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I'm talking about wing threat. In the video I watched there, when one fly runs next to another, it suddenly raises and lowers its wings up. I thought, where did this behavior come from, is it genetically programmed or not? And then recently I go into the kitchen, where I left a dirty pineapple plate after the New Year holidays, and I see five fruit flies running around on it and fighting (wow, ...
You didn't guess Here we have one person buys pupae in Kiev, displays them, and I spread them out.Maaka, xuta, well, those that are small (kolias cheos, erinis Montana, oeneis and someone else) - caught my friend.When I spread them all out, I'll post them, and there it will be
For example, glycerol is a triatomic alcohol (3 OH groups), and propylene glycol contains 2 OH groupsExactly... Oh, then it's much more difficult to get it - I already dreamed about how I would get a couple of dozen bottles of cheap and affordable glycerin in the pharmacy for the summer
2 AGG: write to this address - antversgСОБАКА The seller's name is Andrey, he seems to be from somewhere in Moscow or the Moscow region. It should have dies, at least in the fall there were still
Red - winged nutcracker-Ampedus sanguineus, common in the Moscow region, Females lay eggs under the straggling bark of coniferous trees( and birches), in the passages of barbel beetles. Larvae live for a long time, sometimes as long as 5 years, and pupate in late summer in the pupal cradle - a small cavity slightly larger than the pupa in size. Young beetles emerge from the pupa in August, but do ...
A typical American stinker. By the way, who knows the origin of one of the most commonly used nomenclatural names Pentatoma rufipes, it is very interesting why, American and why stinky.Can I find out where you've seen such a "nomenclature name" in what literature? Or is it a folk epistolary genre?
Malashka mednaya (bronze) - Malachius aeneus, Malachius, MelyridaeMoscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan.Summer 2006: Original date / time: 2006:05:31 09:56:32Malashka bronze - Malachius aeneus. Up to 0.7 cm in length. There are about 20 species of this family in Central Europe. It lives in meadows, river valleys, and wet places. On sunny days, it is found on flowers among ...
Cassidinae, a subfamily of beetles in the leaf beetle family. The body is flattened, 4-20 mm long (up to 10 mm in the fauna of the USSR). The edges of the pronotum and elytra protrude to the sides, forming a kind of shield covering the body and head from above (hence the name). The color is varied, sometimes with a metallic or pearlescent sheen. Schitonoski are herbivorous. About 1000 species, ...
I am familiar with this problem firsthand.3 years ago, I tried to publish my book, but after a year of running around publishing houses, conversations and various meetings, I was convinced that even profiled publishing houses like Aquarium and others like it are simply afraid to publish this...On the other hand, they also publish absolutely illiterate and very dubious "books", which the language ...
Aspen creeper - Saperda carcharias, Lamiinae, Cerambycidae, Coleoptera.Ramenskiy district, Moscow region. Night shooting-flew to the light of the lamp. Original date/time: 2006:08:16 01:30:55.ASPEN CREAKER - body length 22-30mm. Larvae inhabit healthy trunks of aspen and other poplars, less often willow; they strongly harm young plantings. Common - European ch., Caucasus, Siberia.Gornostaev G. ...
To KDG:How long have you been there? A friend of friends who have recently been there says the attitude towards foreigners there has changed significantly over the past 5 years. Even, he says, they only had to walk along the ridges, bypassing local villages for kilometers, practically not going down into the valleys.In 2005-2006, I went to the Musser Reserve alone. On Gege he lived with the ...
Another common but bright butterfly from the Ussuri region. In the pictures, a male (nverkhu) and a female.
Volnyanka Cifuna locuples. Males (smaller, red) and females. The butterfly can be said to be a mass one.This post was edited by Morozzz - 12/23/2006 10: 03
And here's the damage. The same ones on the second wing, in the middle. File/s: ___________.bmp size: 777.71 k number of downloads: 16 22.12.2006-05.01.2007 ___________2.bmp size: 158.18 k number of downloads: 14 22.12.2006-05.01.2007
It is almost impossible to feed it until warm times!I suspect that we are talking about the cow Anatis ocellata-it feeds on hermes on conifers. So just put it in the refrigerator between the pieces of cotton wool. And after 4 days on the balcony in a dark place. And until spring...
Thank you so much for your efforts. However, I know all these authors well. The article is based on materials that were prepared several years ago. And now none of them can help me in this matter.
To the Entomologists of the World"Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny", formerly Entomologische Abhandlungen, is a scientific journal published by the Museum of Zoology, Dresden, Germany (Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden).http://www.arthropod-systematics.deResearch fields covered by Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny are the taxonomy, morphology/anatomy, Phylogeny (molecular or ...
Colleagues!If possible, tell me the contacts of laboratories where they mess with fruit flies, non-flying forms are needed.
And who told you it was Opion luteus? The photo clearly shows sclerotized spots in the radial cell of the forewings (under the pterostigma), which clearly indicates that this rider belongs to the genus Enicospilus. Now there is no determinant at hand, and I am not sure that in the European part of the country there is something besides E. ramidulus (L.), although for Europe at least a couple of ...
And who told you it was Opion luteus? The photo clearly shows sclerotized spots in the radial cell of the forewings (under the pterostigma), which clearly indicates that this rider belongs to the genus Enicospilus. Now there is no determinant at hand, and I am not sure that in the European part of the country there is something besides E. ramidulus (L.), although for Europe at least a couple of ...
And based on what you decided that this is D. imperator? I would not be so categorical. IMHO at the emperor yaytsekladya podlinee will be. Besides, is he sitting on a pine tree?
It would also be a good idea to conduct a faunal analysis of beetles in several areas: set traps in a typically residential area with a small number of green spaces, near industrial enterprises or at the intersection of busy streets and somewhere in the vicinity, in parks, etc.the same comparison is also interesting for the distribution of damage types (overeating, mining, skeletonization, etc.)
Ampelophaga rubiginosa. The usual hawk moth of the Far East. It is distributed in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, China, Korea, etc. Caterpillar on the Amur grape (Vitis amurensis)
"It's better to pass it yourself" is not the best option. I thought so until I saw the luxury boxes. I wanted to run away properly and throw my own from the balcony as far as possible (just pull out the beetles first)This post was edited by beetleboy - 12/04/2006 02: 09
A scooper from the genus Sypnoides (possibly S. hercules). Andreevka, Primorsky Krai, Khasansky district, 28.07.06. On light. In Russia, this genus is represented by 3 species that live in the south of the Far East.
If the species is rare, I usually take a "series", i.e. several copies, and if a "banal" type of May beetle, then I take one copy from different geogr. points. Unless, of course, there's some kind of aberration. This is in my collection, and if for exchange, etc., then I take the maximum - it's enough to change and transfer to the ZIN.
Entomologists! I'm waiting for one of you to visit (I can't handle two). Don't forget to bring the butterfly's corpse with you. Have you thought about the consequences? Or after the photo shoot, will you request a couple of hundred hungry dead eaters?
I brought back from Moscow a couple of mutant drosophila species that can't fly. But so far their number is very small.These can be ordered directly from the site (they carry out delivery to Kiev).
[from Entomology Discussion List <>]The Joan Mosenthal DeWind AwardThe Xerces Society is now accepting applications for two $3,750 awards for research into Lepidoptera conservation.SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTSThe DeWind awards are given to students who are engaged in research leading to a university degree related to Lepidoptera conservation and who intend to ...
You're wrong about the polysts, because you didn't take any measurements. Females and workers of the first 3-4 weeks in this species , as well as in Polistes nimphus, differ in size. An experienced observer in June will always be able to distinguish the female founder from the workers. Later in the season, the female is distinguished by worn wings and certain behavioral features.
You're wrong about the polysts, because you didn't take any measurements. Females and workers of the first 3-4 weeks in this species , as well as in Polistes nimphus, differ in size. An experienced observer in June will always be able to distinguish the female founder from the workers. Later in the season, the female is distinguished by worn wings and certain behavioral features.
how does it not give? A larger number of segments gives greater mobility, because when mating, the male needs mobility to enter the female, imagine that the insect is a knight, who will be more mobile, who has cast armor,or the one with armor consists of plates?
There is some information about the breeding of the Crimean ground beetle here.As for the cost of a dry beetle - as far as I remember, on the site it is $ 14. Buy a beetle beetle... I think this is quite problematic, it will be easier to find it yourself in the habitat. Just keep in mind that if you are a Russian and you are going to transport beetles across the ...
Dolichovespula OS always has only one worker cell. Usually so: sometimes the second tier with small cells and on the sides-large uterine. Usually small ones belong to males and occasionally to worker wasps. Most likely, in your case it was.