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hello everyone!I have observed pupation many times, but always in captivity. I don't think there are many Fabres left to keep an eye on beetles for days on end. Once I was raising a medium-sized wine hawk moth and noticed this feature: the green shape of the caterpillars pupates in the foliage, the gray shape - on the ground. Is this true or just a coincidence? For I do not know any other ...
- I didn't find a more appropriate topic than this: - first of all, I'm not sure that this is a female Operophtera brumata-Winter moth; - and secondly, it's not so easy to catch this creature in nature (-5 frost, salt, snow, November 15, forest), just by accident. Pictures:_________________________________________. JPG — (145.34 k)
I don't think there is any special literature. Determining the sex of most diurnal butterflies is actually very simple. Collect a few specimens of different species, consider all the above-mentioned signs, and quickly figure it out for yourself. I repeat-nothing complicated.To the above, I can add this method - slightly press down the tip of the abdomen with tweezers - the males will move out ...
Authors - Sergei Novitsky (pictures Aegle kaekeritziana , Elaphria venustula , Deltote bankiana , Tarachidia candefacta , Tarachidia candefacta , Mycteroplus puniceago and Eublemma amoena ) and Andrey Sazykin ( day photo Peacock , including in the caterpillar stage and pupa , picture imago and swallowtail caterpillars , large perlamutrovki , including temnuyu form , ...
Grammodes bifasciata (Petagna, 1787)Krasnodar Region, Sochi, Adler, August 2008Aedia leucomelas (Linnaeus, 1758)Krasnodar Region, Sochi, Adler, August 2008
Gentlemen, thank you all for your congratulations!To a guest at about the author's abstracts. You see, dissertation councils are like people: some live by reason, others by traditions and prescriptions from above. The volume of the abstract of 16 pages is a little-understood in our daysovdepovskaya installation, developed in those distant times, when the printing of the abstract was paid by the ...
After that, the number of species of butterflies illustrated on the site has exceeded six hundred, and the total number of photos in the gallery approached fifteen hundred. Separately picturesque disorder select species for which descriptions of new images are used as illustrations: Zerintiya Spanish Zerynthia cerisy copper-butterfly Orion Satyrium spini ...
find out how ventilation is performed in termite nests or, say, in leafcutter ants.
By the way, the author of the work on moth is still Kurentsov (it was possible to determine by indirect data), and "Kuznetsov" is a typo. Thanks to our colleagues from VISRA, who helped us figure this out.
Acherontia atropos (Linnaeus, 1758)* Acherontia lachesis (Fabricius, 1798) Acherontia styx Westwood, 1847 сайт Sphingidae of the Eastern Palaearctic(including Siberia, the Russian Far East, China, Mongolia, the Korean Peninsula and Japan.)
With the help of drawings Andrew illustrated a further 12 species of butterflies on our website: Pyrgus serratulae Pyrgus alveus speckled hen Sappho Oeneis tarpeia speckled hen tavolgovaya Muschampia tessellum Maculinea teleius Maculinea alcon Sennitsa Gero Sennitsa Arkania Carcharodus alceae ...
It's a cool idea.The last comment of Dzanat is good I think it's better to make 2 separate small books - one with text and photos, the other with coloring as an application)
This time, the author pictures - Simon Coombes. His photo - dozens of species of butterflies, including Perlamutrovka Niobe Glaucopsyche paphos Lycaena thersamon Gonepteryx cleopatra Belyanka mountain Cupido alcetas NYMPHALIS ANTIOPA Euchloe ausonia Satyrium esculi Vanessa indica Leptotes pirithous greenish peat ...
Several dozen pictures of Vlad Proklova. Among them are pictures Tinagma ocnerostomella , Phyllonorycter comparella , Nycteola revayana < / em> , Macrothylacia rubi , Marasmarcha lunaedactyla , < em> Goniodoma limoniella , Plebeius idas , Lycaena virgaureae , Prays fraxinella , Ypsolopha nemorella , Ypsolopha vittella , Cydia splendana , Coleophora wockeella , ...
and what exactly are the problems? When you take the material in the institution, the loan list available in each office is filled out. There and the number and terms and conditions are specified..
the newspaper article is generally a bit of a mess - in general, there is a well-known fact-and bees and ants change professions with age, and someone gets stuck at the stage of nesting workers longer, and someone less.
Enjoy the gallery and the catalog partition with the list of species for which there is a description of the illustration was a little more comfortable.
Added 78 photos, including photos Adscita albanica and Zerynthia polyxena , Lasiommata petropolitana and Maculinea arion , Anthocharis cardamines and Brintesia circe , Glaucopsyche alexis < / a>, Rhyparia purpurata , Arethusana arethusa and Proterebia afra , Argynnis pandora , Melitaea diamina , Minois dryas and Satyrus ferula .
Taxonomists, by the way, have another problem. In many respects, relations are regulated not by competitive and competitive methods, but rather through jurisprudence. That is, if someone has written even complete taxonomic nonsense, you are obliged, if you are engaged in the relevant group, to quote this nonsense. Even if it's complete nonsense and written in any obscure magazine. In other words, ...
New photos of the following butterfly species: Neozephyrus quercus - Zephyr oak Thecla betulae - Zephyr birch Trachea atriplicis - Scoop lebedovaya Hamearis lucina - Lucyna Macroglossum stellatarum - hummingbird hawk-moth Lymantria dispar - Silkworm unpaired Plebeius argyrognomon Libythea celtis - Nosatka leaf- Pyrgus ...
D-yes, please confirm the correctness of the suspicion thatOrrhodia fragariae = = Orbona fragariaePlusia chrysitis == Diachrysia chrysitisPlusia gamma = = Autographa gammaor refute...Thank you.Confirm
Hello, my name is Anastasia, I am an assistant producer on the film "Night Incident". I am not an expert in entomology and I really need your help. in the script, two entomologists are tasked with making a documentary about a rare butterfly species. this butterfly only flies at night. our heroes know the place where this butterfly flies - a field, a clearing, and so on. So far, we imagine it this ... (Bibliotheque National de France), by far the most important, with reproduced copies of many important early malacological and other natural history publications of Goettingen, Germany) is an index to on-line taxonomicpublications in various libraries, including a number available atthat university ...
The main thing is that there would be no sudden changes in temperature, decrease or increase.It can also be very much influenced by the temperature at which the butterflies were spread and at which they were stored for the first time for 1-2 months.Well, ventilation is mandatory
Ground beetles should not be disturbed in winter..they also need a period of rest.In general, it is not difficult to maintain...some of them are not difficult to breed...Oleg Berlov is a master of this business... somewhere here I gave links to his web pages (with techniques)... break-in to rummage and search... somewhere on <url>... try using the search engine...
A website dedicated to the animals of Mordovia was opened. We tried to create a system that would be convenient for all users. The site is "divided" into several categories. First, these are lists of currently reliably registered (and / or mentioned in the literature) invertebrates and vertebrates. All lists will be updated over time when new data is received. And they are gradually gaining more ...
now I'm more inclined to believe that the cause of death was nematodes. the symptoms are very similar indeed...
Dear colleagues!I invite everyone to take part in a mini-conference in the Moscow House of Butterflies on November 18 of this year. It starts at 19-30. The conference is devoted to methods of keeping and breeding butterflies and other insects in culture. You must first register with me. Please let me know the title of your report if you are going to come and speak. The conference will be held in ...