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Actually, who will sell butterflies in Odessa ?I'll be there on the second/third day.Interested in everything;Preferably SATURNIA PYRI, PAVONIA or ATTACUS ATLAS, DANAUS CHRYSIPPUS Cultivating cocoons/particularly caterpillars(DANAUS CHRYSIPPUS)Thank you in advance !This post was edited by mems - 30.01.2008 19: 10
Descriptions butterflies: A new Danaus chrysippus - Danaus Chrysippus Supplemented Pyronia tithonus - krupnoglazka yellow-brown Hyponephele lycaon - small krupnoglazka Maniola jurtina - ox eye Melanargia galathea - pestroglazka Galatea
In Primorye, several species of moth fly in the second half of autumn. One of them is Inurois fumosa. The photo was taken in early November, in the ROC. Vladivostok (flew into the house after night frosts). Pictures:Inurois.JPG — (141.14к) Inurois2.jpg — (50.71к)
I usually just put wet cotton wool under it. When dissecting the top of the abdomen/genitals, a container of water (penicillium) was placed under the abdomen and a "wick" was drawn between the abdomen and the penicillium, usually made of cotton wool. But this is only useful for relatively large instances.
From the photographer's point of view, a gray background is preferable. A gray background allows you to set the object's color more accurately. You can change the gray density depending on the object, choosing it so that the object stands out.
Plateumaris species have two pairs of "species", which some experts consider different, and the other forms of one or synonyms. This is a pair of discolor-sericea and rustica-affinis. To find out questions about these types, you need large series from different parts of the series. No one wants to get busy???This post was edited by Elizar - 26.01.2008 12: 11
...Today I was trying to identify a terrible myrmecophilic hole. It seems to come out Catopomorphus, but also not very. Does anyone have any information on the finds of this and Attaephilus on terr. Russia?
The main problem in finding a "rare" species is knowledge of the features of biology, microstations, etc., which is usually impossible to learn from the literature, but you have to "get" it empirically. If you manage to find out some features of biology-your beetles are practically in any potentially suitable stations. (I'm responsible for the words...). And as an example, look ...
I'm going to create a gallery of the genus Parnassius in "images of insects", where I want to put a lot of photos. In the comments, I will focus on the place, and not on belonging to a particular subspecies.I fully support it, I want to do it myself for a long time, there is a lot of material, but I don't have enough time for this task.
Or it may also be that we are dealing with linked traits, i.e. some morphological feature is associated with a gene encoding a certain protein that is responsible for another (not at all morphological) trait. Think of the Central Asian Shepherd dogs - Alabai. They were selected not by "stat", but by liking - those who rushed at a person were shot back on the spot. And I read something similar ...
Another photo in addition to the Badden ones:Geotrupes jakovlevi Semenov, 1891Uzbekistan, Chimgan, 28. VIII. 2001 Pictures:Geotrupes_jakolevi_dors.JPG — (148.68к)
I didn't catch it at all. It is almost impossible to be alone in the bosom of nature - there are people everywhere and everyone is like one - Buddhists! Only 10% of the island's forests have been preserved (the rest was cut down for wood and for agriculture-rice and tea . In short, you can only run away to national parks, and even there tourists are taken by jeep everywhere in sight. So only ...
Not by accidentIn honor of G. N. Potanin are not related
Hello, Viktor Dmitrievich!Just in case you haven't heard my answer yet: thank you very much. But the" runaway " is not there, alas for me . But I liked the shaggy beauty. Thank you again for respondingI'm glad, Marina, that at least something helped.
By the way, about exel. I made a kind of entomological calendar. The first column1-type,2 - place of collection3-date4, 5,6,7,8, etc. if there is a need for a month, What is the point, in columns 4,5,6,7 I enter the date but only in the form of numbers. And in the toolbar of the 7th window, in English, in Russian I forgot how. So there is a function-filter, dale go autofilter. And in a pre-laid ...
I'm also wondering if there were any insects there?I don't know, unfortunately, I haven't seen such information anywhere.
New definitions of butterflies from the family of the scoop: Swiss scoops (Rhyacia helvetina) , своки-притворщицы (Rhyacia simulans) and big scoops zheltokryloy (Noctua pronuba) .
How rare is it? I've only seen her 2 times this year (between July 20 and July 30). The CC says that the 3rd category.
Милен! Могу помочь с материалом с Кавказа. Обращаюсь ко всем участникам форума с просьбой собрать материал по стрекозам их региона для меня. Интересуют все группы Odonata, так как занимаюсь зоогеографией и систематикой ...
Perhaps a combination of exposure alternately in alcohol and acetone for 2, and then 1 hour will help.The only time I spent was 2 hours in what, and 1 hour in hf. The method was used by Dano when he was engaged in dragonflies as an amateur. The result depends on the age of the dragonfly and the harvesting conditions.
I agree with Helene 100%.I know one of the authors personally,and therefore I want to say that the purpose of this work is not to create "funny pictures",but to publish a scientific publication.A gorgeous disk with a lot of information. ...I don't regret it for a second.This post was edited by Paulo - 06.01.2008 23: 48
A lot of small beetles stick in the spring on the resin protruding on the stumps. And the resin is removed elementary-with alcohol.
Yes, you will find$ 500 - the amount that is paid for a Euro tour in Tajikistan. You are slightly confusing a one-time trip with annual commercial tours. In terms of guarantees, reliability and continuity, in the context of business continuation prospects. I hope this simple is clear.
Recent updates to the description and the latest new description: Lentochnik Camilla Lentochnik poplar checkered avriniya checkered southern checkered red
Formalin is really good if traps are not checked for a long time and the material is needed in ecological and faunal studies. But it's terribly harmful. I have after an hour of analysis of such material, the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose is burned, the skin on the fingers (the first sign is sliding).About the impact on the material. I did not notice any changes in the color of ground ...
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology. There's definitely one there Only you are writing a question in the wrong section!
Only coleoptera are interested? In the Volsky district of the Saratov region, there are quite good collections of stinging hymenoptera. For coleoptera, the fees are small.
Wait another 3 years - I'll learn to be a prgorammer - I'll learn how to write programs, I'll write a bunch of entomological programs :P
The addition to the description of pestrokrylnitsy and the beginning of a new specification - greenish perlamutrovki (Argynnis laodice) .
hives with NYMPHALIS ANTIOPA < / a> head cycle to supplement the description of a family of butterflies Nymphalidae .