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Megarhyssa superba Schrank (Ichneumonidae, Rhyssinae ) is a parasite of hornbills (Siricidae)photo by A. Shcherbakov. Taken in the Moscow region.Awesome beast! Live drilling rig.
Well, usually such amateur books are written by professionals who are tired of publishing important scientific works, for various reasons. From the style of presentation, I would venture to assume that you are not one of them. I will venture to assume further that you are an amateur and you are motivated by the idea of publishing something, due to your own abilities. Believe me, it's not worth ...
I fished in the steppe both in May and in July. For some reason, there are only errans, and in the summer it is really less common.And what species are active now (in the fall)? If I understand perfectly well, there is no point in setting traps in the steppe areas right now?About the list: I have a copy of c. aurolimbatus from Donetsk. True, 16 years ago and without a label, but I caught it ...
Most likely you are right, I don't even doubt about the golubyanka (I just really wanted to). And I'll take a picture of yellow niobos together with a strange mother-of-pearl so that the difference is better visible, otherwise if you look at the photo I put, it really seems that niobos are without options.This, of course, is not the usual yellow form of niobe, but an aberrant one, but a rather ...
On the grass, usually, hold the larvae of younger ages, then move to the trees. They eat a lot of things, but most of all they like linden. And what did you feed them?
Gastrolina depressa Baly, the flat nut leaf beetle, is a serious pest of the Manchurian walnut. It is distributed in the south of the Russian Far East, in Japan, China and Korea. Beetles and larvae can destroy up to 80-100% of the leaf plate. The beetles come out of their wintering grounds in mid-May and lay their eggs at the end of May. Larvae are kept in groups, pupate on leaves, attached by ...
Reloading images that were not already because of the bug that was just fixed a. Now Gallery 1000 photo butterflies .
Where did you read this nonsense? It has long been known that the fly does not sacrifice itself, but lays its eggs in the area of the thighs or back, where the frog will not be able to reach them with either front or hind legs."On the Internet, my dear fellow! "I understand now that you can't trust him.
I observed a similar picture, only the wasp dealt brutally with a dead horsefly on the windowsill. And once, being in the field, I see a mouse dead, and somehow it moves strangely, I raised it, and there 3 German people are cutting it up.- Apparently, - she caught a horsefly alive herself; - and here, in the case of the mouse, the wasps coveted fresh carrion.
"He said we'd painted it." - Of course, - my friend and I did not argue with the "certified specialist". "There was even a picture of a blue rhino in an issue of The Young Naturalist.- "The wife of an Azerbaijani sends to the market to buy beige fabric... - he goes-goes, looks closely, - then can not stand it and asks the seller, - " slushy, - Beshivy, - is this green?" (I'm talking about my ...
T. nogelii is from the south of Ukraine, there are literally 1-2 permanent spots.Price 3,5 / 7 Euro per m / f. If you are interested, write to:, I rarely come here...
to Andreas:many forum participants have written in their personal info what specific group they are engaged in)and some of them are registered by their nicknames
"And I'm hoping to get some beetles from the ex-entomologist there soon."- So, my friend in a reasonable way, - if che, - I'll let you know - "we'll see".
RiuppeR, I agree. However, most of those who went from universities to science in recent years, to call well-trained, like calling Bush a fighter for world peace-. And their own enthusiasm should still be fueled by the state to some extent, and preferably to a greater extent than to a lesser extent. When scientists in institutes do not receive a salary for six months, which is already scanty, ...
That's for sure. Recently, I talked to my supervisor Nikolayev (he teaches at KazGU), and he told me that now even students who want to go to entomology are being forced to go to the specialty of a biotechnologist, like it's fashionable, a big state order plan and all that. In general, now biotechnologists are like lawyers and economists among other biologists. And entomologists are no longer ...
PG18Guys!So do you need beetles or not?We opened a branch, so at least look at it!- Similarly, - Watson!!!
Comrades, does anyone have a normal photo (or drawing) of Speolepta leptogaster (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)? I caught an interesting animal, but it doesn't match the color of the green determinant points. Perhaps you can recommend a recent summary of the group (and where to get it)?
it is possible, but there is no show-off from them.. These are ordinary fluorescent lamps wrapped in an electric grid, which, due to their specialization, makes them much more expensive.
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Pensoft Publishers <>Date: Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 2:14 AMSubject: Pensoft launched ZooKeys - A New Open Access Journal inSystematic ZoologyDear Authors, Readers, Customers, Partners and Friends of Pensoft,we are very pleased to announce launching of ZooKeys - a peer-reviewed,open-access, rapidly produced and disseminated journal ...
- If you need dead untreated specimens.... - I can find out from my friend (Muscovite), who last year threw out about 10 thousand, eaten by leatherworms, fungi and broken individuals...
Day 3 .Shebalino-Aktash. 11.06.08The morning is gloomy,but we still go fishing.The sky is overcast,sometimes drizzling light rain, even more like dust.But worst of all,there was a strong, rather cold wind.There are almost no butterflies!Sometimes it is possible to knock out a pigeon from the grass, which is immediately picked up by the wind and carried away.Sadly.Slava and Dima came up.Without ...
Hello Damien!I'm sorry, but I didn't catch any Lucanus cervus specimen in this year because of expeditions in Russia I hope you'll find what you need.Best regards, Andrew
I will add to the topic-two years ago I accidentally saw such a procession. Pictures:formicidae_Crematogaster_subdentata.jpg — (134.13к)
"I fed her walnut leaves as an experiment and a test for the sake of other people's data. I didn't have the patience to wait for the second generation.- I read - that after such an experiment, individuals remain infertile...
"I fed her walnut leaves as an experiment and a test for the sake of other people's data. I didn't have the patience to wait for the second generation.- I read - that after such an experiment, individuals remain infertile...
Do seven-point numbers bring such benefits?- Personally, I have not felt the "benefits" of ladybirds in 35 years... "Once, I took a seven-point one and literally poked my nose into a colony of aphids. The beetle first froze properly - and then, without moving away from the cash register, as they say - grabbed the nearest light-green aphid by the ass and began to devour it right alive... "You ...
Here, it seems, in the Catalog of Palearctic Coleoptera (Vol. 3. 2006) it goes as Epicometis hirta hirtiformis. And for some reason, it is given for Georgia together with the nominative subspecies (at least here:
Beginning August 7 registered users can ship pictures without having to enter each time your data. It's enough to enter the site under your name and password before downloading photo.Those who have not yet registered on the site, are automatically placed in the authors after loading the first photo, and in the case of approval of the administrator, will receive a letter with a password to ...
Dear forumchane!!!Well, tell me where you can get in the network (or who on the Forum ) good books (articles) about breeding and keeping Saturnia pyri ??? And also, I would like an Atlas of butterflies and caterpillars )))))
For purchase questions, please contact maxim@ibss.dvo.ruI'm not interested in identifying insects in the European part of the USSR.
In the south, in the Crimea and in the Caucasus, there is a very large bumblebee horsefly Tabanus tricolor. In some places it is quite common. Furry, black-white-red. Maybe he, dear? And, indeed, Alexey is right - some gadflies look like bumblebees. And so people usually call horseflies gadflies. Like Ethel Lillian Voynich
By the way, I am interested in beetles from the families of ground beetles, lamellidae, goldenrods and barbels. My material is not defined, as you can see, the tropics are diverse and there are a lot of species there, so I don't have any lists of species yet.
Yes, with such beauties you need an aquarium and the bigger the better.It's too painful to fly.Arrange the bottom of hops and nettles, equip the corners with sticks for sitting,and for the winter all this richness to start with fresh air and then probably get numb in the morning while it's cold, you can put it in a jar and lower the temperature further manually(I mean with a refrigerator).but I ...