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Friends!I will give you insects (free of charge) in Moscow, along with food and instructions for maintenance. With a small condition that I will take a part (about half of what will survive from you) in 2 weeks.1. Annam stick insects: 1 laying female, about 150 larvae 1-4 years old and about two thousand eggs (larvae from them hatch now about 15 pieces a day).2. Unexpected stick insects - 3 ...
barko, what happened during the KZ?... One of the contacts lit up. While putting the bag on the road, the keys fell out of my hands and closed the contacts. The metal contact plate was half burned off. Singed some of my clothes.
I went to write a couple of articles in CA-CANCER J CLIN File/s: JCR_2009_Impact_Factor.xls size: 3.1 mb number of downloads: 445
But the indications of modern species from Baltic amber are very doubtful. IMHO, of course.It depends on the group. In archaic cases, it is quite possible. The problem is that there are quite a lot of southern hemisphere genera in Baltic amber, which are still poorly studied.
The Festival of insects will be held on July 15 in Troparevsky Park in the south-west of Moscow, according to the Moscow Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection.
People, please advise us! I found potential pollinators in the flowers (whether they are stuck there, or stuck). I picked the flowers and killed the whole thing just in case. Which is better to do - now wash the insects with Fairies and try to somehow straighten them out (but there is absolutely no time for this...), or you can throw them in alcohol along with the flowers,and then suffer in the ...
In the Penza region, the dragonfly fauna was studied by Alexey Leontiev (Penza branch). REO). He had publications on dragonflies. Did you study them in Ryazan? Muzlanov.
Hierodula transcaucasica?That's the one. Outgrowths on the legs of all empusa are not a specific feature. Fasciata has not yet been found in Russia within the former USSR.Not found doesn't necessarily mean that it's missing. Not found today, found tomorrow. Did someone search specifically?Basins, if you believe to the caller ID, just a specific feature. However, it is not clear how to ...
Need advice on how to get from Irkutsk to Mondy: bus schedules, minibuses, phone numbers of private cabs, prices, conditions, travel time... In general, all the things that you would have unawakened yourself if you were going there.The deadline is the last week of July, the team consists of 3 people, the creditworthiness is within reasonable limits...First-hand information is desirable...
The son trapped a family of hornets, the trap was for a swarm of bees. So soon there will be a full family of them, if he doesn't smoke them out. Hornets are super big and fat. You can think about delivering it mobile 096 611 46 00 this is Ukraine Poltava region
Hi, I would like to know about this store http://www.lescoleopteres.comwho bought there? what are the pitfalls?prices there seem to be lower than in insect sale, and there is no limit on the minimum order.and yet, if the beetles come, they will not be straightened out, will they? just in tea bags?What should I do with them? Do I need to straighten it? do I need to process it to avoid getting ...
Guys! Thank you so much for your kind words. Everyone read it out at the cemetery today. Especially under the impression of the geography of condolences (of course, not only from this forum) relatives, because all entomolgoli do not like to talk about their successes, achievements, connections with uninitiated people... Pictures:DSC00308.JPG — (550.07к)
I found out about what happened in the fields... I sat by the river for a long time, smoking and thinking... We will always have a good memory of him and his books...
Dear subscribers, potential readers and writers!We are happy to inform you that the first issue of the first volume of Ukrainian Entomofaunistics has finally been published.The entire issue (6,1 M) or individual articles, as well as the cover+title page+content, can be downloaded from the journal's website: Mirutenko V. V. Review of ...
Igor1962, reread the topic-biostation (now a camp) DonNU in Dronovka has nothing to do with the so-called DONETSK BIOSTATION of THE Kharkiv National University IN THE KHARKIV REGION IN THE VILLAGE OF GAIDARY.
And dipper, and volnyanki., unifying taxonomy is gaining momentum, at least in recent years I have not seen anything more dashing. But svezhak is always a pleasure to view. Thank you, Vladik!)))
Boris, thank you!Let me give a short excerpt from the table:- - - - - - - aeneus anatolicus (Georgia)------ - aeneus anatolicus (Northeastern Turkey)------aeneus starcki (Zap. Caucasus)------aeneus starcki (Zap. Caucasus)--aeneus starcki (Zap. Caucasus)--aeneus starcki (Zap. Caucasus)Conclusion: the taxon anatolicus differs significantly from starcki, and the representatives of the latter were ...
Thank you, much is clear from the pictures! It's a pity I don't speak English enough to read origenal fluently. The auto-translator, alas, will not help either, the pdf file. Okay, there would be material slowly figure it out! You accidentally don't know here on the Forum still someone interested in osmia.This post was edited by apismen - 03.06.2010 21: 20
... that boxes of Brazilian bananas can sometimes contain Brazilian wandering spiders-Phoneutria fera. I think it would be superfluous to mention their poison... Cooks, be careful in the kitchen! post was edited by Dr. Niko - 02.06.2010 21: 48
Blaps pruinosafrom Western Kazakhstanhas just returned from a trip to Kazakhstan. I very much hope to contribute to the disclosure of the topic of darklings soon Pictures:Blaps_pruinosa_Karynzharyk_15_10.JPG — (133.64к)
Information from rudmedserv and so on is too painful with an inflection in black tones.I read it - and I don't want to live.I think some of those forums nemeshalo would once ride kudanibud further than the capital.I think you can limit yourself to the 2 chemicals you mentioned). The main causes of problems are already mentioned here: 1. unwashed cucumber 2. water of questionable quality.
And why phenol, k-ry stale specimens ??? To protect the mattresses, maybe still crushed streptocide?I didn't notice that I was stale, probably not enough of it. I don't know about streptocide, I haven't tried it, but they probably need to cover the beetles completely.This post was edited by Aaata - 17.05.2010 21: 23
List of Ladybird species (Coccinellidae) Saratov region*A. S. Sazhnev, **A. S. Ukrainsky* Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov Saratov Branch of REO**Lomonosov Moscow State University, State Research Institute of RestorationThe list is based on literature data.The classification was adopted in accordance with the list of ladybirds (Coccinellidae). Russia (Korotyaev and ...
I have no names for who did this... But if there are experts in specific types of "creative authors", then it will be very useful...still Pictures:zhuko _ Chinese _ literacy___.jpg — (214.55к)
accepted. The trouble is that not every region and not every individual will succeed (a lot of spinning)
Example of plagiarism (I accidentally came across it):Proctos ' forum topic ( from another site:'s cool to illustrate domestic agricultural entomology with an African view. And I doubt that web designers turned to Proctos for permission.
So we will be extremely grateful in the definition of abscesses. So post a photo here. I think we will work together to determine that this is not Central Asia.
Here I found a site where there are maps of the number of types (and not only). Each point on such a map is a local fauna (the color reflects the volume of fauna). post was edited by Adamov - 06.05.2010 07: 47
Collected in the summer with children rhinos that crawled out from under the stump and themselves dried up in the sun. I would like to keep them, but we don't know how. Medvedka we have crumbled all, and with these what to do? We are not entomologists, but rather observers, just beautiful beetles. Dry, and store carefully.Dry insects should be stored either on cotton mattresses or impaled on ...
Yes, the question of methods for studying pupae is still open.If there is something in Russian, please give us a link.
Luzhkov said that 10-centimeter white cockroaches live in NeglinkaMoscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov found 10-centimeter white cockroaches under the Bolshoi Theater. Answering a question today about how the Neglinka River, which flows under the foundation of the Bolshoi Theater, affects its condition, Luzhkov said that cockroaches are "the only thing that is terrible there." "There live large cockroaches, ...
There didn't seem to be any invitations sent out for NOVEMBER yet, so she didn't have to worry about it yet. Hello to her. In the coming weeks - great. Easier to write on probably to agree on the details. Thanks!
For berezovsky, it is somehow not logical to bypass the birch tree. However, even the scientific name does not necessarily indicate the main food plant, and even more so in Russian.The pipefish Dporatus betulae eats Alder in our region,there are plenty of Birches,but I've never seen them on it!