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05.07.2009 15:27, Peter Khramov: comment on Argynnis paphia

Comment Timur Chemerkina transferred to comment Photo # 1665.

05.07.2009 15:23, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3158

Moved from Melanargia galathea to Melanargia halimede.

05.07.2009 15:09, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3045

Image goes to "identified successfully".

05.07.2009 15:08, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3044

Moved to "identified successfully".

05.07.2009 15:07, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3033

Photo goes to "identified successfully".

05.07.2009 15:03, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3237

Image goes from "undetermined" to Euhampsonia splendida.

04.07.2009 12:50, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Sphingoneopsis gorgoniades

The caterpillars feed on the bedstraw and form clusters, is rare. South Europe, Central Asia.

03.07.2009 11:41, bober: comment on Help from the invasion

попробуйте вычистить сарай от куриного помета(очень хорошо) и всё пройти раствором извести... обычно помогает для дизенфекции таких сооружений

03.07.2009 7:46, Oleg Seliverstov: comment on photo #3404

This species is identified correctly. Emmelia trabealis.

03.07.2009 2:40, Peter Khramov: comment on Another 79 pictures of butterflies

Photographs provided by: Dean Rogatnykh, Natalia Demchenko Boris Stradomsky, Nikolai Vladimirov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Timur Chemerkin, Vladimir Bobrov Oleg Seliverstov, Ilya Ustyantsev, Nikolai Kiselev, Roman Nenashev, Alexander Kolesnikov and Denis Tumanov.

03.07.2009 2:19, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3169

Moved to "identified successfully".

02.07.2009 12:59, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Proserpinus proserpina

Caterpillar can be safely nurse on willow-tea (Cyprus).

02.07.2009 9:21, coffinfly: comment on Vacancy for Professor / lecturer of entomology

Рай для энтомолога - Восточный Кейп, Южный Дракенсберг. Ежели кто соберется (и кому повезет), имейте ввиду, что надо при оформлении документов надо уложиться в 3 месяца между датой публикации объявления (5 июля) и подачей ...

02.07.2009 0:24, Ivan Stogov: comment on photo #3306

This species is identified correctly.

01.07.2009 15:27, Guest: comment on Species Description | Urban mosquitoes

какя продолжительность жизни комара

01.07.2009 12:40, Pavel Morozov: comment on What subfamily does Rabtala splendida belong to?

Чтобы не было путанницы в целях ликбеза:В современных работах (Schintlmeister) походные шелкопряды (Thaumetopoeinae) НЕ включаются в состав семейства NotodontidaeВ Евразии семйство хохлаток представлено в следующих подсемействах:Dudusinae (у ...

01.07.2009 2:26, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #1778

Image goes from Cleora cinctaria to Eupithecia lanceata.

30.06.2009 1:58, Peter Khramov: comment on New fixes in photo captions, clarification on the download page

Thanks to the comments of our members corrected some errors in the pictures on the website.In addition, for better orientation in how to download pictures to a site further highlight key information on the download page of photos and pages with descriptions of species there is an additional link to download the form, allowing not flip through the entire text once again, if you just need to upload ...

30.06.2009 1:45, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #1909

Gentlemen, thanks to all, image goes to Idaea biselata.

29.06.2009 19:18, Vladimir Bobro: comment on photo #2582

This species is identified correctly.

29.06.2009 2:56, Peter Khramov: comment on Transferring multiple photos from undefined to defined

And yet - a few new taksonov catalog.

29.06.2009 2:20, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3076

Goes to Xanthorhoe biriviata.

29.06.2009 2:13, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3238

Moved to Megaspilates mundataria.

29.06.2009 2:07, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3235

The image goes from undetermined to Ascotis selenaria ones.

28.06.2009 21:10, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Polyommatus ciscaucasicus

(= Yurinekrutenko Koak, 1996; = carmonides Eckweiler, 1997). Description. Length of front wing 14-18 mm. The male wings are dark blue-purple, shiny, with an edge dimming width from 1 to 3 mm; a female - brown.Underneath the wings of the male gray-beige with a pattern of dark postdiskalnyh and marginal elements in the rear wing with little or no blue basal spraying, in the female - light ...

28.06.2009 21:08, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Cupido alcetas

(= Coretas (Ochsenheimer, 1807)). Description. Length of front wing 11-16 mm. Wings top male blue-violet with a very narrow black edge, females - brown; bottom - a pale blue-gray. Marginal low contrast image below. At the rear wing of the thread-like tail length not exceeding 1.0 mm.At its base from the bottom of the rear wings often marginalized orange spots absent or weakly expressed there is ...

28.06.2009 16:52, Peter Khramov: comment on Dozens of new photos of butterflies

Authors photos - Flegontova Hope, Dean Rogatnykh Boris Stradomsky Vasily Vladimirov and Nikolai Feoktistov.

28.06.2009 3:12, Peter Khramov: comment on Adding Photos

From Sergey Demyanenko, Ilya Ustyantseva and Viktor Titov.

27.06.2009 5:48, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Praephilotes anthracias

Description. Length of front wing 10-14 mm. The wings of both sexes are dark brown on top, at the apex lightened. Below the wings are dark brown with postdiskalnym and marginalized figure, slightly contrasting with the background, especially on the front wings. Fringe colorful wings. The length of the valve is 0.5-0.6 mm. Valves with a narrow costal process. Biology.The sand of the desert. ...

26.06.2009 21:10, Peter Khramov: comment on The new taxa in the catalog

Added several new genera and species.

26.06.2009 15:43, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Lamproptera meges

Very tiny Asian sailboat - has a wingspan of only 3-5 cm and very long spur on the hind wings.

25.06.2009 19:47, Peter Khramov: comment on Eversmannia exornata

Ilya, if you mean that it is not in the directory - top right there is a link to download the photos of those species are not found in the database of the site. If there is a mind that is not hvataaet any photos that you upload - otpishite details in the mail, and that when it was downloaded, what is not in your personal account.

25.06.2009 18:59, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Cupido osiris

(= Sebrus (Boisduval, 1832); = majuspunctata (Verity, 1934)). Description. Fore wing length of 10 - 16 mm. Wings of male purple top, females - brown, bottom - light gray. Marginal figure below is virtually nonexistent. The length of the valve, including the length of the costal process is 0.9 - 1.1 mm. Biology. Grasslands of various types, steppe areas. In the mountains up to 2600 m.Years of ...

25.06.2009 17:57, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Polyommatus ripartii

Description. Length of front wing 13-19 mm. In both sexes wings are dark brown; bottom - light brown, blue on the hind wings pretornal spraying is not developed. Marginal drawing underside of the wings is virtually nonexistent. On the rear fenders along the veins M3 bright white bar. The length of the valve is 2.2-2.5 mm. Haploid - 90 chromosomes.Biology. Steppe grasslands, rocky steppes. In ...

25.06.2009 13:13, Peter Khramov: comment on 65 new photos

The gallery uploaded new photos, including many previously unillustrated online forms. For pictures thank Dean Rogatnykh, Boris Stradomsky, Viktor Titov and Ilya Ustyantseva. Preview the new photos:

25.06.2009 6:43, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Plebejus sephirus

(= Uhryki (Rebel, 1911); = microsephyrus (Verity, 1935); = modica (Verity, 1935); = kovacsi (Szabo, 1954); = proximus (Szabo, 1954); = foticus (Szabo, 1954); = magnificus Balint, 1987). Description. Length of front wing 13-17 mm. The male on top of the wings purple-blue on the hind wings marginal black spots; a female - brown with orange marginal wells. The underside of the wings of gray. Figure ...

24.06.2009 7:22, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Polyommatus coelestina

Description. Length of front wing 12-16 mm. The male wings on top of intense blue, shiny, with an edge dimming width up to 1.5 mm; a female - brown, often with hilar blue sputtering and orange marginal holes on the rear fenders. Underneath the wings of the male and female gray.Figure underside of the wings consists mainly of postdiskalnogo number of spots, the females sometimes there is a ...

24.06.2009 6:56, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Polyommatus damocles

Description. Length of front wing 14-17 mm. The male on top of the wings of blue, shiny, with fine dark boundary line (0.5 mm); a female - brown. Apex front wings pointed. Underneath the wings of the male light gray in the back wing of the blue pretornal spraying is not developed; a female - light brown. Marginal drawing underside is very weak.On the rear fenders along the veins M3 bright clear a ...

24.06.2009 5:07, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Tongeia fischeri

Description. Fore wing length of 9-13 mm. Wings of male and female brown on top; bottom - light gray-beige. Figure underside of the wings contrasting with orange submarginal spots on the hind wings. Marginal black spots bottom rear wings with bright blue scales. At the rear wing of the thread-like tail length not exceeding 1.0 mm.The length of the valve is 0.7-0.8 mm. Biology. Stony steppe. ...

24.06.2009 0:35, bsm: comment on Entomophagy

  всякой дряни, типа полыни.   Ну, если полыни будет изрядно - двойная польза - и покушать и глистов прогнать...А абсент делается только из одного вида полыни - Artemisia absinthium L. И дюже неполезная это вещь...Впрочем, и как ...

23.06.2009 21:45, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Plebejus loewii

In the North Caucasus P. loewii dzhemagati (Sheljuzhko, 1934). Description. Length of front wing 14-16 mm. A male blue wings on top, with the edge dimming 2-3 mm wide and dark veins; a female - brown with orange-hole course at the anal angle of the rear wings. From below the wing of the male gray-brown, the female - light brown. Drawing a contrast underside of the wings.Marginal black spot in ...

23.06.2009 21:31, Boris Stradomsky: comment on photo #3178

Plebeius (Plebejides) pylaon (Fischer de Waldheim, 1832), male.

23.06.2009 21:31, Boris Stradomsky: comment on photo #3177

Plebeius (Plebejides) pylaon (Fischer de Waldheim, 1832), male.

23.06.2009 21:30, Boris Stradomsky: comment on photo #3176

Plebeius (Plebejides) pylaon (Fischer de Waldheim, 1832), female.

23.06.2009 21:29, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Pseudophilotes bavius

Description. Length of front wing 10-15 mm. On top of the wings in males shiny dark blue with a very wide edge dimming rear wings with orange marginal spots in the anal angle; a female - dark brown to blue-coated flakes in the basement area. Below the wings are light gray with a contrasting postdiskalnym and marginal figure.Orange marginal spots bottom rear wings are fused into a coherent sling. ...

23.06.2009 21:24, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Plebejus pylaon

(= Cyane (Fryer, 1845)). Description. Length of front wing 12-17 mm. The male on top of the wings of purple and blue, with very little darkened veins on the hind wings are sometimes translucent red marginal spots; a female - brown with clarified the apex of the front wings and orange marginal holes on the rear fenders.The underside of the wings from white to light gray. Drawing the bottom of the ...

23.06.2009 21:18, Peter Khramov: comment on New photos, taxa and minor additions

In the catalog there was a couple of new taxa on the page of each photograph - information about the field / stage of development, as well as mark, if the form is not defined precisely. In the Photo Gallery - New pictures of Hope Flegontova, Vladimir Schaefer, Boris Stradomsky and Ilya Ustyantseva.

23.06.2009 20:45, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Aricia anteros

Description. Length of front wing 12-17 mm. The male on top of the wings of blue, shiny, with an edge dimming width of about 2 mm; the female brown with orange marginal wells. Bottom wings pale gray-brown. Drawing a contrast underside of the wings, between the fourth and fifth spots postdiskalnogo number has a white field.Fringe colorful wings. The length of the valve is 1.5-1.7 mm. Uncus blade ...

23.06.2009 20:42, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Aricia teberdina

Description. Length of front wing 11-14 mm. The wings of both sexes are brown on top, the male with a faint dusting of blue scales in the basal area; below the male - gray, the female - gray-beige. On the underside of the wings of a number of marginal orange spots are mild, the outer edge of the wings lighten.On the underside of the rear wing between the fourth and fifth spots postdiskalnogo ...

23.06.2009 19:04, Трофим: comment on Ground beetle abundance

Это так. Но у меня набюдался и спад по канцелятусу. В общем у меня их 4 шло (ексцеленс, улрикхи, канцелятус, кориацеус). И там где в 4-ый раз было 0 канцелятусов, в новом месте их было по 7 шт. (в одно и то же время сборов).

Next page

Insecta.pro: international entomological community. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

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