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If you want to get a lot of swallowtail eggs, just put the female in a cage with fennel or dill and feed a 10% solution of honey at least once a day. Only in the shade will not be laid, and so-dozens of eggs (sometimes more than a hundred). View, take pictures, no problems.For example -
Diachrysia chrysitis Linnaeus, 1758Unlike the previous type, which I have often seen over the past five years, I only came across copies with an unbroken sling this year. They occurred together with Diachrysia stenochrysis, but much less frequently (1/5). According to this topic, Diachrysia chrysitis can only be considered instances with a continuous sling, but on many sites, this ...
Sedakov grasshopper habitat station. Photo taken by Grigory Stavrov. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Novy Urengoy district Pictures:Local_habitat.JPG — (280.66к)
Oh, to spoil the beetle-eka trouble. I once had a book fall into an open box with a buzzer from the top shelf (ironically, a fly detector). Almost two dozen valuable (for me) copies were lost.And yet, when there were no normal pins and you had to use Soviet "hooks", they constantly clung imperceptibly to the sleeves of the sweater, were badly damaged or were found only on the floor.As for gluing ...
PS The fellow traveler never got in touchSo on that and "Fellow traveler"This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 12/30/2009 23: 01
Colleagues, please help me find a valid phone number for Sergey Obukhov (Saint Petersburg). I want to congratulate my friend on NG. Answer in PM. THANK YOU!
Pseudatteria cf. ardoris (Tortricidae: Chlidanotinae : Polyorthini). Peru, Tambopata National Park.This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 12/25/2009 23: 38
There were butterflies, but I don't understand them very well, so I didn't pay much attention and almost didn't catch them.Well, buggers went mostly, yes
Registration is sacred.It is also a good idea to implement the accumulation of statistics: places and dates of observations of a particular type. Only it is necessary in my opinion to save this information, but not to give it out in a " raw " form (it will be limited to, for example, the region or, for example, the south of the Moscow region, etc.). Something like this:papilio machaon was ...
Yes, I have birmanikusy much cheaper.Times 2. Dorogova is 15 bucks.But here as everywhere-everyone has their own prices, and the desire to buy or not.The species are not uncommon.If you know the place, then even en masse.This post was edited by taler - 12/21/2009 18: 28
Just awesome! thank you! It's a pity that you took pictures of all this in botany, because I already wanted to offer my services as a straightener and as a trapper next time.
The Manual of Afrotropical Diptera ( is aimed to encourage the study of dipterology, both on and beyond the African continent, for the use of practicing systematists, applied entomologists, conservationists, all students of entomology and the public at large.
Ropalopus ungaricus (Herbst, 1784) male, 18mmIvano-Frankivsk region, Verkhovyn district, Burkut village, Cherny Cheremosh River valley, VII. 2002, leg.Zamoroka A. Pictures:Ropalopus_ungaricus.18_mm.jpg — (107.13к)
With the departure of the remarkable entomologist Marikovsky to the upper people, the Soviet period in entomology is also largely disappearing. For a pittance, you could go anywhere from the desert to the tundra, from the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean. The golden age for the Russian entomologist was friends. Let's hope that entomologists will not be transferred to Kazakhstan... Another page in the ...
About ten years ago, we had a student who came to our department as a schoolboy and became interested in entomology. Unfortunately, he has a very creative soul - he didn't finish his studies, he left for the army. And now he is engaged in artistic metal forging. So, when he was still a schoolboy, he built a whole box of various chimeras from the waste of his field practice in invertebrate zoology ...
Here he is, like, and caught apollo in the Dniester canyon in the 80's. The point seems to be there, a little vague, but it's not clear if there was a population there, they would already know about it, and why a single specimen, a stray migrant, or something, appears So it seems to me, and even if the label says " Ivano-Frankivsk region." then it is very much like falsification, because: "In ...
As I understand it, we are talking about the entire genus Monochamus...It is as a POTENTIAL carrier of stem nematodes that this genus was included in the A2 lists (limited-spread CVO-quarantine pest). It has been proven that the Bursaphelenchus xylophilus counterpart, namely Bursaphelenchus mucronatus, can successfully tolerate M. urussovi. But something in the first message the problem is too ...
So in the insectarium in general, monarchs sit, and not thistles, And their wings, indeed, opened poorly...
And to call it sareptensis Stgr.; to stipulate that the description is clearly late, it would be absolutely correct; and the year will still have to be put, probably, in 1861. Nothing else comes to mind, and this option passes completely regardless of who made the grammatical correction of the name and when.
Three weekly cycles at +2...+4 with "thawing" for two days between cooling to +25...+28. The last time I raised the temperature to +35, the caterpillars decreased by one and a half times, but began to feed and grow. Before that, I could not get out of the winter diapause, I tried many options - this one was a success.
I'm afraid I'll have to look for such works in "paper" libraries. By the way, you can also search online, but mostly in English-language sources. Search for the following keywords: neuronal, insect, registration. To be honest, I had no experience with compact devices placed on the body of a freely moving insect, and I am not even sure of the reality of their existence. Electrophysiological work ...
I am very worried about the lack of my entomological education. I consider myself a fairly knowledgeable person, but when I was present at a discussion between two graduates of the St. Petersburg State University Entomology Department, I realized how much, much, much I don't know. Education in a good university is very important!
It seems to me that you understood everything I wrote perfectly, but decided not to agree Please explain. In general, I associate the words" apparatus for obtaining evidence " with the inventory of, for example, the inquisition . This means that physicists usually have easier access to the most up-to-date equipment than representatives of other scientific fields. Unambiguous? In my humble ...
Dear colleagues,Currently, there is no access to Russian-language libraries and you need a PDF of the article. Yablokov-Khnzoryan S. M. 1986. A new genus and species of fan-bearing beetles from Tajikistan (Coleoptera, Rhipiphoridae). Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Vol. 82, No. 2, pp. 89-92. I will be grateful,АР
Hello. I want to tell you a boring, non-instructive story:At the very end of October and beginning of November, in the yard toilet in the morning, I began to notice fly larvae unsuccessfully poking into a corner and trying to burrow there. I was surprised at where they could have come from, since everything is clean, and the point has the shape of an inkwell-neprolivashki… Over the course of ...
No, it doesn't fly away. There, a bag of fine-meshed cloth is taped inside the pipe, and everything remains in it.
I think you can read the article at this link will be useful for both you and your readers.I saw this article, thank you. It seems that my reader has a problem with low-quality humus, which is obviously full of peat and small sawdust to create more "biomass". After reading the letter carefully again, I realized that she was a fan of organic farming ...
Right here photo of the golden-eyed horsefly And here photo of goldeneye.thank you very much..just latoglazok very much in my apartment flies and I did not fight I did the right thing that I didn't kill them, because I was already afraid that they were biting and I wanted to catch them all
Siberian Branch of the Russian Entomological Society Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences VIII Interregional Meeting of Entomologists of Siberia and the Far East October 2010city of NovosibirskFirst newsletterOrganizing Committee Chairman:Glupov V. V.-Professor, Director of ISiER SB RAS Co-Chairs:Kharitonov A. Yu. - Chairman of the SF ...
Zygaena laeta (Hubner, [1790])June 27, 2009, Crimea, vicinity of Feodosia, Tepe-Oba.Photos in nature. Pictures:20090627_114251.jpg — (53.61к)
This is for industrial premises. At home, it is better to mechanically destroy the breeding center. As a last resort, try buying pheromone traps.This post was edited by vlad-veras - 10/31/2009 20: 58
people who can help with lists of metaheterocera species from their native land, preferably with an indication of the author or source - blood from the nose is necessary for the dissertation as a comparative material. In exchange, I can share with those in need information on the same topic in the Lipetsk region from my research.Visit our website. There are lists of butterfly families ...
"Bookcase".Of course, I would like a competent librarian to have access to this cabinet..."Eminent entomologists".I would like, of course, to see some continuity...And then how does it happen?A famous entomologist will release a list of the region you've visited once and a half, and you look at this list and wonder: where did it come from? And instead of clarifying, deepening, going further, you ...
I will give it to good hands, to those who do not feed spiders, but breed and love:cockroaches: Blaberus craniifer, 3 pieces, coming soon flying carsThese will have to be put in a jar, and then they will have to buy something or glue it, they are flying.Archimandrita tesselata, there are 10 of them, they multiply slowly: Black ones. These I can give with a glass terrarium, a glass box made of ...
Yes, I saw it all. In the wiki, just translate this text. Cool. Vapshche. I am interested specifically in research on the evolution of this genus. After all, there must be some kind of PDF file on the network.Must. But it's not there. For some reason. G. regius and G. cacicus are distributed eastward to the Niger River, and from the mountains of western Cameroon (Mount Adamawa) eastward to ...
2 more Tinnikas from the Moscow region.Bugs caught: 26.04.1999 Here: Moscow region Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district, sandy bank of a stream.Many thanks to evk(y) for the help in determining.1) Elaphrus (Neoelaphrus) cupreus Duftschmid, 18122) Elaphrus (Elaphroterus) angusticollis R.F.Sahlberg, 1844This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 11.10.2009 20: 09 Pictures:1.jpg — ...
Can someone else advise something about wintering caterpillars? I have in particular an Oak-leaved cocoonworm.Increase the light day, then it will not fall into diapause, very often butterflies of this genus are bred without diapause.
б) Кабардино-Балкария, окр. г. Нальчик, верх. Белой речки, в пещере, 19.07.1987. А. Кравец.12,5-16,5 мм.картинка: L_koenigi_Kabarda.jpgВероятно, это Laemostenus (Antisphodrus) suramensis (Rtt.) я препарировал материал с этих мест, очень хорошо отличаются и по ...
I have a couple this year in Primorsko-Akhtarsk on the light flew-also at first a cool beetle thought, until Omar told the whole truth ))Yes, he is not cool, but rather his lifestyle is specific. More kills the fact that we have it looks like the only beetle from the tribe (that's why I started the topic).
Bright memory to Gleb Sergeevich! A great scientist and a good man! Another blow to entomology. There is no great true friend, who is now very few and who are known in trouble Izyaslav Moiseevich Kerzhner and now here is Gleb Sergeevich, who also supported me and my family. This is not forgotten and not believed.....