alder Cerastis leucographa moth reddish spring Scoop herbal Scoop cabbage Scoop ...

04.10.2008 11:40, Cerega: comment on I will invite you to visit me!

Very supportive, Humelya - very interesting animals and with them a lot of incomprehensible. Here is only one problem - they do not live in Europe, but this is the same Russia.

03.10.2008 20:57, AntSkr: comment on What can you catch from butterflies in Jordan? I'm going in October

Catch the light, you will definitely catch interesting things. October - many autumn species, including the genera Chondrostega and Eriogaster (autumn species).

03.10.2008 20:00, Peter Khramov: comment on New definitions of new scoop

The next regular scoop description: Scoop earthen limbic Scoop rough Scoop el-white Scoop striped pale Mythimna unipuncta Scoop striped belopyatnistaya Scoop striped yellow-brown Scoop belokraynyaya Scoop Wheat Euxoa aquilina Scoop chernopyatnistaya Euxoa recussa Scoop lebedovaya Rusina ...

03.10.2008 13:59, Guest: comment on Culicoides imicola

First, not a mosquito, but a woodlouse (family Ceratopogonidae). Secondly, according to the data of 20 years ago - in Ukraine no.

02.10.2008 23:00, Peter Khramov: comment on A little more than a shovel, good and different

The new party old women: Actinotia polyodon - Scoop brown mammal Cosmia pyralina - Scoop brown Elm Cosmia trapezina - Scoop yellowish Elm Enargia paleacea - Scoop pale hardwood Oligia latruncula Oligia versicolor

02.10.2008 7:12, Aleksandr Ermakov: comment on A Russian scientific journal published a meaningless article created by a computer

No, it's fine. At the same time, a lesson for us: after all, these are examples of "water" that can be avoided in these articles.yes, what kind of "water"is there. It's all braga, not a single logical paragraph, except for thanks.

01.10.2008 23:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Scoops continues

Adding to the descriptions of the scoop: Scoop light Burano cereal Apamea sordens Apamea crenata Scoop large field Scoop golden plantaginaceae Paradrina clavipalpis Scoop lilac spring Amphipoea fucosa Scoop Tillage Scoop hawthorn kisteusaya Scoop crustal wading Scoop crustal Tenaya gray

01.10.2008 19:24, Мих: comment on Cereal flies in homes

I would like such a miracle-a bunch of food insects.. especially when the praying mantises are hatching.

01.10.2008 18:02, Olearius: comment on Green Geometrid moths

No, not Far Eastern, but ours, from Stavropol ! As it turned out,you don't have to go far for fantastic green moth trees.

01.10.2008 13:17, Букашечник: comment on Siberian silkworm

Judging by the color, it is too changeable, that sibirskog, that sosnovgo. Although when there are a lot of them, the Siberian caterpillar number 3 is always much larger. But under the number 6 are found only in one district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

01.10.2008 11:25, Dr. Niko: comment on Kill an insect just for...

Tick-borne encephalitis - carriers of horseflies???http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php?sid=2766I just stick to the concept that there is always a probability.

30.09.2008 22:50, Peter Khramov: comment on And further. Scoops

New information for dozens of species: Scoop biryuchnaya Female shuttle willow Earias vernana plusiinae gamma Autographa pulchrina plusiinae iota plusiinae gilded winter moth Archiearis notha Vesennitsa ordinary Scoop crustal yellow-brown Hoplodrina octogenaria Scoop ground light gray Scoop ...

30.09.2008 21:02, RippeR: comment on Report on Bashkiria

In Japan, people generally move their brains more. This is an extensive question, it is not so easy to solve, it is necessary to change the whole worldview)

30.09.2008 15:18, Mike Mostovski: comment on Vacancy at Natal Museum: Entomologist

The Natal Museum, one of the largest, leading national Heritage Institutions in South Africa, invites applications forCHIEF CURATOR: NATURAL SCIENCESKEY RESPONSIBILITIES:The Natal Museum scientists conduct research in various fields of natural sciences. The main responsibilities for this position are:1. Implement a focussed programme of hypothesis-driven research, with emphasis on the unique ...

29.09.2008 23:55, Peter Khramov: comment on Another moth. And dustpan

Two dozen new definitions ... Scoop pistachio Scoop mi Scoop Greater South Scoop Serpokrylov Scoop galloway Scoop red-green Scoop zubchatokrylaya Scoop gray Goroshkova basket-mouths dlinnoschupikovaya Scoop willow moth trapping black moths moths contrast Larentsiya ordinary moth thyme ...

29.09.2008 21:22, Salix: comment on Czech entomologists in jail in India

28.09.2008 23:45, Peter Khramov: comment on New definitions

It added about forty new miniopisany butterflies, mostly mikrocheshuekrylyh and moths: gooseberry moth moth motley celastraceae moths birch Epione repandaria moths limbic blueberry moth planed moths hawthorn moths lunchataya chetyrehpolosaya moths angular alder moths angular birch moths angular ash stripped ...

25.09.2008 10:30, Guest: comment on The most well-known representative for you...

Poor guy!It's like feeding a tiger with mice! And tigers sometimes also do not disdain locusts. In fact, of course, the mantis was not only fed with fireflies. He also got a lot of other things, such as locusts wintering in the imaginal phase, scoops of all sorts. So you don't need to call Greenpease

23.09.2008 12:06, Acalyptrate: comment on Seitz - The Macrolepidoptera of the World

I offer scans of The Macrolepidoptera of the World, all published volumes (16 + 4 Supplements), file format: full-color TIFF, 150 dpi, size 1275X1755 pixels (6.4 Mb). To find out which tables have never been published, and how many pages of text there are in each volume, go to www.seitzcollection.com. What is missing (alas):Volume 5 (American Rhopalocera) - no text, only tables;volume 7 (American ...

23.09.2008 11:36, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Scientific readings "Ecology of dendrophagous insects"

SECOND READING IN MEMORY OF O. A. KATAEV"Ecology of dendrophagous insects"St. Petersburg, SPbGLTA, November 26-28, 2008Dear colleagues!The St. Petersburg State Forestry Engineering Academy named after S. M. Kirov and the Russian Entomological Society invite you to take part in the second readings in memory of forest entomologist O. A. Kataev, which will be held on November 26-28, 2008 at the ...

18.09.2008 20:55, RippeR: comment on What and where you can catch in August (capricorn beetles) in the Crimea

Somewhere in Yugoslavia or where, I don't remember exactly, Morimus ganglbaueri is found. And in the Crimea there can't be funereus-it means either he collected it in the wrong place, or caught a transport on the road or something else.. Or maybe his route was strange.

18.09.2008 19:44, Peter Khramov: comment on New pictures of butterflies from Valerie Maslennikova

The gallery - photo poplar lentochnika , descriptions - blue sash and Rheumaptera undulata .

18.09.2008 18:06, Sergey Rybalkin: comment on Insects from Yakutia and the Magadan region

Quality?The main thing that remains:Сolias nastes yacuticola - (А1) 8/16$, (A-) 4/8$, (B) 2/4$ m/fColias hyperborea kurnakovi - (A-) 3/6, (B) 1,5/3 m/fOeneis pansa - (A1) 5$ (A-) 2,5$ malesMelitaea latonigena - (А1) 1,5$ (A-) 0,75$ malesPolyommatus kamtschadalis - (А1) 2$ malesAgriades glandon - (A1) 2$ (A-) 1$ malesLycaeides argyrognomon - (A1) 1/2$ (A-) 0,5/1$ m/f

17.09.2008 21:10, Peter Khramov: comment on Photo of two new travyanok

First travyanka: Titanio normalis . Second travyanka: Evergestis desertalis .

17.09.2008 14:03, Lilas: comment on Butterfly Show

To date, the exhibition can please with a wide variety))) Pictures:S6300544.JPG — (139.76к) S6300545.JPG — (141.92к) S6300547.JPG — (142.13к) S6300555.JPG — (136.24 k) S6300563.JPG — (142.26к)

17.09.2008 12:43, Grigory Grigoryev: comment on Butterfly collection for sale!

"Well, it's not a place that sells such collections."Absolutely agree with Paul - absolutely not the same.

16.09.2008 19:25, Славл: comment on Strange flight of bumblebees

Yes, this is, in general, a well-known fact. Even in some kin bourgeois about insects it was shown.for an amateur entomologist, this fact was not known in any case, watching insects live is more interesting than on TV.

16.09.2008 12:22, Kovalevsky: comment on A new subfamily of ants (Martialinae) is described from Brazil

The PNAS website has published an article describing a new species (as well as genus and subfamily) from the Amazon rainforest. Molecular analysis shows that the new species is the most primitive of the modern ants known to science, and it can be attributed to the "living fossil". A good comment can be found here here (in English). For those who don't read English , here's one option. An article ...

15.09.2008 8:09, Karat: comment on Mass of Ocneria dispar

In 2006, I had a rest not far from Slyudyanka. The picture was exactly the same! Unpaired was everywhere on the campsite and non-entomologists were in deep shock from what they saw! In every travel bag, in cups/mugs, and just in the pockets (if you gape a little) left ovipositors! The lampposts are 100% plastered, and from a distance they looked like they were shaped! There is this disaster ...

10.09.2008 20:59, Андреас: comment on Sochi/Adler end of August 2008

- Now I'm going back to Dagomys on the 16th. I don't know if I will be able to go fishing, since I will be with a woman (unfortunately). And I really liked the path from Khosta to the Yew-boxwood grove... - There I was once catching pigeons with a zebra-skin underbelly (by the way, I saw very similar ones in October in Greece near the city of Argos)... Sorry for the spam."I've already arrived. I ...

10.09.2008 14:47, amara: comment on Blestyanka kosmopolit

By the way, opred. tables of 5 types of Europe. N. B. Nikitsky's book "Insect predators of bark beetles and their ecology" 1980, Nauka. There only Librodor appears as a separate genus (and not a subgenus, as is customary now). I think this book was posted here not so long ago.And for the three American types, you can see here:http://na.fs.fed.us/pubs/howtos/ht_nitidulid/nitidulid.pdfThis post was ...

09.09.2008 23:17, Fornax13: comment on Looking for images

Wi-Fi! How lovely! Thank you very much!

09.09.2008 3:13, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Wintering Noctuidae

I would suggest looking at these articles:http://www.zin.ru/journals/entrev/contents...ume=&s=0&co=720Author (s) Article title Year Volume (issue) Pages Saulich A. Kh. and Volkovich T. V. Monovoltinism in insects and its regulation 1996 75 (2) 244-- Saulich A. Kh. and Sokolova I. V. Influence of temperature and day length on regulation of seasonal development of Emmelia trabealis L. ...

08.09.2008 23:00, Albatus: comment on Anthracocenthrus rugiceps (Gahan, 1894) Pakistan

Sell Anthracocenthrus rugiceps (Gahan, 1894) male-Pakistan (detailed label), size-70mm+, price 85 euros (possible exchange for Prioninae). e-mail: albatus(собака)inbox.ruThis post was edited by Albatus - 08.09.2008 23: 02 Pictures:Acanthophorus__Anthracocentrus__rugiceps__Gahan__1894_.jpg — (231.99к)

08.09.2008 18:29, Sergey Rybalkin: comment on Inachis io

The question disappeared-this mottled moth is changeable, they pupated.

05.09.2008 12:31, Андреас: comment on Coleoptera

- Isos ta tyleosate na gamisete to myalo o filos-tu filu?- Ite na vrisete to matafrasty!

04.09.2008 23:01, Алексей Яковлев: comment on Ozopherus muricatus weevil

ISHOOOOH!!!!Friends, it is very difficult to shoot beetles on macro, they move all the time and do not want to focus completely (sometimes only the antennae, then only the eyes in focus!). Lots of marriage. In addition, it is difficult to take pictures and swing a butterfly net at the same time! And I don't know much about beetles either, because there are too many of them! Sensible photos ...

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