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How to get rid of insects

How to get rid of insects

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Who are these animals in the parquet? (36) Tumba

Dear biologists, help us understand who it is in the parquet.Small worms crawl out of cracks in the parquet floor, they're fast and creepy, and there are those black beetles that accumulate dead on the windowsill...all this is only in a room with ...

03.02.2017 23:55 GalinaGanske

NoThank you so much for your reply. Please tell me why the larvae will get into the wardrobe with clothes? Should I be afraid for my clothes? Can ...

Help identify a biting insect (20) garland

Dear participants,We've got someone wound up here. Photo here. You can't do better than that.http://forum.materinstvo.ru/index.php?view...9649&p=57366697This is my wife's message. It says how it moves, where it lives.In addition to this message, ...

23.01.2017 14:47 Necrocephalus

If you are from Moscow, please bring them to us. I'll send the address to the soap. Bedbugs from neighbors can come through the channels of water ...

Help me identify the insect from the drawing (7) kon333000

Hello!Please help us determine what kind of insect it is and whether it is dangerous for humans.This is the second instance that attacked my apartment.light rectangles are yellow!on the tail of the insect - two stingers of an arc-shaped shape.

05.01.2017 18:55 okoem

help me determine the type of caterpillar Butterfly from the family of volnyanok (Lymantriidae).

Please really need some help! (9) Bueena

Hello! Help us identify what it is and what to do about it.A couple of days I noticed this insect in my bed. And today there are three pieces at once. There is a child in the house and I am very worried.This post was edited by Bueena - 04.01.2017 ...

05.01.2017 4:05 Bueena

An ooteka was set aside for the Christmas tree. Little pilgrims hatched from their eggs and decided that spring had come. For humans, these newborns ...

Help me identify it (4) famirid

Dear experts, please help us identify the insect. There was a whole colony in the folds of upholstered furniture. Even like bloodsucking. I looked in the Internet for bedbugs and lice photos - it doesn't look like it Pictures:______1.JPG — ...

30.12.2016 17:33 Fornax13

Hurry up, this one: https://www.zin.ru/journals/zsr/content/201..._25_2_Gapon.pdf

Unknown from the ceiling (10) saharok

This reptile got out from behind the ceiling skirting board, flew to the light-to the chandelier, and then another one-fell on the sofa. bedbugs thought, but bedbugs don't fly...New neighbors moved in from above, maybe something got out of them??? ...

20.12.2016 21:59 saharok

And by the way, it was these beans that my child brought from the South. So your conclusion is just right!

Help determine the type of flea (4) sk123456

3 weeks ago there was a strong itch on hands. In some places on the body itchy pimples. I thought I was allergic. The dermatologist suggested that I was being bitten by either fleas or bedbugs. But during those weeks, I didn't notice anyone. But 1-2 ...

18.11.2016 0:06 coriander-lithurgus

This is the flea Ctenocephalides felis-the flea of cats. in dog fleas, Ct. canis, the forehead is steeper. Apparently there are cats in your ...

What are their tastes? (4) kolqq

Hello, I have a task to poison insects (hay eaters, leatherworms) on the balcony, which settled there during its non-glazing. The choice fell on the aquafumigator, as there are a lot of all kinds of cracks. But here's the problem - there are cracks ...

27.10.2016 0:52 Кузена

Is your balcony glazed or not? As far as I understand, to achieve this effect, the room should be as impermeable as possible to the influx of fresh ...

Help me get rid of the beetles (2) Anko0095

Good evening. The apartment has a lot of beetles that live everywhere except in the kitchen. It turns out that they also fly. There is a baby in the apartment, and these reptiles are crawling in the playpen and in the stroller. Please tell me who it ...

15.10.2016 21:50 Victor Titov

Good evening. The apartment has a lot of beetles that live everywhere except in the kitchen. It turns out that they also fly. Please tell me who it ...

Is there anywhere you can find a large number of blood-sucking midges attacking humans? (5) Necrocephalus

Actually, this is the question. The whole of Russia and surrounding countries are considered. If someone can reliably indicate places with a large number of blood-sucking midges attacking a person right now and in the next month , I will be very ...

03.10.2016 13:19 Penzyak

late August-early September

Book hay eaters (also known as book lice) (50) Кузена

On the glassed-in balcony, hay eaters and a couple of false scorpions were bred in a box of old books. I vacuumed them all, put the books in the freezer, and threw the box away. On the back wall of the box, I found a spot covered with what looked ...

09.09.2016 22:07 Кузена

After sorting through the farthest shelves of the huge built-in closet, my nerves gave out. I bought Xulat and treated the balconies, rooms before ...

Bugs in the air conditioner (9) Dimtrys

When servicing the air conditioner, our engineer found some small insects in the drainage pan. Photo here: http://climats.ru/zhuki-v-konditsionere.phpTo make the scale clear, the diameter of the drain hole in the pan is about 1 cm. We have been ...

09.08.2016 14:52 ИНО

Larvae should not overcome anything, they should only eat and grow. They overcome the imago by gnawing their way through the mandibles, which they ...

help identify the insects! (16) Oleonore

We live in a new panel house for six months, recently discovered 4 species of insects, we are alarmed, photos of 2 species are attached. All insects with a frame of less than 3 mm are found mainly in the bathroom. Please help me identify it! The 3rd ...

05.08.2016 21:45 Fornax13

Well, then, yes, most likely someone died in the ventilation system. If you remove it, you'll get rid of the beetles.This post was edited by ...

Emergency at the furniture factory! (2) kolchedantsev

Tell me pliz who is this? It was found in furniture packages, in cardboard, many pieces. The cardboard was chewed, but the furniture was not touched. Factory in the Ural Federal District, discovered in Kazakhstan, Ridder Pictures:___.jpg — ...

21.07.2016 10:58 Liparus

Tell me pliz who is this? It was found in furniture packages, in cardboard, many pieces. The cardboard was chewed, but the furniture was not ...

Determine the type of creature (8) aidarpro

I live on the 14th floor (40 meters from the ground) for 5 years. It was this summer that I began to notice the active appearance of this species, before that it may have been, but I did not look closely. Can someone determine the type of creature ...

12.07.2016 18:54 aidarpro

Well, you gave -- Metochus abbreviatus!!! This is the pinworm Brachycarenus tigrinus, which develops on grasses.Yes, he is the one. I live in Almaty ...

Mosquito repellents (39) insect94

Agree, sometimes mosquitoes are very annoying. Especially in the country. There are many anti-mosquito products: chemical, ultrasonic, ultraviolet, "smell", gas... Do you have such funds? Are they effective? Are they safe for humans and pets? ...

15.06.2016 1:15 ИНО

Not a debut. Exactly one year before (+/- a couple of days) "sititek sadovy-m" was already advertised somewhere here.

Got bitten by a fiddler beetle (6) sandman

Hello! has anyone ever been bitten by a bronzer? one landed on my pants, I didn't notice, I put my foot on my leg, he was pinned down, he used his jaws) after that, of course, I opened it. bitten through jeans the bite is quite painful, aching. What ...

30.05.2016 14:35 AVA

Maybe the author does not mean the bronze beetle, but some other species? For example, some shiny waspGlitter wasps also don't bite, even giant ...

Tell me what kind of "beast"? (3) Кирилл Кириллов

Dear sirs, please tell me what kind of winged settled at my house is it worth being afraid of them, maybe a moth..? And how to get rid of it. Photo attached

17.05.2016 16:59 passion777

Oh, I didn't know.

Help me identify it (2) Ivalex

This insect is probably well-known, but not to me. What kind of insect is this, how dangerous is it (in terms of a disease carrier), and what is the probability that it has a nest somewhere in the house with a couple of dozen more of the same ones? ...

04.05.2016 16:23 Alexandr Zhakov

This insect is probably well-known, but not to me. What kind of insect is this, how dangerous is it (in terms of a disease carrier), and what is the ...

Help in identifying the insect (3) Bycufal

Hello. In the house appeared these beetles, which I have never seen before. Help identify and identify the brood site. There are options that they are wound up in the hood in the kitchen. There from the yard, every year there was a swallow's nest. ...

21.04.2016 19:02 Bycufal

Thank you so much. Now we know how to proceed.

Help me get rid of the bug (6) ПавелУссурийск

Help Me Identify The Bug. They could not determine who went to the SES . We Need Your Help.This post was edited by PavelUssuriysk-29.03.2016 09: 17 Pictures:20160326_151652.jpg — (121.22к)

31.03.2016 3:30 Kalganchik

PavelUssuriysk, voooooo I also have a bunch of such houses (((

Help the insectoid (8) spcsol

What the hell is this? A hairy lump of 5 mm was sitting on the wallpaper, then it began to crawl. Pictures:IMG_20160220_121617.jpg — (1.48мб) IMG_20160220_121811.jpg — (1.11мб)

02.03.2016 17:16 Winner-Arinner

If there are not many of them, then there is nothing to be afraid of. They won't eat you and your furniture.

What kind of insect is this (6) Марисоль

Small,runs on walls and beds This post was edited by Marisol - 01/20/2016 17: 57

06.02.2016 22:23 Aleksandr Ermakov

For me so some Anthocoris, harmless predatory bedbug

Help me identify who it is? (4) Vladislav-09

Hello!Please help me determine who it is?It was found: after the beginning of a very strong tickle in the throat and managed to clear my throat strongly ... the following substance was detected. How it got into the body ... it's a mystery. I think ...

04.12.2015 18:13 Victor Titov

I think the answer is 5t points!!!I looked at the specified link - it matches 90%.Now the mystery is how it could get into the body or respiratory ...

Insects for insect control (4) biolight

Here I read a review article about a greenhouse company in Tatarstan, and there was such a phrase:"the spider mite is eaten by phytoseiulus, aphids are destroyed by the useful insect aphidius, amblyseus is an environmentally friendly means of ...

02.12.2015 22:20 ihlindham

I think that your question will be better answered by specialists from the Institute of Plant Protection (VIZR, St. Petersburg). There is a ...

And again, what a bug (5) sjitskiy

Good afternoon. Somewhere from the beginning of October in the bathroom on the second (attic) floor in the morning and during the day on the floor and in the bath itself began to appear small beetles, three or four beetles a day. In length no more ...

24.11.2015 0:21 Wild Yuri

Throw out a bag of seeds? I would have fried it!

What is now Ok for apple trees caterpillars poisoning? (9) Peter Khramov

Gardening question. There are some interesting thread of know-how in this area?

16.11.2015 17:58 Evgeny Komarov


What kind of bug? (7) Sandy55

Something bit my leg. In the lamp I found a lot of beetles like in the photo. What kind of beetles? Do they bite or not? Pictures:bug.JPG — (5.73к)

08.11.2015 2:25 Bad Den

Yes, write it in plain text-the legs are bitten by fleas. "And talk?"

Is the roommate dangerous? (2) guest: Илья

At home, such nonsense started up..from where? Is the roommate dangerous?

05.11.2015 12:07 Alexandr Zhakov

Not for humans, but for zoological collections, yes.Ham Leatherworm-Dermestes lardarius

Yellow mealworm beetle (22) guest: Елена

I am very glad that I found your forum. I live in Estonia, in a prefabricated house on the 5th floor. Windows on one side overlook the fields and cottages. In summer, there is a grid on the windows, but insects can crawl through it from the bottom ...

06.10.2015 14:09 Feliya

The horror! it's scary to even think about it!


28.09.2015 10:39 AnnaKet

Once again, thank you so much! They were never in this apartment, now I don't see any traces of them, they don't bite at night. But I'll keep ...

Dear friends, Please help me! (2) viki87

we have such a misfortune at home. in the beginning of the day I saw such a sooo small one in a box with papers, and now this adult is already on the ceiling. please help me understand who it is?I can definitely see that it's not a cockroach. I know ...

17.09.2015 13:55 omar

these are such cool cicadas. put a grid on the windows. perhaps brought with country belongings as well. they don't live in the house.

Fellow experts, help us identify something! (3) Vovka001

I welcome you all.The body of an adult is less than a millimeter, I think from 0.4 to 0.8, the body is rounded. The color is closer to brown, possibly black. It moves by jumping, and at a very high speed. It is observed as follows: there is a dot ...

16.09.2015 9:51 Vovka001

I thought so too. But the fleas are bigger. As I read, they can reach 3 mm, and these are less than a millimeter. And I have already called three ...

Question about mosquitoes (3) Nonexistent

Hello. I can't figure out what's wrong with mosquitoes. We haven't been able to get mosquitoes out of the house for more than a month. It's been autumn outside for a long time and it's cold, the window is always closed, but the mosquitoes do not ...

10.09.2015 12:12 Penzyak

Close the ventilation passages in the apartment with a small plastic mesh.

Someone very small is crawling everywhere... (16) Pripevochka5678

Hello! Tell me, I've been struggling with new tenants in the house for a month now. We come from vacation and on 4-5 days we understand that someone is biting us, then I notice something small crawling on a chair near the sofa, I didn't even think ...

03.09.2015 13:58 Victor Titov

We also live on the top floor, and birds fly in and sit right above our windows...... I wonder how to "kick the birds out", they hang out over us ...

Help identify the insect in the house (3) TanyaM

Good afternoon, please help me determine who it is, and tell me how to get rid of it.I started meeting them sometimes. Today I found a den in a pack of oatmeal in the kitchen. But they also ate candy and acorn in the room.They don't fly, run fast, ...

30.08.2015 12:40 TanyaM

Thanks! Yes, it is very likely that we have guests from Suriname. I take it that the main way to fight is to throw out the products in which they ...

Question to our specialists (33) vladvinn

Good day dear forumchane, we need your help. The fact is that today I found such a "moth"on the balcony. The question is whether to release it into the wild, and whether it will not harm the environment, flora, fauna, etc.?

04.08.2015 23:27 Bad Den

All, thank you, number five in this picture, in my opinion, revealed the topic. I'll go get a fly swatter and put Valerian with Corvalol in its ...

Kozheedy! Urgently! (11) Persik23

Good afternoon! We have a problem in the apartment for a year now! We suffer from these skin-eating beetles! Infected neighbors, brought them from somewhere. They do not want to starve themselves and live in complete unsanitary conditions, it is ...

25.07.2015 4:41 Transilvania

I've never seen a house crawling with beetles. I'm even interested to see such an apocalypse :-)One friend complained that moth flies in droves in ...


18.06.2015 3:13 vitaliya

thank you very much!!!

Bugs all over the house. Who is it? (5) AndyCat

Hello.Please identify the insect. A small beetle 2-3 mm long. Dark brown color. They crawl mostly on the floor, everywhere - in the kitchen, in the corridor, in the room. I often find a few pieces at a bowl of cat food. I recently found them in a ...

11.06.2015 22:19 AndyCat

I would like a better photo, preferably at the top, not at the bottom.I will try. It's too hard to focus on them in close-up.

Please help me identify it (5) Valenteen

I enclose the photo. In the apartment in the 9-storey building, such caterpillars have started up, crawling out from under the skirting boards periodically. Size 3-5 mm. Tell me what kind of animal Pictures:________2.jpg — (80.22к) ________1.jpg ...

11.06.2015 7:31 Valenteen

Thank you all very much!

Help us recognize what kind of animal is biting (26) zmey-gadukin

The information is as follows:The region is eastern Ukraine. Donetsk region.Place - private farmsteads, vegetable gardens.Symptoms - the bite is absolutely painless, at the site of the bite there is redness, the size of a nickel, with a clear single ...

09.06.2015 12:22 аруд

Good people!! Who knows how old the caterpillar Canephora hirsuta is????777777 Mercy however.

Betilids (3) Василинка

Wingless scleroderma wasps are occasionally found in my house. They poison our lives!!! They sting and the bite site swells to an incredible size, hurts and itches for three to four days. I do not know where they live, they are found in different ...

12.05.2015 13:13 Василинка

thank you.

Help me, who is it? (2) darvinho

Please help me, I began to notice beetles before going to bed, got under the sofa on the floor 2 pieces crawled, still on the wall 1, who are they, what do they need))? Pictures:OpvQ_dsZTGw.jpg — (90.91к) 3jt89OirLso.jpg — (61.05к)

11.02.2015 8:39 AGG

most likely kozheed smirnova

Who bites? Fighting methods (3) maroya

Here is such a contagion every summer and autumn thrives in a Moscow apartment, flying from the street to the light.Bites painfully in the eyes, and the bite then itches for a long time like a flea.Bright green, flat as a flea.Now the epidemic has ...

20.08.2014 15:17 maroya

these are some kind of cicadas, they feed on plants, and why they bite, probably no one knows, but the fact is, I also met biting cicadas. How to ...

How to deal with flies (1) Ольга2000

Good afternoon, entomologists!I am an ordinary, poorly enlightened person. While living in the country, I was faced with an unsolvable task, how to scare away annoying flies in the open air. There are no effective tools on sale.And then the wild ...

08.07.2014 16:01 Ольга2000

Good afternoon, entomologists!I am an ordinary, poorly enlightened person. While living in the country, I was faced with an unsolvable task, how to ...

Bitten by an insect in Africa (21) Мануэла

Добрый день участникам форума.Помогите, пожалуйста, определить насекомое.Заранее извиняюсь, если зря создала новую тему, но ...

11.05.2014 20:38 Мануэла

by the way, this stupid bug I fed)) gave him a black ant almost the size of himself. well, he was not at a loss - he immediately clung to him (he was ...

Termites (5) AWA

Hello, dear entomologists!I ask for your advice on such an important problem for me - termites were found in the house.House in Dnepropetrovsk region. It is built of adobe (clay with straw), without a foundation, later it was covered with brick, and ...

27.04.2014 16:17 AWA

Thank you for your participation, but, unfortunately, I didn't find any cartocide on the Ukrainian Internet.

Bedbeetles have settled! (13) Soulmate

I can't understand these insects. I looked through all the seams in the sofas, wardrobes, linen. They're nowhere to be found. Nevertheless, almost every morning we find them on the ceiling above the bed, one copy at a time. I have no bite marks, my ...

26.12.2013 23:23 Triplaxxx

Bedbugs are nasty creatures that carry various sores, so you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible!Bed beetles (Cimicidae) do not tolerate ...

Book lice. Are there any ways to get rid of it? (50) daniela

I apologize for my persistence. I already asked this question a few days ago,but unfortunately no one answered me. I understand that you are discussing more interesting,professional issues,but that is why I turned to you for help. Please give me ...

19.09.2013 11:03 bkt

tell me someone still got rid of them?

Pages: 1 2 3

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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