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thank you! well, I do not know, I do not have a box, and I need to do it so that my mother does not see and the Mourner is still alive, or not?mom, on the contrary, should see how beautiful and interesting it is.No. Not alive, but impaled and straightened.
на птичий....далеко...и к тому же я работаю....2700 булавок?это уже слишком....а если встретиться? где бы Вам удобнее было?пишите в личку...
My father-in-law has just arrived from Cuba. There is practically no customs as such - only passport control, for Russians, in any case. The problems were already in Paris, but this is the standard.There are no forests in the vicinity of Havana, there are almost no beetles and butterflies either, but the bag with documents was stolen right in the center Impressions are average: the country is ...
Купите дыню, сами прилетят! А если серьезно, наверно объяву нужно размещать все таки у молбиологов или генетиков. У них эти лабораторные культуры.
Я, например, до этого сообщения не знал что по-русски вяз (Ulmus) можно называть ильмом. Теперь знаю.Кстати, весьма известный фильм "Кошмар на улице Вязов" - "Nightmare on Elm street"
I usually struggle with them like this:The best poison is a raid, there is no better one!!! Proceed as follows: first spray the nest from the outside so that all the hornets that are outside die, then, when it is clear, spray the hole with thick poison for about 5 seconds, and run away!If you want the nest to be alive, you never know what, if you are interested in how it works, putting it in a ...
I have actually met ticks on representatives of all the land beetle families found in Latvia. Just not always a layman of this tick will notice and understand. that it is a tick, not a seed or a grain of sand. this is especially true for Uropodina nymphs.
And here's mine. Not far from Podosinok. The quality is not very good, but the shade is different. The original photo is turned 180 degrees.Who doesn't know: the upper part of this butterfly is just brown.
a cute scoop. It is also interesting because the antennae are rather strongly combed, which is not very typical for scoops.
And it looks like my:This post was edited by amara - 05.08.2007 19: 24 Pictures:P1010017_1.jpg — (138.71к)
Hello! How do you feel about the Catalog of life website? There (if you believe the creators) is a list of all species, and with full taxonomy. I have this problem: I collect photos of different types of animals (for a child). I would like to show it in Latin as well. But often cool photos either don't have a Latin name at all, or when searching in the Catalog of life for such a name, I can't ...
In the morning I decided to pick out the cocoon... Who knew he was so hard. Took out a pupa, quite firm, looks healthy, constantly moves... I put it in a plastic box. What else do you need to add to the box, for the comfort of the pupa?You shouldn't have picked the cocoon. Harpies often shrivel up without their cocoons. And for the winter, the pupa should be put in the refrigerator. It is ...
The chloroform was laboratory grade. In a sealed factory bottle. About extinguishing a fire with chloroform - a good idea! Be sure to try it! I didn't say the word "combustible".
by saving, I meant everything from squeezing in the net to straightening, is not difficult to straighten, the main thing is to clearly understand the technology and accumulate a drop of experience, and then everything is like clockwork.
Yes, in general, it is necessary to plant those who torment tomatoes, and even in other people's cups!
Old abandoned nest of the hornet Vespa crabro under the roof of the bathhouse Chuvashia, Cheboksary district, Karachura village July 27, 2007 Pictures:_____2.JPG — (139k)
It took more than 2 hours to catch about 150 workers. Caught with a regular net-after in the container.
Related question: is it possible to achieve similar results without expensive and inaccessible installations? Just in the right weather and in the right place to make one or more smoke fires and periodically sprinkle pyrethroid concentrate there.No, that won't do - the pyrethroids will burn.In these installations, the principle is different - in the pipe, the insecticide solution is sprayed by a ...
The usual view, but it's always nice to find it. He is also very photogenic. Pictures:pg.jpg — (160.13к)
In the summer of 91 in the Saratov region, on the banks of the Volga River, I saw a strip of about 50 by 5 meters completely covered with a living carpet of perelivnits. Amazing picture, I wish I had a camera...
Cool! Given its size, it can significantly push out the locals.In London, I caught it myself, the usual view!
No documents are required for sending insects to / from EU countries, provided that the package does not contain any internationally or locally protected species.And for cites and protected ones (except for the First Application), a simple written "certificate of origin" from the owner is enough, which also does not pose any problems...
No luck, just a forager flying out. I wanted to take a picture of another nest of the same species in a railway extension nearby , here they gave me a leg.
Thank you but the Swallowtail is a very rare butterfly in Latvia. it is listed in the Red Book . yes, it will be difficult .This is fundamentally wrong! The view is very ordinary. Yes, it is listed in the Red Book, but the red Book in Latvia has NO legal force, and was created only to raise the level of education of the population in matters of environmental protection. Read more here: ...
Mm-hmm...I guess I just don't do them. In some species, the cassid is only seen. But I am tormented by the suspicion that if they had just dried up, they would have been the same.
By the way, there's plenty of good stuff here.But I am interested in their nutrition.I've never seen them on flowers or drinking juice.But each time, during picnics, they take away pieces of meat, both raw and fried, while behaving relatively politely to people.Why?About being polite - I don't know why.Meat they (wasps, and hornets, probably) carry to the larvae, which, as far as I know, after ...
Thea vigintiduopunctata L. Distribution: North Africa, Europe, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Mongolia, China, and Korea. In Russia: European part, Siberia, Amur region, Khabarovsk and Primorye Kr., Sakhalin.It lives in the forest and forest-steppe zone. It is found on grassy vegetation of wet meadows. It feeds on powdery mildew. Pictures:Thea_vigintiduopunctata_L.JPG — (259.85к)
Coccinella trifasciata L. Distribution: NE China, Mongolia. In Russia: northern European part, Siberia, Amur region, Khabarovsk and Primorye Kr., Magadan region, Kamchatka, Sakhalin.It lives from the forest-steppe to the tundra. It is found on grassy vegetation. It feeds on aphids. Pictures:Coccinella_trifasciata_L.JPG — (258.29к)
Outwardly, they are certainly similar, but in the 7 - point epimera, the posterior thorax is black, and in the magnifica they are brown. The magnifica is more convex, and its spots are larger, and there may be (and sometimes may not be) a 9th dot-like spot on the top of the elytra.
However, in the drawings, it looks more toothy Is it a female?this is a small male. I have larger copies. both sexes and they, yes-look toothier.
A new series of books will be published in Europe. Designed for many years, considering that there are about 23,000 species in Europe. And huge in volume - many thousands of pages (I envy). For some reason, data from the former USSR is included only for the Baltic countries. In Preparation:Wagner, T. (Ed.); Ruecker, W.Coleoptera of Europe 1: Latriidae, Merophysidae and Dasyceridae This new series ...
A broken tree, there are a lot of dead trees in this forest, but oddly enough, there are almost no insects there - only small ground beetles of the same species in the birches-then I'll post a photo. After the floodplain forest itself:In the forest on a birch saw a strange caterpillar:Buzzed was mnooogo and different - but they flew quickly and managed to catch only one and in poor lighting Skin ...
sealor, yes, they have a uterus there. The photo was sent to me by my sister, M. B. This is just the beginning of swarming or just the case you are talking about.
The beetle is surprisingly eurytopene-here, in Kazakhstan, it is found both in sandy deserts and in the mountains, at an altitude of 3600 m.!