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In fact, the number of most bee species varies greatly from year to year, as, indeed, in many other insects. For example, this spring we have quite a lot of Osmia cornuta, but very little O. bicornis, so at the time of KK to introduce And the next one may be the opposite. But that some bee showed a steady trend towards a decrease in the number - I did not observe this. Except that I don't see a ...
Yesterday I caught two Piezodorus liturgatus in a pine forest on the outskirts of the city, on a broom tree.
Please help me to identify the insect. It appeared last summer on the balcony. With the onset of cold weather it disappeared, but with the arrival of heat it reappeared and now it has moved to the kitchen. There are a lot of small dark bugs, very fast (they don't fly, but they seem to bounce when trying to catch) They huddle together, but they also run separately. With antennas. Today for the ...
The baiting of the entire apartment building helps, in a single apartment, in addition to baiting, repairs with filling the floor and sealing all the cracks, a grid for ventilation holes, sockets (if it is a panel house).
Hello!Can you tell me what kind of fabric to use for a butterfly net?Read this topic. there is about everything.
Even our dandelions haven't bloomed yet. Yes, and they are closed at night. And it's nocturnal. Look for flowering willows. Or something in the flower beds.
Not exactly popular, but close. Today, from the mouth of a student-type-entomologist, I heard about the existence of the black-calf family
Esper E.J.C. Der Europäischen Schmetterlinge Ersten Theils zweyter Band. 105- . Erlangen. 1781Romanov N. M. Memoires sur les lepidopteres. Tome II. St.-Petersburg. 1885 Romanov N. M. Memoires sur les lepidopteres. Tome IX. St.-Petersburg. 1897 Romanov-1000 Euro (the second one can be reduced to 900); Esper - 2000 Euroit is possible to bargain within reasonable limitsphotos are not attached here ...
Thank you so much for your reply! And on the street, she can hide and fall into suspended animation, like in a refrigerator?
Here on inaturalist it turned out that the incomprehensible Ypsolopha, which I found in July 2011 near Ilovlya in the Volgograd region, is Y. instabilella, a new species for the region, which according to the new edition of the catalog was found only in the Crimea and near Krasnoyarsk.This post was edited by Ilya U-04/05/2021 20: 58
Here, the same idea has arisen, I am interested in bronzes, I do not plan to take a lot of them if I manage to get out once, 2-3 of each type.
Similar to Rhagium sycophanta, if I'm not mistaken, but bigger box, it's quite big, usually 3-3. 5 cm.
Please help me, someone . I have a blue morpho butterfly, I made a house out of a plastic bottle, and soaked the peas, they are about to rise. Tell me what else can I do for her ? She eats orange and tangerine (cut. How else can I make conditions for her to live long and lay eggs ? I've never had butterflies. Help me with tips, I really ask those who know ! Write to me: anchapuch2012@ mail. ru
Lyugubris-irregular forest bronze It often descends to the level of the human head, and even generally sits on the flowers-it is easy to catch an ordinary net in contrast to...
Dear butterfly lovers,There are 18 days left when you can order a fan-determinant of butterflies of the Middle Urals. To date, it has been fully compiled and edited. It includes 212 views (and photos of them spread out).It is also suitable for exploring the butterflies of other taiga regions of European Russia and Western Siberia, whose fauna is very similar. ...
I shot a few cicadas in Borneo, but there were problems with the definitionMalaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Permai Rainforest Resort10.06.201711.06.201712.06.2017 12.06.201714.06.2017
Malaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Permai Rainforest Resort?Theopea sp., 10.06.201712.06.2017Dicladispa armigera, 12.06.201714.06.2017Basiprionota ?decempustulata, 14.06.201714.06.2017Galerosastra sumatrana, 15.06.201716.07.2017Everything was determined by the joint efforts of the molbiol community, macroid and inaturalist
And I have more tropical ones than ours... Anthribus nebulosusMoscow, Bitsevsky Forest Park, 08.05.2018Platystomos albinusD. New items-Begichevo, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 01.07.2017Dendropemon ?hypocritaMalaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Bako national park, 09.06.2017Habrissus ramosusMalaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Permai Rainforest Resort, 10.06.2017Xylinada sp.Malaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Bako ...
Russian man jailed in Madagascar for trying to export rare butterflyI wonder what kind of butterfly is so rare that you can go to jail for it?Probably Urania ripheus itself)
I've lost track of something and I don't understand what you're talking about at all.Of course, you need to look at the external morphology, but you can't just limit yourself to this. In the article under discussion, as well as in the vast majority of other primary descriptions of insects, alas, they are limited.The message was edited INO-02/15/2021 21: 20
Can you tell me if it is possible to find barbel pupae under the bark in winter to grow imagos from them? How this process occurs,how long it takes,what substrate to place the pupa in, and so on. Which trees or stumps should I choose? Interested in any barbel: ragii, saperdy, long-whiskered.
I don't know about Sochi, but we have some yucca trees growing and blooming in our front gardens, but they don't produce seeds.
Sell bags for butterflies self-assembled from tracing paper.In one package of 100 sheets of 70 x 110 mm format.The ideal format for the entire daytime Palearctic, with the exception of the Papylionidae.The price for a package is 125 rubles.Phone number for ordering - +7 985 005 27 11 Pictures:2020_04_17_13_25_57.JPG — (3.38мб) 2020_04_17_13_26_24.JPG — (3.76мб) 2020_04_17_13_24_07.JPG — ...
Very sad news. He was a friendly person, very easy to communicate with. I remember when I was living in Voronezh, I went to see him at the department on some question - he, its head, gave me a cup of tea, and was keenly interested in my various entomological observations that were not so serious in those years... I was always ready to help with any issue, and all without a fee, without the ...
An interesting point is that on the Zinovsky website created by Lobanov, there is no data on his death on Lobanov's personal page.Wikipedia has a link to the page, but the page itself is not yet available. There's no one to write to, I guess.Such are Andrey Lvovich's followers.
Dear entomologists, There was a problem with breeding this type of butterfly. Caterpillars began to die en masse, and not only young animals. There is always enough food, I change it regularly, and the bank also has ventilation.I will note that I bought these caterpillars from some breeder.This post was edited by Insect88888888 - 06.01.2021 13: 54
I perfectly understand the difference between spines and hooks, the habit from childhood remained in the conversation so to call burdock inflorescences. Thank you for your advice!
Does anyone use pheromone traps? Maybe you have experience buying pheromones or general semiochemicals?
In the bellies of the larvae of the bronzer found some eggs, does anyone know what kind of parasite it can be? Pictures:IMG_20201223_141756.jpg — (2.04 mb)
No, sir, your malachite bowl didn't come out. And all because the title of the topic was read inattentively. You need the topic "How to make a shitty macro photo not so shitty"
Macara alydda (Druce, 1887)Male-Panama, leg. A. KozlovThe post was edited by chebur - 19.12.2020 23: 14