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04.10.2009 22:18, RippeR: comment on Cyphogastra

Goldfish of the genus Cyphogastra [attachmentid()=72562]This post was edited by RippeR - 04.10.2009 22: 18 Pictures:__chevrolati_3.JPG — (25.39к)

02.10.2009 10:18, guest: Вадим: comment on Fluctuating asymmetry in insects

I am engaged in research on the fauna and ecology of dragonflies in the Caucasus. Dissertation was on this topic. I didn't specifically study wing venation asymmetry, but it's interesting. I will be glad to talk - pantala@mail.ru

01.10.2009 15:37, Jarik: comment on Caterpillar feeding environment

Agar-Agar is sold mainly only in large quantities! If you believe the ad, it is available in this store: http://www.indianspices.ru/index.php?ct=18 pre-packaged for 50g. There are also phone numbers, so you can call back and check availability!

01.10.2009 15:37, Frantic: comment on Koh Chang or Koh Samui

Alas! my trip to Koh Samui failed. Replacement country found, but I won't say anything yet, so as not to jinxit

27.09.2009 18:51, Koshkin: comment on I will buy a male Chelorrhina polyphemus or exchange a female for larvae of the same species. Moscow

There is a female bronzer-polyfam, as it turned out, much younger than her deceased brothers, bought with her. It has been living alone for 2 weeks, it does not lay eggs, so a cavalier is being sought, or I can exchange it for 10-20 larvae of 1L of the same species, or larvae of another large beetle. An exchange for other invertebrates (other than stick insects) is also suitable.

27.09.2009 15:03, Cosmos: comment on Photos of insect mattresses

Yes, the topic is not new, I also suggested it, and posted something (someone else's Madagascar is in the topic of exchanges and sales), but it would be necessary to develop the topic of just faunal and seasonal appearance of faunas. That's just even on your own computer kaksha from these photo data. It would be good to organize it by regions, teams (using the link page, and it would be good to ...

27.09.2009 13:41, nitens: comment on I will buy material on road wasps Pompilidae

Found my old ad))) I must say that everything is still relevant)))

23.09.2009 12:59, plotter: comment on Female mosquito on human skin

Interested. How do you stick a mosquito in a piece of dead human skin??? You can't screw it in with a screwdriver.

22.09.2009 18:18, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Promising and relevant topics of entomology

Yes, the area is not for the faint of heart! but interesting and useful! Morfey, do you work in it? are you studying or planning to?Link to Gennard_D_Forensic Entomology An Introduction_2007 - did you give this?There was also a book like this here:Narchuk_Opredelitel_Semeistv_Diptera_Rossii_2003

22.09.2009 15:28, vlad-veras: comment on Mealworm and non-flying fruit fly

Actual, there is zofobas.

21.09.2009 21:21, Bad Den: comment on Sell the generator

No, I have it here

21.09.2009 17:40, SoloD: comment on Beetle as a gift

thank you for your advices

19.09.2009 22:26, Liparus: comment on Share information about catching in Papua New Guinea

zlatki umatnye, only a little, and mesnomu raping neelza give the task to catch any species, so that in the future very deshivo buy material from them?so did anyone do it?

17.09.2009 22:54, RippeR: comment on August, northern Thailand. Report


15.09.2009 23:24, Archypus: comment on Subgenus Tribax Fisch., 1817 (Carabus)

I would like to ask a few questions about biebershteini.How far west on the northern macroslope, according to your data, is biebershteini widespread?What is the westernmost subspecies?How do you think biebershteini and constantinowi relate, and do they share a common habitat?Please tell me the dimensions of the three biebershteini shapes given by You

10.09.2009 17:53, vasiliy-feoktistov: comment on Agapanthia

1) What is meant by "burdock"? Burdock? Thistle? Bodyak? Please specify.2) Did you collect beetles "by hand" or by mowing? And in what quantity (series?). Barbels are very mobile, and the capture of one or two or so specimens on a plant with a sufficient number of scabbers nearby does not confirm or refute the fact of intermedia monophagy.Bodyak, exactly. Early May-mid-June. But only in one ...

09.09.2009 16:26, Papis: comment on Ethiopia

What was your last trip to insects like?Should I apply for a visa at the airport? Well, these are the details.

08.09.2009 20:17, Ptera: comment on II CIS Symposium on Hymenopteran Insects, September 2010

Official website of the Symposium: www.zin.ru/conferences/hym2/Upload the First newsletter: DOC, PDF.II Symposium of the CIS countries on Hymenopteran insectsSeptember 2010, Russia, St. PetersburgFIRST INFORMATION MESSAGEThe Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, together with St. Petersburg State University, Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Russian Entomological ...

07.09.2009 16:44, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #3915

This one is Nymphalis vau-album (=Nymphalis l-album).

07.09.2009 16:43, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #3914

This is Nymphalis vau-album (=Nymphalis l-album).

07.09.2009 10:45, RippeR: comment on What genus does Lyristes plebeja belong to?

genus Lyristesspecies plebejaorder Isoptera suborder Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha)

06.09.2009 23:28, Pirx: comment on Hornets on lilac trees

Aren't the leaves and branches sticky and sweet by any chance?

05.09.2009 21:17, Victor Titov: comment on Damage to lilac leaves

So, inspired by the success of the operation brilliantly carried out by Anthrenus, 10 minutes ago I armed myself with a net and went out into the courtyard of my house, where the characteristic leaf bites were also noticeable on the lower branches of the lilac bushes. As a result, about a dozen Otiorhynchus smreczynskii were sent to the staining department.

04.09.2009 19:40, barko: comment on What light insects are not attracted to?

... it is necessary to illuminate the object, but not attract insects ... ... wind turbines should be illuminated at night with powerful spotlights, the light of which attracts insects, and therefore bats, which in turn increases the risk of their death.... Why light up wind farms with powerful spotlights? There are a lot of wind farms in Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. Entire forests of ...

03.09.2009 20:40, Anton Nikolaev: comment on Rhopalocera from Khakassia

I undertook to write a faunal list of mace-whiskered lepidoptera of Khakassia.If you have any materials from Khakassia, or you know that someone else has them, please let me know. Thank you very much.Anton Nikolaevhttp://diurna-sib.livejournal.com/

01.09.2009 18:03, RippeR: comment on August, Northern Thailand

we demand photos of mattresses!

29.08.2009 13:30, evk: comment on Monochamus sp. Lamiinae

And from me M. urussovi, taken in the Altai Mountains 20.08.2009

29.08.2009 9:08, vasiliy-feoktistov: comment on Upis ceramboides

Last year, I got 2 copies. under the bark of dead birches in the Balashikha district of Moscow region-for the first and I'm afraid for the last time.Re: By the way, here is a photo of one of my 2 last year's trophies. Caught: 23.04.2008 Moscow region, Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district, dried peat bog in the forest, under the bark of a rotten birch.This post was edited by ...

26.08.2009 18:17, omar: comment on "Pests" of the pine forest

Polyphagus is a polyphagus, but in the Crimea it was only caught on pine trees.

26.08.2009 10:49, юльча: comment on Stick insects are sick!


25.08.2009 19:44, vasiliy-feoktistov: comment on Middle Wine Hawk Moth (Sphingidae)

By the way, here is his worm on ivan tea. Pictures:Deilephila_elpenor.jpg — (87.19к)

25.08.2009 19:04, Shtil: comment on Insecta varia, Israel - insects of Israel

Dear Sanangel, The question is a little off topic, but I hope the moderator will forgive me. A couple of my friends are going to Israel for two weeks to visit a former classmate, to relax. I'm going to ask them to catch some fish. We are not talking about serious fishing, but rather at the level of "the beetle crawled past, so we captured it". And friends are not entomologists at all, no one will ...

25.08.2009 10:05, guest: Ван: comment on Insects of Vietnam

21.08.2009 21:47, Peter Khramov: comment on I'll give it away in Moscow. UP: Done


20.08.2009 22:30, Peter Khramov: comment on Question to the Nizhny Novgorod comrades

Why buy CHEAPER??? It may be more troublesome to do, but it's definitely not cheaper to buyBecause time is more expensive...

20.08.2009 15:41, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg: comment on Sale of entomological literature

Colleagues, many of these "zborniki" can be obtained at a residual price, or even completely free of charge (if you ask for a reasoned request) in the appropriate scientific institution.This post was edited by Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg - 08/20/2009 15: 41

20.08.2009 15:20, Peter Khramov: comment on Conversion of wingspan to front wing length

OK. I conclude that the correct option as the main one is the wing length, that when there is no data on the wing length, the span will also go, and that it is impossible to automatically translate the span into length with a sufficient degree of accuracy.Thank you all!

20.08.2009 11:52, guest: Sofia: comment on Catching and collecting butterflies

Good time of day) Could you tell a novice amateur some details about collecting butterflies?Where is it more correct to place a caught butterfly? In a triangular bag or in a cage? How to make sure that the butterfly is not frayed when it is placed in a stain, for example, or in the same cage?Sorry, please, for such banal questions) Thank you in advance for the answer)

19.08.2009 22:50, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Ladybugs at an altitude of 5000m above sea level?!

not all insects are active all summer. some have a summer rest (summer diapause, estivation). at some point in the summer (when heat, drought, or lack of food occurs), they move to cooler places and wait out this period. As I recall, some cows do this in the mountains. I don't know if 5000 m is too high for them... what's the temperature there? in principle, they can be there until spring. then ...

14.08.2009 17:27, phalops: comment on Pdf of Cetoniidae

Jest u kolegów?MIKSIC, Monographie der Cetoniinae der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region. I-IV

13.08.2009 18:07, Александр Разбойников: comment on Author of illustrations

Hi! I am very pleased that my drawings were recognized!Thanks! Alexander.August 13, 2009

12.08.2009 23:04, zarikoff: comment on Is it a caterpillar or a crocodile?

Thanks! We looked at the photos in the search engine, like it really is. You shed a balm of calm on two troubled homes, that's really-learning-light.

11.08.2009 18:49, swerig: comment on Where to go in the first half of September?

Kyrgyzstan rules-four hours of summer, two hours by car-and you are in entomological paradise

11.08.2009 17:53, guest: omar: comment on Properties for the correct insect catalog filter

Nevertheless, this publication has scientific value to this day. And at the time of its release, it was in high demand.

11.08.2009 12:30, Aaata: comment on Tragosoma depsarium

The beast is serious... For him in the Ministry of Defense for several years purposefully go, so far to no avail. Look in the topic" Trips " on the last page of post 207 and next to it-there is something about this.This post was edited by Aaata - 08/11/2009 12: 33

10.08.2009 18:59, Peter Khramov: comment on Reform of the site, temporarily disabling the download of new information

In connection with the reform of the site, aimed at improving the quality of published information on it, and improving usability of the site functions download photos and user comments (except for comments to a photo) on Lepidoptera.ru temporarily disabled. Your suggestions for new features, and site content is now especially relevant respectively Guest book remains active for your suggestions, ...

09.08.2009 17:28, Chromocenter: comment on Mass death of bumblebees. Moscow

not... the way is possible-to swallow a bumblebee, say (do not swallow, Bumblebee...) ... but we do not have such a system - there is nothing to infect the virus

09.08.2009 15:31, barko: comment on Croatia. July

Here in Croatia there is a small report on daily statistics for Julyhttp://www.lepiforum.de/cgi-bin/2_forum.pl?read=49919

09.08.2009 5:42, Guest: comment on Need expert help!

dear forum author! You have accessed the wrong site. Here people gather mostly KILLING insects by the HUNDREDS!!! And you - how to save, treat, etc. It's like asking Chikatilo for medicine for a sick person - he will laugh and advise you to kill the poor guy. By the way, it's as simple as that, we probably don't exist as individuals for insects, so they are unlikely to appreciate your work...Oh! ...

08.08.2009 9:04, Aaata: comment on Whose larvae are these?

but Bree isn't exactly on that list...and we have entered

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