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18.04.2008 21:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Hives and day peacock

Two of the most famous Nymphalidae: Aglais urticae - urticaria and Inachis io - Daily Peacock .

17.04.2008 8:13, Sergios: comment on Lucanus ibericus

Hello!How much I have understood you Damien, you are engaged Carabidae the Eastern Europe. Now you representatives Lucanus interest. Whether the collection from the Central caucasus interests you. I am engaged in systematisation, zoogeography, ecology and biology of insects of this region. However, the basic specialisation is dragonflies that does not prevent to work to me and with other groups. ...

16.04.2008 8:22, Timandr: comment on Stegania (Lomographa) cararia

but there is still a species close to it - S. dalmataria

16.04.2008 1:00, Juglans: comment on Far Eastern flora: a brief excursion for non-native entomologists

Crested giantIt is the only food plant of the endemic apollo Driopa (eversmanni) felderi = Parnassius eversmanni felderi (Bremer, 1861), whose caterpillar is completely indistinguishable from the leaves of the crested butterfly. See the image of this butterfly on the entomologists ' forum: http://molbiol.ru/forums/uploads/post-22026-1205418811.jpg(information from Alexey Yakovlev)

15.04.2008 21:02, Peter Khramov: comment on Set lentochnikov and other Nymphalidae

Namely, added another piece of information for the following: Vanessa cardui - Painted Lady Vanessa atalanta - Admiral Neptis sappho - char Sappho Neptis rivularis - char tavolgovaya Limenitis camilla - lentochnik Camilla Limenitis populi - lentochnik poplar Limenitis reducta - Single row lentochnik

14.04.2008 20:40, Peter Khramov: comment on Two additional perelivnitsy

Adding another species and information about it - perelivnitsa Schrenk (Apatura schrenckii) and additions to the second type - perelivnitsa small (Apatura ilia) .

13.04.2008 17:50, Peter Khramov: comment on Adding to the description of a large perelivnitsy

Description as before, located in the same place

12.04.2008 2:13, Bad Den: comment on I offer to exchange literature

I have some literature of a systematic nature, namely::1. Olsuf'ev N. G. Horseflies (Tabanidae). Fauna of the USSR, vol. VII, vol. 2. M-L. 1937.2. Kerzhner I. M. Hemiptera of the family Nabidae. Fauna of the USSR, Vol. XIII, vol. 2. L. 19813. Zagulyaev A. K. Real moths (Tineidae). Subfamily Tineinae. Fauna of the USSR, vol. IV, vol. 3. L. 19604. Zhiltsova L. A. Vesnyanki (Plecoptera). The ...

11.04.2008 18:00, Peter Khramov: comment on The site became faster

Performed additional work to optimize your site code is now issuing the pages, especially with descriptions of individual species will become even faster. Even if this site decided to completely deflate a couple of fans with teleports.

11.04.2008 15:16, алекс 2611: comment on Meeting in St. Petersburg

No, you'd better come to usLike not on Kolyma invite....

10.04.2008 18:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Article Maxim Klepikova

« Rare and protected species of butterflies (Insecta: Lepidoptera) Polovtsian-Kupanskogo bog ».

10.04.2008 6:13, Coelioxys: comment on Far Eastern entomologist website

Recently made a page of this magazine (http://www.biosoil.ru/fee/) and attached it on their institute website.All summary and pdf articles for 1994-2008 are displayed. Welcome!

09.04.2008 19:07, Vlad Proklov: comment on

This is also the correct option for many cases. But, firstly, although it is convenient to navigate from the top view, it is quite inconvenient to type such an address to the top view from scratch or from the beginning of the site, and secondly, at the slightest change in the classification, the link flies off...The objection is accepted Well, then the second option - because in short, why push ...

08.04.2008 20:40, Peter Khramov: comment on Tolstotel Paralebeda femorata

Has laid out a modest description Ussuri tolstotela .

08.04.2008 16:58, Nozer: comment on Far Eastern hawkmoths

I haven't seen any butterflies myself, but there are some gentlemen who claim to have caught Acherontia lachesis in our Dvostok.Probably in Primorye. One of the most unusual places in the Far East.

07.04.2008 20:50, Peter Khramov: comment on Continuing the theme shelko- lasiocampidae

Pachypasa otus - tolstotel cypress Dendrolimus segregastes - cedar moth Dendrolimus pini - lasiocampidae pine Odonestis pruni - moth plum

07.04.2008 19:56, AntSkr: comment on What subfamily does Paralebeda femorata belong to?


07.04.2008 18:47, shure: comment on I will accept stick insects as a gift

April 19-20.

07.04.2008 10:46, omar: comment on What butterflies can you see in the coming week

Odontosia sieversi was found in Zolotovo near Moscow on May 1. True, I didn't take a copy, because I collect beetles, and I wasn't familiar with Frost yet. I was sitting on a spruce trunk. And next to it grew a line.

04.04.2008 10:29, Timandr: comment on We need images of Geometid moths...

A big request: post (who has) images of these types of moths:Dyschloropsis impararia Guenée, [1858]. Kemtrognophos ophthalmicata (Lederer, 1853) is this particular species (in other words, a subspecies of ambiguata). Erannis jacobsoni Djakonov, 1926 (both male and female)Juxtephria consentaria (Freyer, 1846)Ecliptopera dimita (Prout, 1938) (it is not actually found in Russia)Pennithera serraria ...

03.04.2008 21:15, rpanin: comment on Research Platycarabus sp.

W. Ukraine, Karpatien: Carabus (Platycarabus) irregularis montandoni Buysson,1882 =narosnyi Csiki,1946 . Karpatien, W.PodolianCarabus (Platycarabus) fabricii malachiticus C.G. Thomson, 1875. Cornogora Mts.Carabus (Platycarabus) fabricii ukrainicus Lazorko.1951. Gorgany Mts.

03.04.2008 6:23, Mylabris: comment on What should I feed this caterpillar?

I immediately remembered the joke.The teacher asks the children: what is the most evil animal on Earth?Vovochka: Krokolev!Teacher: And who is this?Vovochka: This is an animal that has a lion's head on one side and a crocodile's head on the other!Teacher: But how does he go to the toilet?Vovochka: But in any case, that's why he's angry all the time...

03.04.2008 0:48, okoem: comment on Colias in nature with open wings

I'm not talking about my photo, I'm talking about Colias romanovi from the site that AntSkr posted. Oh, right... There's also Colias romanovi... I'm sorry: -)

02.04.2008 19:24, Grigory Grigoryev: comment on Protecting yourself from ticks

A similar case was told to me by an uncle who worked on the RRL repeater in Tuva, even proudly showed me the presence of a tick bite, and enciphalitis was also detected."Sausage" it for two days, alcohol and bath analgesic....

31.03.2008 20:38, Tigran Oganesov: comment on Identification of arthropods from drawings

The third person from Turkmenistan, by any chance, does not have long chelicerae?The fifth of the MO is similar to a crab spider of the genus Xysticus.

31.03.2008 12:44, mikee: comment on Help a newbie...

Does anyone have at least one egg or one caterpillar, which it would not be a pity to give a try to grow? Well, it's not the season now, dear Guest, Wait a month and a half and catch yourself...

30.03.2008 18:15, VBoris: comment on Website about dragonflies

vespabellicosus, I would advise you to pay extra and buy something better (I mean a camera). In general, the idea with the site is not bad.This post was edited by VBoris-30.03.2008 18: 16

30.03.2008 14:44, Peter Khramov: comment on Silkworms kind of Gastropacha

Today kratenko considered two European (and not only European) species belonging to the genus with the romantic name bellied moth . Outwardly, they both - and Gastropacha quercifolia , and G.populifolia similar, but the differences are still there, both in the adult stage, and caterpillars from the pupae, and in addition, a second species - poplar moth - occurs much less often the first - ...

28.03.2008 20:00, Peter Khramov: comment on More silkworms - good and different

Edited descriptions herbal and Malin silkworms, added information on new types of - silkworm Ussuri grassy , shelkopryadu notched gray and reddish silkworm notched .

28.03.2008 14:20, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg: comment on It is interesting..

It looks like a duck.. We checked a bunch of butterflies from different countries and the list of species was very sharply reduced. But they haven't reached the former scoop yet.. And tipo start checking soon and we also expect a sharp decline in species.. Calm, only calm... " Oh, how many wonderful mistakes the spirit of enlightenment is preparing for us..." As far as I know, the molecular ...

27.03.2008 21:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Maintenance Pack lasiocampidae

List updated or newly added types: Lasiocampa trifolii Lasiocampa quercus Eriogaster neogena Eriogaster lanestris Eriogaster catax Eriogaster rimicola Poecilocampa populi .

26.03.2008 20:30, Peter Khramov: comment on New information on the Catocala and Malacosoma

Additives to the descriptions purple and blue sashes and ringed silkworm . New definitions Pyreinoye and Euphorbiaceae silkworms.

26.03.2008 14:32, amara: comment on Need some advice for buying a binocular

Have any of the forum participants worked with Citoval 2 Carl Zeiss Jena?It's interesting to me, but you can go to St. Petersburg (Lensoveta str. d. 73) and compare for yourself:http://www.mikroskop-mbs-10.nm.ru/mikroskop-citoval-2.htmyou can tell us later.This post was edited by amara - 03/26/2008 14: 33

25.03.2008 21:00, Peter Khramov: comment on And about lasiocampidae (supraspecific taxa)

Addenda to certain types lasiocampidae: Moth fenestrated lasiocampidae pine lasiocampidae ringed . And a description of their supraspecific taxa: lasiocampidae Silkworm motley Silkworm hairy Silkworm fluffy Silkworm spineless lasiocampidae Silkworm raspberry Tolstotel Silkworm coniferous Silkworm cereal Silkworm ...

24.03.2008 20:50, Peter Khramov: comment on Lasiocampidae and other residues lentochnits

The remains: Catocala fulminea - yellow sash Catocala promissa - a small red ribbon lasiocampidae and others: Dendrolimus pini - Pine lasiocampidae Lasiocampa trifolii - lasiocampidae clover Macrothylacia rubi - lasiocampidae raspberries Lasiocampa quercus

24.03.2008 10:06, Alexandr Rusinov: comment on Who could share unsorted beetles from Moscow region?

I can share student fees from the biostation of Yaroslavl State University (Yaroslavl region), but there is little interesting there...

23.03.2008 15:46, Алексей Яковлев: comment on Expedition to the Elton region

The river valley is covered with some blue flowers like a haze. And all this in the middle of a dry steppe! This is kermek (Limonium sp.)

21.03.2008 22:32, Бабочник: comment on Catocala fraxini. From eggs

Good health, colleagues!Catocal eggs are best wintered at -5C and light humidity. The best way is to tighten the film box with a piece of napkin on which the eggs are placed, tighten it with nylon and place it in a plastic container with ventilation in the lid in which to put wet (but not wet) moss-sphagnum. Current immediately in the freezer do not stick. Weeks and a half at 0+4C and when you ...

21.03.2008 18:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Supplement to Catocala nupta

Catocala nupta .

21.03.2008 16:16, The problem: comment on What is this butterfly?

Thank you so much for the answer, I didn't even hope for it. The story is really strange, because I live in Moscow. I don't think it crawled in from somewhere, but it probably came with fruit from the store, though... But this is the only option, in winter there is unlikely to be another source of "xenobiota"

16.03.2008 19:26, Peter Khramov: comment on Current classification of butterflies and moths

Thanks for the tip, that's something!

16.03.2008 15:45, Frantic: comment on Exchanging beetles

Subject. I noticed that on the mattresses there is a large number of perfect (from last season), but clearly superfluous material (all beetles-in series, not one or two copies):Dorcadion cinerarium- elegans- equestre- holosericeumCicindela soluta (green)- soluta-sahlbergi lutschniki- desertorumAll beetles are in absolutely perfect condition. I want to change them to also ideal Dorcash (other ...

16.03.2008 8:42, Nozer: comment on Hawk moth

Of course, you can breed hawkmoth, but a simpler option is to catch it in the light. Caterpillars for breeding are harder to find.

15.03.2008 18:08, rpanin: comment on Problems with Platyderus…

Platyderus rufus (Duftschmidt, 1812) Body length-7 mm.Lviv region,Zolochiv district, near Gologorki.Steppe areas 1-19. V. 07Det. Rizun V. B., Solodovnikov I. A.And the method of exclusion. We haven't found any other species yet. Pictures:Platyderus_rufus.jpg — (100.77к)

14.03.2008 14:17, Peter Khramov: comment on Lepidoptera in Spain

Got it, thanks.

14.03.2008 10:51, Timandr: comment on Lomaspilis sp.

Here is our L. opis (do not pay attention to the quality - removed through the glass-hermetically sealed...) Pictures:L._opis__________________________.__.jpg — (138.67к)

13.03.2008 16:43, Solarway: comment on Entomological opening day

I regularly buy pins and boxes from him! I also took straighteners and nets.

12.03.2008 21:35, KDG: comment on There are a lot of different insects from Ecuador and Mexico

Plagionotus astecus (Cerambycidae, Clytini) is interesting from Mexico. Is there one?

12.03.2008 15:46, guest: Cosmos: comment on Pushkin and the Insects

I've already read about this topic somewhere... Rather, Pushkin was sent against locusts-to the title. And an unappreciative review - after all, he was entrusted with an important state business associated with colossal losses, and at that time any efficient person could solve various issues, even if he was not directly prepared... And our great half-breed trailed after the Kalmyks there, smelled ...

10.03.2008 16:14, Дзанат: comment on Bradybatus creutzeri

Forest Encyclopedia, 1985Common in the North and South. In Europe (including Turkey), in the USSR-in Europe. parts, in the places where the maple grows. Length up to 5mm. Generation is 1 year. Years in late April-May. Eggs are laid in maple fruit, one in each half of the lionfish. The larva develops inside the seed, eating it out. Pupation in July in the fruit. Young beetles come out from the end ...

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